# Function to get the correct geom for a Census dataset
# if geometry = TRUE
use_tigris <- function(geography, year, cb = TRUE, resolution = "500k",
state = NULL, county = NULL, starts_with = NULL, ...) {
# Handle missing 2022 CB files for now
# if (year == 2022) {
# year <- 2021
# }
if (year %in% 2011:2012) {
cb <- FALSE
if (year == 2009) {
year <- 2000
if (geography == "state") {
st <- states(cb = cb, resolution = resolution, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
if (year == 1990) {
st <- mutate(st, GEOID = ST)
st <- st %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarize() %>%
} else if (year %in% c(2000, 2010)) {
if (cb) {
st <- mutate(st, GEOID = STATE)
if (year == 2000) {
st <- st %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarize() %>%
# when cb = FALSE the variable name for the state fips code column is year specific
} else if (year == 2000) {
st <- mutate(st, GEOID = STATEFP00)
} else if (year == 2010)
st <- mutate(st, GEOID = STATEFP10)
if (year == 2014) {
st <- st_zm(st)
} else if (geography == "county") {
ct <- counties(cb = cb, state = state, resolution = resolution, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
if (year == 1990) {
ct <- mutate(ct, GEOID = paste0(ST, CO))
ct <- ct %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarize() %>%
} else if (year %in% c(2000, 2010)) {
if (cb) {
ct <- mutate(ct, GEOID = paste0(STATE, COUNTY))
if (year == 2000) {
ct <- ct %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarize() %>%
# when cb = FALSE the variable name for the fips code columns are year specific
} else if (year == 2000) {
ct <- mutate(ct, GEOID = CNTYIDFP00)
} else if (year == 2010)
ct <- mutate(ct, GEOID = GEOID10)
if (year == 2014) {
ct <- st_zm(ct)
} else if (geography == "tract") {
tr <- tracts(cb = cb, state = state, county = county, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
if (year == 1990) {
tr <- tr %>%
mutate(TRACTSUF = ifelse(, "00", TRACTSUF)) %>%
} else if (year %in% c(2000, 2010)) {
if (cb) {
if (year == 2000) {
tr <- mutate(tr, TRACT = str_pad(TRACT, 6, "right", "0"))
tr <- mutate(tr, GEOID = paste0(STATE, COUNTY, TRACT))
# when cb = FALSE the variable name for the fips code columns are year specific
} else if (year == 2000) {
tr <- mutate(tr, GEOID = CTIDFP00)
} else if (year == 2010)
tr <- mutate(tr, GEOID = GEOID10)
if (any(duplicated(tr$GEOID))) {
tr <- tr %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarize() %>%
if (year == 2014) {
tr <- st_zm(tr)
} else if (geography == "block group") {
bg <- block_groups(cb = cb, state = state, county = county, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
if (cb) {
if (year == 2000) {
bg <- bg %>%
mutate(TRACT = str_pad(TRACT, 6, "right", "0")) %>%
} else if (year == 2010) {
bg <- mutate(bg, GEOID = paste0(STATE, COUNTY, TRACT, BLKGRP))
# when cb = FALSE the variable name for the fips code columns are year specific
} else if (year == 2000) {
bg <- mutate(bg, GEOID = BKGPIDFP00)
} else if (year == 2010)
bg <- mutate(bg, GEOID = GEOID10)
if (any(duplicated(bg$GEOID))) {
bg <- bg %>%
group_by(GEOID) %>%
summarize() %>%
if (year == 2014) {
bg <- st_zm(bg)
} else if (geography %in% c("zcta", "zip code tabulation area", "zip code tabulation area (or part)")) {
# For right now, to get it to work, it has to be cb = FALSE for 2010, 2011, and 2012
# Re-visit this in the future.
if (year %in% 2010:2012) cb <- FALSE
# No ZCTA geometry for 2011, so use 2010 instead
if (year == 2011) year <- 2010
# Similarly, we don't have cb ZCTAs for 2021 yet, so use 2020 instead
if (year == 2021 && cb) {
year <- 2020
# We can't pull ZCTA shapes by state for 2020 but this is
# an available hierarchy in the DHC. So set state to NULL.
if (year == 2020) {
state <- NULL
z <- zctas(cb = cb, starts_with = starts_with, year = year,
class = "sf", state = state, ...)
if (year == 2000) {
if (cb) {
z <- rename(z, GEOID = ZCTA)
} else {
z <- rename(z, GEOID = ZCTA5CE00)
} else if (year >= 2020) {
z <- rename(z, GEOID = GEOID20)
} else {
z <- rename(z, GEOID = GEOID10)
} else if (geography == "block") {
bl <- blocks(state = state, county = county, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
if (year == 2010) {
bl <- rename(bl, GEOID = GEOID10)
} else if (year == 2000) {
bl <- rename(bl, GEOID = BLKIDFP00)
} else if (year == 2020) {
bl <- rename(bl, GEOID = GEOID20)
} else if (geography == "place") {
pl <- places(state = state, year = year, cb = cb, class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area" || geography == "cbsa") {
# 2022 CBSA files not available
if (year == 2022) {
year <- 2021
cbsa <- core_based_statistical_areas(cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "congressional district") {
cd <- congressional_districts(cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "public use microdata area") {
# Right now, PUMAs are not defined for 2020 and are not in the CB file
# Use the 2019 CB pumas for 2020 and 2021 as they align with the boundaries
# used; 2022 should switch to the new 2020 PUMA boundaries which are available in the 2020 CB file
if (year %in% 2020:2021) {
if (cb) {
year <- 2019
} else if (year >= 2022) {
if (cb) {
year <- 2020
state_ids <- c("AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA",
"HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA",
"MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY",
"NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX",
"UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY", "DC", "PR")
if (length(state) > 1) {
pm <- purrr::map(state, function(x) {
pumas(state = x, cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
}) %>%
} else if (is.null(state)) {
if (!year %in% 2019:2020 && !cb) {
pm <- purrr::map(state_ids, function(x) {
pumas(state = x, cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
}) %>%
} else {
pm <- pumas(state = state, cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
} else {
pm <- pumas(state = state, cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
if ("GEOID20" %in% names(pm)) {
pm <- rename(pm, GEOID = GEOID20)
} else {
pm <- rename(pm, GEOID = GEOID10)
} else if (geography == "state legislative district (upper chamber)") {
slu <- state_legislative_districts(state = state, house = "upper", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "state legislative district (lower chamber)") {
slc <- state_legislative_districts(state = state, house = "lower", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == c("american indian area/alaska native area/hawaiian home land")) {
nv <- native_areas(cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "county subdivision") {
cs <- county_subdivisions(state = state, county = county, cb = cb,
year = year, class = "sf", ...)
if ("GEO_ID" %in% names(cs)) {
cs$GEOID <- paste0(cs$STATE, cs$COUNTY, cs$COUSUB)
if ("GEOID10" %in% names(cs)) {
cs$GEOID <- cs$GEOID10
} else if (geography == "combined statistical area") {
# CSA file not published for '22, so we need '21 geometries
if (year == 2022) {
csa <- combined_statistical_areas(cb = cb, class = "sf", year = 2021, ...)
} else {
csa <- combined_statistical_areas(cb = cb, class = "sf", year = year, ...)
} else if (geography == "urban area") {
# Right now, urban areas are not defined for 2020 and are not in the CB file
if (year == 2020) cb <- FALSE
# The 2020 decennial Census uses the 2020 urban areas, but the 2020 ACS
# does not, so we will need to figure that out in the get_decennial side
# Pass that through as a keyword argument
ua <- urban_areas(cb = cb, year = year, class = "sf", ...)
if ("GEOID20" %in% names(ua)) {
ua <- rename(ua, GEOID = GEOID20)
} else {
ua <- rename(ua, GEOID = GEOID10)
} else if (geography == "school district (elementary)") {
if (year < 2016) {
sde <- school_districts(state = state, type = "elementary", year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else {
sde <- school_districts(state = state, type = "elementary", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "school district (secondary)") {
if (year < 2016) {
sds <- school_districts(state = state, type = "secondary", year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else {
sds <- school_districts(state = state, type = "secondary", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "school district (unified)") {
if (year < 2016) {
sdu <- school_districts(state = state, type = "unified", year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else {
sdu <- school_districts(state = state, type = "unified", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "new england city and town area") {
ne <- new_england(type = "necta", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "combined new england city and town area") {
nec <- new_england(type = "combined", cb = cb, year = year,
class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "us") {
nat <- nation(year = year, class = "sf", ...)
nat <- dplyr::mutate(nat, GEOID = "1")
} else if (geography == "region") {
reg <- regions(year = year, class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "division") {
div <- divisions(year = year, class = "sf", ...)
} else if (geography == "alaska native regional corporation") {
anrc <- alaska_native_regional_corporations(year = year, ...)
} else if (geography == "voting district") {
if (!is.null(county) && length(county) == 1) {
vtds <- voting_districts(state = state, county = county,
year = 2020, cb = cb, ...)
} else {
vtds <- voting_districts(state = state, year = 2020, cb = cb, ...)
vtds <- dplyr::rename(vtds, GEOID = GEOID20)
} else {
# Leave this in as a legacy piece in case something changes
stop(sprintf("Geometry for %s is not yet supported. Use the tigris package and join as normal instead.",
geography), call. = FALSE)
#' Install a CENSUS API Key in Your \code{.Renviron} File for Repeated Use
#' @description This function will add your CENSUS API key to your \code{.Renviron} file so it can be called securely without being stored
#' in your code. After you have installed your key, it can be called any time by typing \code{Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY")} and can be
#' used in package functions by simply typing CENSUS_API_KEY If you do not have an \code{.Renviron} file, the function will create on for you.
#' If you already have an \code{.Renviron} file, the function will append the key to your existing file, while making a backup of your
#' original file for disaster recovery purposes.
#' @param key The API key provided to you from the Census formated in quotes. A key can be acquired at \url{}
#' @param install if TRUE, will install the key in your \code{.Renviron} file for use in future sessions. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param overwrite If this is set to TRUE, it will overwrite an existing CENSUS_API_KEY that you already have in your \code{.Renviron} file.
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.table
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' census_api_key("111111abc", install = TRUE)
#' # First time, reload your environment so you can use the key without restarting R.
#' readRenviron("~/.Renviron")
#' # You can check it with:
#' Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY")
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # If you need to overwrite an existing key:
#' census_api_key("111111abc", overwrite = TRUE, install = TRUE)
#' # First time, relead your environment so you can use the key without restarting R.
#' readRenviron("~/.Renviron")
#' # You can check it with:
#' Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY")
#' }
#' @export
census_api_key <- function(key, overwrite = FALSE, install = FALSE){
if (install) {
home <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
renv <- file.path(home, ".Renviron")
# Backup original .Renviron before doing anything else here.
file.copy(renv, file.path(home, ".Renviron_backup"))
message("Your original .Renviron will be backed up and stored in your R HOME directory if needed.")
oldenv=read.table(renv, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
newenv <- oldenv[-grep("CENSUS_API_KEY", oldenv),]
write.table(newenv, renv, quote = FALSE, sep = "\n",
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
tv <- readLines(renv)
stop("A CENSUS_API_KEY already exists. You can overwrite it with the argument overwrite=TRUE", call.=FALSE)
keyconcat <- paste0("CENSUS_API_KEY='", key, "'")
# Append API key to .Renviron file
write(keyconcat, renv, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
message('Your API key has been stored in your .Renviron and can be accessed by Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY"). \nTo use now, restart R or run `readRenviron("~/.Renviron")`')
} else {
message("To install your API key for use in future sessions, run this function with `install = TRUE`.")
Sys.setenv(CENSUS_API_KEY = key)
# Function to generate a vector of variables from an ACS table
variables_from_table_acs <- function(table, year, survey, cache_table) {
# Look to see if table exists in cache dir
cache_dir <- user_cache_dir("tidycensus")
dset <- paste0(survey, "_", year, ".rds")
dset <- gsub("/", "_", dset)
if (cache_table) {
message(sprintf("Loading %s variables for %s from table %s and caching the dataset for faster future access.", toupper(survey), year, table))
df <- load_variables(year, survey, cache = TRUE)
} else {
if (file.exists(file.path(cache_dir, dset))) {
df <- load_variables(year, survey, cache = TRUE)
} else {
message(sprintf("Loading %s variables for %s from table %s. To cache this dataset for faster access to ACS tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per ACS dataset.", toupper(survey), year, table))
df <- load_variables(year, survey, cache = FALSE)
# For backwards compatibility
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
specific <- paste0(table, "_")
# Find all variables that match the table
sub <- df[grepl(specific, df$name), ]
vars <- sub$name
# Function to generate a vector of variables from an Census table
variables_from_table_decennial <- function(table, year, sumfile, cache_table) {
# Look to see if table exists in cache dir
cache_dir <- user_cache_dir("tidycensus")
dset <- paste0(sumfile, "_", year, ".rds")
if (cache_table) {
df <- load_variables(year, sumfile, cache = TRUE)
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
# Check to see if we need to look in sf3 for 2000
if (year == 2000) {
if (!any(grepl(table, df$name))) {
df <- load_variables(year, dataset = "sf3", cache = TRUE)
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
message(sprintf("Loading %s variables for %s from table %s and caching the dataset for faster future access.", toupper(sumfile), year, table))
} else {
if (file.exists(file.path(cache_dir, dset))) {
df <- load_variables(year, sumfile, cache = TRUE)
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
# Check to see if we need to look in sf3 for 2000
if (year == 2000) {
if (!any(grepl(table, df$name))) {
df <- load_variables(year, dataset = "sf3", cache = TRUE)
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
} else {
message(sprintf("Loading %s variables for %s from table %s. To cache this dataset for faster access to Census tables in the future, run this function with `cache_table = TRUE`. You only need to do this once per Census dataset.", toupper(sumfile), year, table))
df <- load_variables(year, sumfile, cache = FALSE)
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
# Check to see if we need to look in sf3 for 2000
if (year == 2000) {
if (!any(grepl(table, df$name))) {
df <- load_variables(year, dataset = "sf3", cache = TRUE)
names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
# Find all variables that match the table
if (year == 2020 && sumfile %in% c("pl", "dhc", "dp", "ddhca")) {
vars <- df %>%
filter(grepl(paste0(table, "_[0-9]+"), name)) %>%
} else {
vars <- df %>%
filter(grepl(paste0(table, "[0-9]+"), name)) %>%
# Check to see if a Census API key is installed
get_census_api_key <- function(key) {
# If a key is supplied, return it
if (!is.null(key)) {
} else if (Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") == "") {
rlang::warn(message = c('*' = stringr::str_wrap("You have not set a Census API key. Users without a key are limited to 500 queries per day and may experience performance limitations."),
'i' = stringr::str_wrap("For best results, get a Census API key at and then supply the key to the `census_api_key()` function to use it throughout your tidycensus session.")),
.frequency = "once",
.frequency_id = "api_key_warning")
} else {
#' Identify summary files for a given decennial Census year
#' @param year The year of the decennial Census
#' @return A vector of available summary files for a given decennial Census year. To access data for a given summary file, supply the desired value to the \code{sumfile} parameter in \code{get_decennial()}.
#' @export
summary_files <- function(year) {
if (year == 2000) {
sumfiles <- c("sf1", "sf2", "sf3", "sf4", "pl",
"sf2profile", "sf3profile", "sf4profile",
"aian", "aianprofile", "as", "mp",
"gu", "vi", "cd110h", "cd110s", "cd110hprofile",
"cd110sprofile", "sldh", "slds", "sldhprofile",
"sldsprofile", "cqr")
} else if (year == 2010) {
sumfiles <- c("sf1", "sf2", "pl", "plnat",
"aian", "as", "mp",
"gu", "vi", "cd113", "cd113profile",
"cd115", "cd115profile", "cd116")
} else if (year == 2020) {
sumfiles <- c("pl", "dhc", "dp", "pes", "dpas", "ddhca",
"dpmp", "dpgu", "dpvi", "ddhcb", "sdhc",
"dhcvi", "dhcgu", "dhcvi", "dhcas", "cd118")
} else {
stop("Invalid year for `get_decennial()`; valid years are 2000, 2010, and 2020.", call. = FALSE)
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