
# Tests for ungather_draws
# Author: mjskay


test_that("ungather_draws raises an error when not provided with anything to ungather", {
  expect_error(ungather_draws(tibble()), "You must supply at least one variable to ungather")

test_that("ungather_draws works on a simple parameter with no dimensions", {
  data(RankCorr, package = "ggdist")

  ref = tibble(
      .chain = as.integer(1),
      .iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr[[1]])),
      .draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr[[1]])),
      typical_r = as.vector(RankCorr[[1]][, "typical_r"])
    ) %>%
      .chain = as.integer(2),
      .iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr[[2]])),
      .draw = nrow(RankCorr[[2]]) + seq_len(nrow(RankCorr[[2]])),
      typical_r = as.vector(RankCorr[[2]][, "typical_r"])

  RankCorr %>%
    gather_draws(typical_r) %>%
    ungather_draws(typical_r) %>%

  RankCorr %>%
    gather_draws(typical_r, b[i, j]) %>%
    ungather_draws(typical_r) %>%

test_that("ungather_draws works on multiple parameters with different dimensions", {
  data(RankCorr, package = "ggdist")

  result = RankCorr %>%
    gather_draws(b[i, j], c(u_tau, tau)[i]) %>%
    ungather_draws(b[i, j], c(u_tau, tau)[i])

  ref = RankCorr %>%
    tidy_draws() %>%
    select(.chain, .iteration, .draw, starts_with("b"), starts_with("tau"), starts_with("u_tau"))

  expect_equal(result[, order(names(result))], ref[, order(names(ref))])

test_that("ungather_draws(drop_indices = TRUE) drops draw indices", {
  data(RankCorr, package = "ggdist")

  result = RankCorr %>%
    gather_draws(b[i, j], c(u_tau, tau)[i]) %>%
    ungather_draws(b[i, j], c(u_tau, tau)[i], drop_indices = TRUE)

  ref = RankCorr %>%
    tidy_draws() %>%
    select(starts_with("b"), starts_with("tau"), starts_with("u_tau"))

  expect_equal(result[, order(names(result))], ref[, order(names(ref))])

test_that("ungather_draws does not support wide dimension syntax (`|`)", {
  expect_error(ungather_draws(data.frame(), b[i ,j] | i),
    'ungather_draws does not support the wide dimension syntax \\(`\\|`\\).')

test_that("ungather_draws works with user-specified names", {
  data(line, package = "coda")

  ref = line %>%

  result = line %>%
    gather_draws(alpha, beta, sigma) %>%
    to_broom_names() %>%
    ungather_draws(alpha, beta, sigma, variable = "term", value = "estimate")

  expect_equal(result, ref)

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tidybayes documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 9:08 a.m.