
context("parse_time_formula testing")

obj_Date <- make_dummy_dispatch_obj("Date")
obj_POSIXct <- make_dummy_dispatch_obj("POSIXct")
obj_yearmon <- make_dummy_dispatch_obj("yearmon")
obj_yearqtr <- make_dummy_dispatch_obj("yearqtr")
obj_hms <- make_dummy_dispatch_obj("hms")

# Tests

test_that("Basic parsing", {
  expect_equal(parse_time_formula(obj_Date, ~'2013'),
               list(list(y = 2013, m = 1, d = 1),
                    list(y = 2013, m = 12, d = c(Dec = 31))))

  expect_equal(parse_time_formula(obj_POSIXct, ~'2013'),
               list(list(y = 2013, m = 1, d = 1, h = 0, M = 0, s = 0),
                    list(y = 2013, m = 12, d = c(Dec = 31), h = 23, M = 59, s = 59)))

  expect_equal(parse_time_formula(obj_yearmon, ~'2013'),
               list(list(y = 2013, m = 1),
                    list(y = 2013, m = 12)))

  expect_equal(parse_time_formula(obj_yearqtr, ~'2013'),
               list(list(y = 2013, q = 1),
                    list(y = 2013, q = 4)))

  expect_equal(parse_time_formula(obj_hms, ~'1'),
               list(list(h = 1, M = 0, s = 0),
                    list(h = 1, M = 59, s = 59)))

test_that("Errors are thrown with incorrect specification", {
  expect_error(parse_time_formula(obj_Date, ~'2013-01-01 - 1'),
               "For a Date index, time_formula can only include y, m, d specifications.")

  expect_error(parse_time_formula(obj_yearmon, ~'2013-01-01'),
               "For a yearmon index, time_formula can only include y, m specifications.")

  expect_error(parse_time_formula(obj_yearqtr, ~'2013-01-01'),
               "For a yearqtr index, time_formula can only include y, q specifications.")

  expect_error(parse_time_formula(obj_hms, ~'2013-01-01 / 1'),
               "For a hms index, time_formula can only include h, M, s specifications.")

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tibbletime documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:09 p.m.