edgecovages-ergmTerm-8222522a: Weighted sum of ages of extant ties

edgecov.ages-ergmTermR Documentation

Weighted sum of ages of extant ties


Weighted sum of ages of extant ties


# binary: edgecov.ages(x, attrname=NULL)


x, attrname

a specification for the dyadic covariate: either one of the following, or the name of a network attribute containing one of the following:

a covariate matrix

with dimensions n \times n for unipartite networks and b \times (n-b) for bipartite networks; attrname, if given, is used to construct the term name.

a network object

with the same size and bipartitedness as LHS; attrname, if given, provides the name of the quantitative edge attribute to use for covariate values (in this case, missing edges in x are assigned a covariate value of zero).


This term adds one statistic equaling sum, over all ties present in the network, of the amount of time elapsed since formation, multiplied by a dyadic covariate.

"Weights" can be negative.

Unlike edgecov.mean.age , this statistic is well-defined on an empty network. However, if used as a target, it appears to produce highly biased dissolution parameter estimates if the goal is to get an intended average duration.

See Also

ergmTerm for index of model terms currently visible to the package.

\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=render]{ergm:::.formatTermKeywords("ergmTerm", "edgecov.ages", "subsection")}

tergm documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 5:09 p.m.