
Defines functions `print.mexDependence`

#' @export
`print.mexDependence` <-
function(x, ...){
    cat("Conditioning on ", x$conditioningVariable, " variable.", sep="")
    names(x$dqu) <- dimnames(x$parameters)[[2]]

    cat("\nThresholding quantiles for transformed data: dqu = ", x$dqu, sep="")

    cat("\nUsing ",x$margins[[1]]," margins for dependence estimation.", sep="")
        cat("\nConstrained estimation of dependence parameters using v =",x$v,".")

    cat("\nLog-likelihood =",x$loglik,"\n")
    cat("\nDependence structure parameter estimates:\n")
    if (!all(is.na(x$coefficients[3:4,])) & any(abs(x$coefficients)[3:4, ] > 10^(-6),na.rm=TRUE)){
        print(signif(x$coefficients[1:4,],4), ...)
    else {
        print(signif(x$coefficients[1:2, ],4), ...)

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texmex documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:26 p.m.