
Defines functions load_variables

Documented in load_variables

#' Load variables from a decennial Census or American Community Survey dataset to search in R
#' Finding the right variables to use with \code{get_decennial()} or \code{get_acs()} can be challenging; \code{load_variables()} attempts to make this easier for you.  Choose a year and a dataset to search for variables; those variables will be loaded from the Census website as an R data frame.  It is recommended that RStudio users use the \code{View()} function to interactively browse and filter these variables to find the right variables to use.
#' \code{load_variables()} returns three columns by default: \code{name}, which is the Census ID code to be supplied to the \code{variables} parameter in \code{get_decennial()} or \code{get_acs()}; \code{label}, which is a detailed description of the variable; and \code{concept}, which provides information about the table that a given variable belongs to.  For 5-year ACS detailed tables datasets, a fourth column, \code{geography}, tells you the smallest geography at which a given variable is available.
#' Datasets available are as follows: "sf1", "sf2", "sf3", "sf4", "pl", "dhc", "dp",
#' "dhca", "ddhca", "as", "gu", "mp", "vi", "acsse",
#' "dpas", "dpgu", "dpmp", "dpvi",
#' "dhcvi", "dhcgu", "dhcvi", "dhcas",
#' "acs1", "acs3", "acs5", "acs1/profile",
#' "acs3/profile", "acs5/profile", "acs1/subject", "acs3/subject",
#' "acs5/subject", "acs1/cprofile", "acs5/cprofile",
#' "sf2profile", "sf3profile",
#' "sf4profile", "aian", "aianprofile",
#' "cd110h", "cd110s", "cd110hprofile", "cd110sprofile", "sldh",
#' "slds", "sldhprofile", "sldsprofile", "cqr",
#' "cd113", "cd113profile", "cd115", "cd115profile", "cd116", "cd118", and
#' "plnat".
#' @param year The year for which you are requesting variables. Either the year
#'   or endyear of the decennial Census or ACS sample. 5-year ACS data is
#'   available from 2009 through 2020. 1-year ACS data is available from 2005
#'   through 2021, with the exception of 2020.
#' @param dataset The dataset name as used on the Census website.  See the Details in this documentation for a full list of dataset names.
#' @param cache Whether you would like to cache the dataset for future access,
#'   or load the dataset from an existing cache. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return A tibble of variables from the requested dataset.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' v15 <- load_variables(2015, "acs5", cache = TRUE)
#' View(v15)
#' }
#' @export
load_variables <- function(
  dataset = c("sf1", "sf2", "sf3", "sf4", "pl", "dhc", "dp",
              "ddhca", "as", "gu", "mp", "vi", "acsse",
              "dpas", "dpgu", "dpmp", "dpvi",
              "dhcvi", "dhcgu", "dhcvi", "dhcas",
              "acs1", "acs3", "acs5", "acs1/profile",
              "acs3/profile", "acs5/profile", "acs1/subject", "acs3/subject",
              "acs5/subject", "acs1/cprofile", "acs5/cprofile",
              "sf2profile", "sf3profile",
              "sf4profile", "aian", "aianprofile",
              "cd110h", "cd110s", "cd110hprofile", "cd110sprofile", "sldh",
              "slds", "sldhprofile", "sldsprofile", "cqr",
              "cd113", "cd113profile", "cd115", "cd115profile", "cd116",
              "plnat", "cd118"),
  cache = FALSE) {

  if (length(year) != 1 || !grepl('[0-9]{4}', year)){
    stop("Argument \"year\" must be a single year in format YYYY.")

  dataset <- rlang::arg_match(dataset)

  if (year == 2020 && stringr::str_detect(dataset, "acs1")) {
    stop("The 2020 1-year ACS was released as a set of experimental estimates that was not published to the Census API and is in turn not available in tidycensus.", call. = FALSE)

  if (year == 1990) {
    stop("The 1990 decennial Census endpoint has been removed by the Census Bureau. We will support 1990 data again when the endpoint is updated; in the meantime, we recommend using NHGIS (https://nhgis.org) and the ipumsr R package.", call. = FALSE)

  if (dataset == "sf3" && year > 2001) {
    stop("Summary File 3 was not released in 2010. Use tables from the American Community Survey via get_acs() instead.", call. = FALSE)

   if (str_detect(dataset, "acs5") && year < 2009) {
    stop("5-year ACS support in tidycensus begins with the 2005-2009 5-year ACS. Consider using decennial Census data instead.", call. = FALSE)

  if (str_detect(dataset, "acs1") && year < 2005) {
      stop("1-year ACS support in tidycensus begins with the 2005 1-year ACS. Consider using decennial Census data instead.", call. = FALSE)

  if (str_detect(dataset, "acs3") && (year < 2007 || year > 2013)) {
      stop("3-year ACS support in tidycensus begins with the 2005-2007 3-year ACS and ends with the 2011-2013 3-year ACS. For newer data, use the 1-year or 5-year ACS.", call. = FALSE)

  rds <- paste0(dataset, "_", year, ".rds")

  if (grepl("^acs[135]/(profile|subject|cprofile)$", dataset)) {
    rds <- gsub("/", "_", rds)

  var_type <- NULL

  if (stringr::str_detect(dataset, "/")) {
    split <- stringr::str_split(dataset, "/")[[1]]
    dataset <- split[1]
    var_type <- split[2]

  if (dataset %in% c("sf1", "sf2", "sf3", "sf4", "pl", "ddhca",
                     "as", "gu", "mp", "vi", "dhc", "dp",
                     "dpas", "dpgu", "dpmp", "dpvi",
                     "dhcvi", "dhcgu", "dhcvi", "dhcas",
                     "sf2profile", "sf3profile",
                     "sf4profile", "aian", "aianprofile",
                     "cd110h", "cd110s", "cd110hprofile", "cd110sprofile", "sldh",
                     "slds", "sldhprofile", "sldsprofile", "cqr",
                     "cd113", "cd113profile", "cd115", "cd115profile", "cd116",
                     "plnat", "cd118")) {
    dataset <- paste0("dec/", dataset)

  if (dataset %in% c("acs1", "acs3", "acs5", "acsse")) {
    dataset <- paste0("acs/", dataset)

  if (!is.null(var_type)) {
    dataset <- paste0(dataset, "/", var_type)

  get_dataset <- function(d, year) {

    set <- paste(year, d, sep = "/")

    url <- paste("https://api.census.gov/data",
                 "variables.json", sep = "/")
    resp <- httr::GET(url)
    if(httr::status_code(resp) == 404L){
      stop("API endpoint not found. Does this data set exist for the specified year? See https://api.census.gov/data.html for data availability.")
    }else if(httr::http_status(resp)$category != "Success"){
      stop(paste("API request failed. Reason:", httr::http_status(resp)$message))
    dat <- resp %>%
      httr::content(as = "text") %>%
      jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
      purrr::modify_depth(2, function(x) {
        x$validValues <- NULL
      }) %>%
      purrr::flatten_df(.id = "name") %>%

    out <- dat[,1:3]

    names(out) <- tolower(names(out))

    out1 <- out[grepl("^B[0-9]|^C[0-9]|^DP[0-9]|^S[0-9]|^P.*[0-9]|^H.*[0-9]|^K[0-9]|^CP[0-9]|^T[0-9]",
                      out$name), ]

    out1$name <- stringr::str_replace(out1$name, "E$|M$", "")

    out2 <- out1[!grepl("Margin Of Error|Margin of Error", out1$label), ]

    # Add geography information for acs5
    if (dataset == "acs/acs5" && year > 2010) {

      geo <- tidycensus::acs5_geography

      geo_lookup <- geo[geo$year == year,]

      out2 <- out2 %>%
        dplyr::mutate(table = stringr::str_remove(name, "_.*")) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(geo_lookup, by = "table") %>%
        dplyr::select(-year, -table)


  if (cache) {
    cache_dir <- user_cache_dir("tidycensus")
    if (!file.exists(cache_dir)) {
      dir.create(cache_dir, recursive = TRUE)

    if (file.exists(cache_dir)) {
      file_loc <- file.path(cache_dir, rds)
      if (file.exists(file_loc)) {

        out <- read_rds(file_loc)

        # For 5-year ACS without geography, refresh the table
        if (year > 2010 && dataset == "acs/acs5") {
          if (!"geography" %in% names(out)) {
            df <- get_dataset(dataset, year)
            readr::write_rds(df, file_loc)

        # For 2010 decennial Census, must get again if old
        if (year == 2010 && dataset == "dec/sf1") {

          # Check if an erroring variable is in the file
          if ("H00010001" %in% out$name) {
            df <- get_dataset(dataset, year)
            write_rds(df, file_loc)

          # Update the cached file if missing PCT vars
          if (!"PCT001001" %in% out$name) {
            df <- get_dataset(dataset, year)
            write_rds(df, file_loc)

        out1 <- out[grepl("^B[0-9]|^C[0-9]|^DP[0-9]|^S[0-9]|^P.*[0-9]|^H.*[0-9]|^K[0-9]|^CP[0-9]",
                          out$name), ]

        out1$name <- str_replace(out1$name, "E$|M$", "")

        out2 <- out1[!grepl("Margin Of Error|Margin of Error", out1$label), ]

      } else {
        df <- get_dataset(dataset, year)
        write_rds(df, file_loc)
  } else {
    get_dataset(dataset, year)

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tidycensus documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:39 a.m.