
ADLB <- teal.transform::rADLB
ADTTE <- teal.transform::rADTTE

testthat::test_that("Single filter", {
  data_extract <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADTTE",
    select = select_spec(
      choices = c("AVAL", "AVALU", "BMRKR1", "SITEID"),
      selected = c("AVAL"),
      multiple = FALSE,
      fixed = FALSE, # Whether the user can select the item (optional)
      label = "Column" # Label the column select dropdown (optional)
    filter = filter_spec(
      vars = "PARAMCD",
      choices = levels(ADTTE$PARAMCD),
      selected = "OS",
      multiple = TRUE,
      label = "Choose endpoint"

  testthat::expect_silent(input <- data_extract_single_ui(id = NULL, data_extract))
  testthat::expect_silent(filter <- input$children[[1]])
  testthat::expect_equal(filter$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$attribs, list(class = "shinyjs-hide"))


  # more tests - check levels of filtered variables
  # check also colummns selected

testthat::test_that("Multiple filters", {
  data_extract <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADLB",
    select = select_spec(
      choices = c("AVAL", "AVALU", "BMRKR1", "SITEID"),
      selected = c("AVAL"),
      multiple = FALSE,
      fixed = FALSE, # Whether the user can select the item (optional)
      label = "Column" # Label the column select dropdown (optional)
    filter = list(
        vars = "AVISIT",
        choices = levels(ADLB$AVISIT),
        selected = "BASELINE",
        multiple = FALSE,
        label = "Choose endpoint"
        vars = "PARAMCD",
        choices = levels(ADLB$PARAMCD),
        selected = "ALT",
        multiple = FALSE,
        label = "Choose endpoint"

  testthat::expect_silent(input <- data_extract_single_ui(id = NULL, data_extract))
  testthat::expect_silent(filters <- input$children[[1]])
  testthat::expect_silent(columns <- input$children[[2]])
  testthat::expect_silent(reshape <- input$children[[3]])

  # more tests
  # number of filters
  testthat::expect_identical(length(lapply(filters$children, function(x) x$children)), 2L)
  # filter levels
  # if filter multiple
  # number of column inputs

testthat::test_that("Multiple datasets", {
  data_extract_adtte <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADTTE",
    select = select_spec(
      choices = c("AVAL", "AVALU", "BMRKR1", "SITEID"),
      selected = c("AVAL"),
      multiple = FALSE,
      fixed = FALSE, # Whether the user can select the item (optional)
      label = "Column" # Label the column select dropdown (optional)
    filter = filter_spec(
      vars = "PARAMCD",
      choices = levels(ADTTE$PARAMCD),
      selected = "OS",
      multiple = TRUE,
      label = "Choose endpoint"

  data_extract_adlb <- data_extract_spec(
    dataname = "ADLB",
    select = select_spec(
      choices = c("AVAL", "AVALU", "BMRKR1", "SITEID"),
      selected = c("AVAL"),
      multiple = FALSE,
      fixed = FALSE, # Whether the user can select the item (optional)
      label = "Column" # Label the column select dropdown (optional)
    filter = list(
        vars = "AVISIT",
        choices = levels(ADLB$AVISIT),
        selected = "BASELINE",
        multiple = FALSE,
        label = "Choose endpoint"
        vars = "PARAMCD",
        choices = levels(ADLB$PARAMCD),
        selected = "ALT",
        multiple = FALSE,
        label = "Choose endpoint"

    input1 <- data_extract_ui(
      id = NULL,
      label = "Variable X",
      data_extract_spec = list(data_extract_adtte, data_extract_adtte),
      "list contains data_extract_spec objects with the same dataset"

    input1 <- data_extract_ui(
      id = NULL,
      label = "Variable X",
      data_extract_spec = list(data_extract_adtte, data_extract_adlb)

Try the teal.transform package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal.transform documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.