
Defines functions is_single_dataset get_extract_datanames datanames_input

Documented in datanames_input get_extract_datanames is_single_dataset

#' Help text with available datasets input
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Creates [shiny::helpText()] with the names of available datasets for the
#' current module.
#' @param data_extracts (`list`) of data extracts for single variable.
#' @return `shiny.tag` defining help-text element that can be added to a UI element.
#' @export
datanames_input <- function(data_extracts) {
  datanames <- get_extract_datanames(data_extracts)
    paste0("Dataset", `if`(length(datanames) > 1, "s", ""), ":"),
    tags$code(paste(datanames, collapse = ", "))

#' Gets names of the datasets from a list of `data_extract_spec` objects
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Fetches `dataname` slot per `data_extract_spec` from a list of
#' `data_extract_spec`.
#' @param data_extracts (`data_extract_spec(1)`) object or a list (of lists)
#' of `data_extract_spec`.
#' @return `character` vector with the unique `dataname` set.
#' @export
get_extract_datanames <- function(data_extracts) {
  data_extracts <- if (inherits(data_extracts, "data_extract_spec")) {
  } else {

  data_extracts <- Filter(Negate(is.null), data_extracts)
  data_extracts <- Filter(Negate(is.logical), data_extracts)
  data_extracts <- Filter(Negate(is.choices_selected), data_extracts)

  stopifnot(length(data_extracts) > 0)
    checkmate::test_list(data_extracts, types = "data_extract_spec") ||
      all(vapply(data_extracts, function(x) checkmate::test_list(x, types = "data_extract_spec"), logical(1)))

  datanames <- lapply(data_extracts, function(x) {
    if (inherits(x, "data_extract_spec")) {
    } else if (checkmate::test_list(x, types = "data_extract_spec")) {
      lapply(x, `[[`, "dataname")


#' Verify uniform dataset source across data extract specification
#' @description
#'  `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Checks if the input `data_extract_spec` objects all come from the same dataset.
#' @param ... either `data_extract_spec` objects or lists of `data_extract_spec`
#' objects that do not contain `NULL`
#' @return `TRUE` if all `data_extract_spec` objects come from the same dataset,
#' `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @export
is_single_dataset <- function(...) {
  data_extract_spec <- list(...)
  dataset_names <- get_extract_datanames(data_extract_spec)
  length(dataset_names) == 1

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teal.transform documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.