try_car_anova: 'tryCatch' around 'car::Anova'

try_car_anovaR Documentation

tryCatch around car::Anova


Captures warnings when executing car::Anova.


try_car_anova(mod, test.statistic)



lm, aov, glm, multinom, polr mlm, coxph, coxme, lme, mer, merMod, svyglm, svycoxph, rlm, or other suitable model object.


for a generalized linear model, whether to calculate "LR" (likelihood-ratio), "Wald", or "F" tests; for a Cox or Cox mixed-effects model, whether to calculate "LR" (partial-likelihood ratio) or "Wald" tests; in the default case or for linear mixed models fit by lmer, whether to calculate Wald "Chisq" or Kenward-Roger "F" tests with Satterthwaite degrees of freedom (warning: the KR F-tests can be very time-consuming). For a multivariate linear model, the multivariate test statistic to compute — one of "Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", or "Roy", with "Pillai" as the default. The summary method for Anova.mlm objects permits the specification of more than one multivariate test statistic, and the default is to report all four.


A list with item aov for the result of the model and error_text for the captured warnings.


# `car::Anova` on cox regression model including strata and expected
# a likelihood ratio test triggers a warning as only Wald method is
# accepted.


mod <- coxph(
  formula = Surv(time = futime, event = fustat) ~ factor(rx) + strata(,
  data = ovarian

tern documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:25 a.m.