API for tidycensus
Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames

Global functions
.onLoad Source code
acs5_geography Man page
as_dot_density Man page Source code
census_api_key Man page Source code
check_ddhca_groups Man page Source code
clean_connecticut Source code
county_laea Man page
fips_codes Man page
format_variables_acs Source code
format_vec Source code
get_acs Man page Source code
get_census_api_key Source code
get_decennial Man page Source code
get_estimates Man page Source code
get_flows Man page Source code
get_pop_groups Man page Source code
get_pums Man page Source code
interpolate_pw Man page Source code
load_data_acs Source code
load_data_decennial Source code
load_data_estimates Source code
load_data_flows Source code
load_data_pums Source code
load_data_pums_vacant Source code
load_variables Man page Source code
mig_recodes Man page
moe_product Man page Source code
moe_prop Man page Source code
moe_ratio Man page Source code
moe_sum Man page Source code
print_api_call Source code
pums_variables Man page
significance Man page Source code
simpleCapSO Source code
state_laea Man page
summary_files Man page Source code
tidycensus Man page
to_survey Man page Source code
use_tigris Source code
validate_call Source code
validate_county Source code
validate_state Source code
variables_from_table_acs Source code
variables_from_table_decennial Source code
tidycensus documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:39 a.m.