

test_that('IntervalTier objects inherit from Tier class', {
  .textgrid <- TextGrid('../test.TextGrid')
  .interval_tier <- .textgrid$Words
  expect_s4_class(object = .interval_tier, class = 'IntervalTier')
  expect_s4_class(object = .interval_tier, class = 'Tier')

test_that('IntervalTier() correctly parses tier name and number.', {
  .textgrid <- TextGrid('../test.TextGrid')
  # [.textgrid] comprises two IntervalTiers:
  # Tier 1: Words
  .words_tier <- .textgrid$Words
  expect_equal(object = tierName(.words_tier), expected = 'Words')
  expect_equal(object = tierNumber(.words_tier), expected = 1)
  # Tier 2: Phones
  .phones_tier <- .textgrid$Phones
  expect_equal(object = tierName(.phones_tier), expected = 'Phones')
  expect_equal(object = tierNumber(.phones_tier), expected = 2)

test_that('IntervalTier() correctly parses interval start times, end times, and labels', {
  .textgrid <- TextGrid('../test.TextGrid')
  # [.textgrid] comprises two IntervalTiers: (1) Words and (2) Phones.
  # The Words tier comprises the following intervals:
  # 0.0 --  1.0 = <empty>
  # 1.0 --  3.0 = word.1
  # 3.0 --  6.0 = <empty>
  # 6.0 --  9.0 = word.2
  # 9.0 -- 10.0 = <empty>
  .words_tier <- .textgrid$Words
  expect_equal(object   = intervalStartTimes(.words_tier),
               expected = c(0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0))
  expect_equal(object   = intervalEndTimes(.words_tier),
               expected = c(1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 10.0))
  expect_equal(object   = intervalLabels(.words_tier),
               expected = c(NA, 'word.1', NA, 'word.2', NA))
  # The Phones tier comprises the following intervals:
  # 0.0  -- 1.0  = <empty>
  # 1.0  -- 1.5  = phone.1a
  # 1.5  -- 2.5  = phone.1b
  # 2.5  -- 3.0  = phone.1c
  # 3.0  -- 6.0  = <empty>
  # 6.0  -- 6.75 = phone.2a
  # 6.75 -- 7.25 = phone.2b
  # 7.25 -- 8.25 = phone.2c
  # 8.25 -- 9.0  = phone.2d
  # 9.0  -- 10.0 = <empty>
  .phones_tier <- .textgrid$Phones
  expect_equal(object   = intervalStartTimes(.phones_tier),
               expected = c(0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.0, 6.0, 6.75, 7.25, 8.25, 9.0))
  expect_equal(object   = intervalEndTimes(.phones_tier),
               expected = c(1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.0, 6.0, 6.75, 7.25, 8.25, 9.0, 10.0))
  expect_equal(object   = intervalLabels(.phones_tier),
               expected = c(NA, 'phone.1a', 'phone.1b', 'phone.1c', NA,
                            'phone.2a', 'phone.2b', 'phone.2c', 'phone.2d', NA))

test_that('findIntervals() can find intervals with non-empty labels', {
  .textgrid <- TextGrid('../test.TextGrid')
  # [.textgrid] comprises two interval tiers: (1) Words and (2) Phones.
  # The Words tier comprises the following intervals:
  # 0.0 --  1.0 = <empty>
  # 1.0 --  3.0 = word.1
  # 3.0 --  6.0 = <empty>
  # 6.0 --  9.0 = word.2
  # 9.0 -- 10.0 = <empty>
  .words_tier <- .textgrid$Words
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .words_tier),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(2, 4),
                 StartTime = c(1.0, 6.0),
                 EndTime   = c(3.0, 9.0),
                 Label     = c('word.1', 'word.2')
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .words_tier, pattern = '1'),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(2),
                 StartTime = c(1.0),
                 EndTime   = c(3.0),
                 Label     = c('word.1')
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .words_tier, from = 6.5, to = 7.5),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(4),
                 StartTime = c(6.0),
                 EndTime   = c(9.0),
                 Label     = c('word.2')
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .words_tier, at = 7.5),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(4),
                 StartTime = c(6.0),
                 EndTime   = c(9.0),
                 Label     = c('word.2')
  # The Phones tier comprises the following intervals:
  # 0.0  -- 1.0  = <empty>
  # 1.0  -- 1.5  = phone.1a
  # 1.5  -- 2.5  = phone.1b
  # 2.5  -- 3.0  = phone.1c
  # 3.0  -- 6.0  = <empty>
  # 6.0  -- 6.75 = phone.2a
  # 6.75 -- 7.25 = phone.2b
  # 7.25 -- 8.25 = phone.2c
  # 8.25 -- 9.0  = phone.2d
  # 9.0  -- 10.0 = <empty>
  .phones_tier <- .textgrid$Phones
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .phones_tier),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9),
                 StartTime = c(1.0, 1.5, 2.5, 6.0, 6.75, 7.25, 8.25),
                 EndTime   = c(1.5, 2.5, 3.0, 6.75, 7.25, 8.25, 9.0),
                 Label     = paste('phone', c('1a', '1b', '1c', '2a', '2b', '2c', '2d'), sep = '.')
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .phones_tier, pattern = '1'),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(2, 3, 4),
                 StartTime = c(1.0, 1.5, 2.5),
                 EndTime   = c(1.5, 2.5, 3.0),
                 Label     = paste('phone', c('1a', '1b', '1c'), sep = '.')
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .phones_tier, from = 6.5, to = 7.5),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(6, 7, 8),
                 StartTime = c(6.0, 6.75, 7.25),
                 EndTime   = c(6.75, 7.25, 8.25),
                 Label     = paste('phone', c('2a', '2b', '2c'), sep = '.')
  expect_equal(object   = findIntervals(tier = .phones_tier, at = 7.5),
               expected = data.frame(
                 Index     = c(8),
                 StartTime = c(7.25),
                 EndTime   = c(8.25),
                 Label     = paste('phone', c('2c'), sep = '.')

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textgRid documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:26 p.m.