logical-expectations: Does code return 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'?

logical-expectationsR Documentation

Does code return TRUE or FALSE?


These are fall-back expectations that you can use when none of the other more specific expectations apply. The disadvantage is that you may get a less informative error message.


expect_true(object, info = NULL, label = NULL)

expect_false(object, info = NULL, label = NULL)



Object to test.

Supports limited unquoting to make it easier to generate readable failures within a function or for loop. See quasi_label for more details.


Extra information to be included in the message. This argument is soft-deprecated and should not be used in new code. Instead see alternatives in quasi_label.


Used to customise failure messages. For expert use only.


Attributes are ignored.

See Also

is_false() for complement

Other expectations: comparison-expectations, equality-expectations, expect_error(), expect_length(), expect_match(), expect_named(), expect_null(), expect_output(), expect_reference(), expect_silent(), inheritance-expectations


expect_true(2 == 2)
# Failed expectations will throw an error
## Not run: 
expect_true(2 != 2)

## End(Not run)
expect_true(!(2 != 2))
# or better:
expect_false(2 != 2)

a <- 1:3
expect_true(length(a) == 3)
# but better to use more specific expectation, if available
expect_equal(length(a), 3)

testthat documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:38 a.m.