
analyze_vars_in_cols works correctly

    SEX             n    Mean   SE 
  A: Drug X                        
    F               0     NA    NA 
    M               0     NA    NA 
  B: Placebo                       
    F               0     NA    NA 
    M               0     NA    NA 
  C: Combination                   
    F              288   36.0   0.4
    M              234   36.3   0.6

custom labels can be set with row_labels for analyze_colvars

                         n    Mean   SD    SE    CV (%)   CV % Geometric Mean
    some custom label   288   36.0   6.3   0.4    17.6           18.0        
    some custom label   234   36.3   8.5   0.6    23.4           23.5
                        n    Mean   SD    SE    CV (%)   CV % Geometric Mean
    Female Statistic   288   36.0   6.3   0.4    17.6           18.0        
    Male Statistic     234   36.3   8.5   0.6    23.4           23.5

custom labels can be set with row_labels and summarize

       n    Mean   SD    SE    CV (%)   CV % Geometric Mean
  F   288   36.0   6.3   0.4    17.6           18.0        
  M   234   36.3   8.5   0.6    23.4           23.5
                      n    Mean   SD    SE    CV (%)   CV % Geometric Mean
  Female Statistic   288   36.0   6.3   0.4    17.6           18.0        
  Male Statistic     234   36.3   8.5   0.6    23.4           23.5

summarize works with nested analyze

  sort_at_path(tbl, c("SEX", "*", "RACE"), scorefun(1))
            Ethnicity                           n    Mean   SD    SE    CV (%)   CV % Geometric Mean
    Female                                     288   36.0   6.3   0.4    17.6           18.0        
            asian                              135   35.4   4.4   0.4    12.5           13.0        
            black or african american          81    35.3   6.9   0.8    19.6           21.0        
            white                              36    38.3   7.7   1.3    20.2           20.2        
            american indian or alaska native   36    37.8   8.5   1.4    22.5           23.0        
    Male                                       234   36.3   8.5   0.6    23.4           23.5        
            asian                              126   34.8   6.7   0.6    19.3           19.2        
            white                              63    36.5   9.5   1.2    26.1           28.6        
            black or african american          27    45.2   9.6   1.8    21.1           20.3        
            american indian or alaska native   18    32.8   4.9   1.2    15.1           15.3
                                        n    Mean    SD    SE    CV (%)   CV % Geometric Mean
  F                                    288   36.0   6.3    0.4    17.6           18.0        
    ASIAN                              135   35.4   4.4    0.4    12.5           13.0        
      C: Combination                   135   35.4   4.4    0.4    12.5           13.0        
        B                              63    35.4   3.9    0.5    10.9           11.2        
        C                              54    34.7   5.5    0.7    15.7           16.1        
        A                              18    37.6   0.4    0.1    1.1             1.1        
    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN          81    35.3   6.9    0.8    19.6           21.0        
      C: Combination                   81    35.3   6.9    0.8    19.6           21.0        
        C                              36    32.8   6.8    1.1    20.9           20.7        
        A                              27    41.1   2.4    0.5    5.9             5.8        
        B                              18    31.5   6.1    1.4    19.5           19.9        
    WHITE                              36    38.3   7.7    1.3    20.2           20.2        
      C: Combination                   36    38.3   7.7    1.3    20.2           20.2        
        A                              18    37.2   3.5    0.8    9.3             9.4        
        B                               9    49.6   0.0    0.0    0.0             0.0        
        C                               9    29.4   0.0    0.0    0.0             0.0        
    AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE   36    37.8   8.5    1.4    22.5           23.0        
      C: Combination                   36    37.8   8.5    1.4    22.5           23.0        
        A                              18    38.4   10.0   2.4    26.2           27.2        
        C                              18    37.2   6.8    1.6    18.4           18.8        
  M                                    234   36.3   8.5    0.6    23.4           23.5        
    ASIAN                              126   34.8   6.7    0.6    19.3           19.2        
      C: Combination                   126   34.8   6.7    0.6    19.3           19.2        
        A                              45    35.7   3.5    0.5    9.8             9.5        
        B                              45    37.2   7.6    1.1    20.6           20.3        
        C                              36    30.6   6.7    1.1    22.0           20.8        
    WHITE                              63    36.5   9.5    1.2    26.1           28.6        
      C: Combination                   63    36.5   9.5    1.2    26.1           28.6        
        A                              36    43.0   5.7    0.9    13.2           14.1        
        C                              18    23.6   0.6    0.2    2.7             2.7        
        B                               9    36.1   0.0    0.0    0.0             0.0        
    BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN          27    45.2   9.6    1.8    21.1           20.3        
      C: Combination                   27    45.2   9.6    1.8    21.1           20.3        
        B                              18    38.7   1.7    0.4    4.5             4.5        
        C                               9    58.3   0.0    0.0    0.0             0.0        
    AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE   18    32.8   4.9    1.2    15.1           15.3        
      C: Combination                   18    32.8   4.9    1.2    15.1           15.3        
        B                               9    28.0   0.0    0.0    0.0             0.0        
        C                               9    37.6   0.0    0.0    0.0             0.0

analyze_vars_in_cols works well with categorical data

  build_table(lyt = lyt, df = adpp %>% mutate(counter = factor("n")))
  STRATA1   A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
    F           0           0          81 (100%)   
    M           0           0          81 (100%)   
    F           0           0          90 (100%)   
    M           0           0          81 (100%)   
    F           0           0          117 (100%)  
    M           0           0          72 (100%)
  basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>% split_rows_by(var = "STRATA1",
    label_pos = "topleft") %>% split_cols_by("ARM") %>% analyze(vars = "SEX",
    afun = count_fraction) %>% append_topleft("  SEX") %>% build_table(adpp)
  STRATA1   A: Drug X   B: Placebo   C: Combination
    SEX       (N=0)       (N=0)         (N=522)    
    F           0           0           81 (16%)   
    M           0           0           81 (16%)   
    F           0           0           90 (17%)   
    M           0           0           81 (16%)   
    F           0           0          117 (22%)   
    M           0           0           72 (14%)

analyze_vars_in_cols works with imputation rule

              n    Number of BLQs   Mean    SD    Geometric Mean   Minimum   Maximum
  A: Drug X                                                                         
    Day 1                                                                           
      0       36         17          ND     ND          NE           ND       92.4  
      6       18         8           ND     ND         40.2          ND       97.6  
      12      18         4          65.6   23.3        60.8         21.2      99.2  
      18      18         12          ND     ND         44.6          ND       99.3  
    Day 2                                                                           
      24      18         7           ND     ND         42.0          ND       89.8  
      30      18         11          ND     ND         35.6          ND       94.5  
      36      18         11          ND     ND         36.1          ND       96.1  
      42      18         9           ND     ND         41.8          ND       99.2
              n    Number of BLQs   Mean   SD   Geometric Mean   Minimum   Maximum
  A: Drug X                                                                       
    Day 1                                                                         
      0       36         30          ND    ND         NE           ND       92.4  
      6       18         14          ND    ND        40.2          ND       97.6  
      12      18         12          ND    ND        60.8          ND       99.2  
      18      18         16          ND    ND        44.6          ND       99.3  
    Day 2                                                                         
      24      18         9           ND    ND        42.0          ND       89.8  
      30      18         11          ND    ND        35.6          ND       94.5  
      36      18         12          ND    ND        36.1          ND       96.1  
      42      18         13          ND    ND        41.8          ND       99.2
              n    Number of BLQs   Mean    SD    Geometric Mean   Minimum   Maximum
  A: Drug X                                                                         
    Day 1                                                                           
      0       36         17         43.4   25.6        32.8          2.3      92.4  
      6       18         8          46.2   24.8        40.2         17.5      97.6  
      12      18         4          65.6   23.3        60.8         21.2      99.2  
      18      18         12          ND     ND          ND           ND       99.3  
    Day 2                                                                           
      24      18         7          51.4   25.8        42.0          7.7      89.8  
      30      18         11          ND     ND          ND           ND       94.5  
      36      18         11          ND     ND          ND           ND       96.1  
      42      18         9          54.6   28.4        41.8          1.3      99.2

analyze_vars_in_cols works with caching

              n    Number of BLQs   Mean    SD    Geometric Mean   Minimum   Maximum
  A: Drug X                                                                         
    Day 1                                                                           
      0       36         17         43.4   25.6        32.8          2.3      92.4  
      6       18         8          46.2   24.8        40.2         17.5      97.6  
      12      18         4          65.6   23.3        60.8         21.2      99.2  
      18      18         12         54.1   27.1        44.6          7.5      99.3  
    Day 2                                                                           
      24      18         7          51.4   25.8        42.0          7.7      89.8  
      30      18         11         48.2   31.8        35.6          3.6      94.5  
      36      18         11         47.0   25.6        36.1          1.3      96.1  
      42      18         9          54.6   28.4        41.8          1.3      99.2

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