#' Obtain data and feature geometry for the American Community Survey
#' @param geography The geography of your data.
#' @param variables Character string or vector of character strings of variable
#' IDs. tidycensus automatically returns the estimate and the margin of error
#' associated with the variable.
#' @param table The ACS table for which you would like to request all
#' variables. Uses lookup tables to identify the variables; performs faster
#' when variable table already exists through \code{load_variables(cache =
#' TRUE)}. Only one table may be requested per call.
#' @param cache_table Whether or not to cache table names for faster future
#' access. Defaults to FALSE; if TRUE, only needs to be called once per
#' dataset. If variables dataset is already cached via the
#' \code{load_variables} function, this can be bypassed.
#' @param year The year, or endyear, of the ACS sample. 5-year ACS data is
#' available from 2009 through 2022; 1-year ACS data is available from 2005
#' through 2022, with the exception of 2020. Defaults to 2022.
#' @param output One of "tidy" (the default) in which each row represents an
#' enumeration unit-variable combination, or "wide" in which each row
#' represents an enumeration unit and the variables are in the columns.
#' @param state An optional vector of states for which you are requesting data.
#' State names, postal codes, and FIPS codes are accepted. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param county The county for which you are requesting data. County names and
#' FIPS codes are accepted. Must be combined with a value supplied to `state`.
#' Defaults to NULL.
#' @param zcta The zip code tabulation area(s) for which you are requesting
#' data. Specify a single value or a vector of values to get data for more
#' than one ZCTA. Numeric or character ZCTA GEOIDs are accepted. When
#' specifying ZCTAs, geography must be set to `"zcta"` and `state` must be specified with
#' `county` left as `NULL`. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param geometry if FALSE (the default), return a regular tibble of ACS data.
#' if TRUE, uses the tigris package to return an sf tibble with simple feature
#' geometry in the `geometry` column.
#' @param keep_geo_vars if TRUE, keeps all the variables from the Census
#' shapefile obtained by tigris. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param shift_geo (deprecated) if TRUE, returns geometry with Alaska and Hawaii shifted for
#' thematic mapping of the entire US. Geometry was originally obtained from
#' the albersusa R package. As of May 2021, we recommend using \code{tigris::shift_geometry()}
#' instead.
#' @param summary_var Character string of a "summary variable" from the ACS to
#' be included in your output. Usually a variable (e.g. total population) that
#' you'll want to use as a denominator or comparison.
#' @param key Your Census API key. Obtain one at
#' \url{}
#' @param moe_level The confidence level of the returned margin of error. One
#' of 90 (the default), 95, or 99.
#' @param survey The ACS contains one-year, three-year, and five-year surveys
#' expressed as "acs1", "acs3", and "acs5". The default selection is "acs5."
#' @param show_call if TRUE, display call made to Census API. This can be very
#' useful in debugging and determining if error messages returned are due to
#' tidycensus or the Census API. Copy to the API call into a browser and see
#' what is returned by the API directly. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... Other keyword arguments
#' @return A tibble or sf tibble of ACS data
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(tidycensus)
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(viridis)
#' census_api_key("YOUR KEY GOES HERE")
#' tarr <- get_acs(geography = "tract", variables = "B19013_001",
#' state = "TX", county = "Tarrant", geometry = TRUE, year = 2020)
#' ggplot(tarr, aes(fill = estimate, color = estimate)) +
#' geom_sf() +
#' coord_sf(crs = 26914) +
#' scale_fill_viridis(option = "magma") +
#' scale_color_viridis(option = "magma")
#' vt <- get_acs(geography = "county", variables = "B19013_001", state = "VT", year = 2019)
#' vt %>%
#' mutate(NAME = gsub(" County, Vermont", "", NAME)) %>%
#' ggplot(aes(x = estimate, y = reorder(NAME, estimate))) +
#' geom_errorbar(aes(xmin = estimate - moe, xmax = estimate + moe), width = 0.3, size = 0.5) +
#' geom_point(color = "red", size = 3) +
#' labs(title = "Household income by county in Vermont",
#' subtitle = "2015-2019 American Community Survey",
#' y = "",
#' x = "ACS estimate (bars represent margin of error)")
#' }
#' @export
get_acs <- function(geography, variables = NULL, table = NULL, cache_table = FALSE,
year = 2022, output = "tidy",
state = NULL, county = NULL, zcta = NULL,
geometry = FALSE, keep_geo_vars = FALSE,
shift_geo = FALSE, summary_var = NULL, key = NULL,
moe_level = 90, survey = "acs5", show_call = FALSE, ...) {
if (survey == "acs1") {
message(sprintf("Getting data from the %s 1-year ACS", year))
} else if (survey == "acs3") {
startyear <- year - 2
message(sprintf("Getting data from the %s-%s 3-year ACS", startyear, year))
} else if (survey == "acs5") {
startyear <- year - 4
message(sprintf("Getting data from the %s-%s 5-year ACS", startyear, year))
# Error message for 1-year 2020 ACS
if (year == 2020 && survey == "acs1") {
msg_acs <- c(crayon::red(stringr::str_wrap("The regular 1-year ACS for 2020 was not released and is not available in tidycensus.")),
i = crayon::cyan(stringr::str_wrap("Due to low response rates, the Census Bureau instead released a set of experimental estimates for the 2020 1-year ACS.")),
i = crayon::cyan(stringr::str_wrap("These estimates can be downloaded at")),
i = crayon::green(stringr::str_wrap("1-year ACS data can still be accessed for other years by supplying an appropriate year to the `year` parameter.")))
if (shift_geo) {
warning("The `shift_geo` argument is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend using `tigris::shift_geometry()` instead.", call. = FALSE)
if (survey == "acs5" && year < 2009) {
stop("5-year ACS support in tidycensus begins with the 2005-2009 5-year ACS. Consider using decennial Census data instead.", call. = FALSE)
if (survey == "acs1") {
if (year < 2005) {
stop("1-year ACS support in tidycensus begins with the 2005 1-year ACS. Consider using decennial Census data instead.", call. = FALSE)
message("The 1-year ACS provides data for geographies with populations of 65,000 and greater.")
if (survey == "acs3") {
if (year < 2007 || year > 2013) {
stop("3-year ACS support in tidycensus begins with the 2005-2007 3-year ACS and ends with the 2011-2013 3-year ACS. For newer data, use the 1-year or 5-year ACS.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
message("The 3-year ACS provides data for geographies with populations of 20,000 and greater.")
if (length(table) > 1) {
stop("Only one table may be requested per call.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(variables)) {
if (any(grepl("^K[0-9].", variables))) {
message("Getting data from the ACS 1-year Supplemental Estimates. Data are available for geographies with populations of 20,000 and greater.")
survey <- "acsse"
if (!is.null(table)) {
if (grepl("^K[0-9].", table)) {
message("Getting data from the ACS 1-year Supplemental Estimates. Data are available for geographies with populations of 20,000 and greater.")
survey <- "acsse"
# Check for a Census API key and warn if missing
key <- get_census_api_key(key)
if (geography == "block") {
stop("Block data are not available in the ACS. Use `get_decennial()` to access block data from the 2010 Census.", call. = FALSE)
cache <- getOption("tigris_use_cache", FALSE)
if (geometry) {
if (shift_geo) {
message("Using feature geometry obtained from the albersusa package")
} else if (!shift_geo && !cache) {
message("Downloading feature geometry from the Census website. To cache shapefiles for use in future sessions, set `options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)`.")
if (shift_geo && !geometry) {
stop("`shift_geo` is only available when requesting feature geometry with `geometry = TRUE`",
call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(variables) && is.null(table)) {
stop("Either a vector of variables or an ACS table must be specified.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(variables) && !is.null(table)) {
stop("Specify variables or a table to retrieve; they cannot be combined.",
call. = FALSE)
# CBSA alias (fixes #514 by reverting back)
if (geography == "cbsa") {
geography <- "metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area"
# Other aliases
if (geography == "cbg") geography <- "block group"
if (geography == "zcta") geography <- "zip code tabulation area"
if (geography == "puma") geography <- "public use microdata area"
# allow underscores and convert back to spaces
if (grepl("_", geography) & !grepl(" ", geography)) geography <- gsub("_", " ", geography)
if (any(grepl("^S[0-9]|^DP", variables)) && geography == "block group") {
stop("Block groups are not an available geography in the Data Profile and Subject Tables datasets.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(zcta) && geography != "zip code tabulation area") {
stop("ZCTAs can only be specified when requesting data at the zip code tabulation area-level.",
call. = FALSE)
# If multiple states and multiple ZCTAs are requested, handle the filtering on the
# R side rather than the tidycensus side
if (geography == "zip code tabulation area" && length(state) > 1 && !is.null(zcta)) {
zips_to_get <- zcta
zcta <- NULL
} else {
zips_to_get <- NULL
insist_get_acs <- purrr::insistently(get_acs)
# Allow users to get all block groups in a state (2012 and earlier)
# If only one state is specified, get all county FIPS codes in state from tigris and continue
if (year < 2013) {
if (geography == "block group") {
stop("Block groups are not currently available for the 2008-2012 ACS and earlier.\nIf access to these datasets is restored, tidycensus will again support them.", call. = FALSE)
# Leave in all this code if Census restores block group availability for these years
if ((geography == "block group" && length(state) == 1 && is.null(county))) {
st <- suppressMessages(validate_state(state))
# Get year-specific county IDs from tigris
if (year < 2013) {
tigris_yr <- 2010
} else {
tigris_yr <- year
cty_year <- suppressMessages(counties(state = st, cb = TRUE,
resolution = "20m", year = tigris_yr, class = "sf"))
county <- cty_year$COUNTYFP
# If more than one state requested, iterate over the states, calling get_acs and combine results
if (geography == "block group" && length(state) > 1) {
if (!is.null(county)) {
stop("Don't know which counties belong to which states. County must be null when requesting multiple states.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
message("Fetching block group data by state and county and combining the result.")
if (geometry) {
result <- map(state, function(s, ...) {
insist_get_acs(geography = geography,
variables = variables,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = s,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call,
}, ...) %>%
geoms <- unique(st_geometry_type(result))
if (length(geoms) > 1) {
result <- st_cast(result, "MULTIPOLYGON")
result <- result %>%
as_tibble() %>%
} else {
result <- map_df(state, ~{
insist_get_acs(geography = geography,
variables = variables,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = .x,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call))
# if variables from more than one type of table (e.g. "S1701_C03_002" and "B05002_013"))
# are requested - take care of this under the hood by having the function
# call itself for "B" variables, "S" variables and "DP" variables then combining the results
if (length(unique(substr(variables, 1, 1))) > 1 && !all(unique(substr(variables, 1, 1)) %in% c("B", "C"))) {
if (any(grepl("^K[0-9].", variables))) {
stop("At the moment, supplemental estimates variables cannot be combined with variables from other datasets.", call. = FALSE)
if (any(grepl("^CP[0-9].", variables))) {
stop("Comparison profiles variables cannot be mixed with variables from other datasets in tidycensus; please request CP data separately.", call. = FALSE)
message('Fetching data by table type ("B/C", "S", "DP") and combining the result.')
# split variables by type into list, discard empty list elements
vars_by_type <- map(c("^B|^C", "^S", "^D"), ~ variables[str_detect(variables, .x)]) %>%
if (geometry) {
if (output == "wide") {
# when output is wide and geometry = TRUE we can't just make three calls to
# get_acs and left_join the results because joining two sf objects requires
# a spatial join, which we don't want to do here
# instead, we'll take the first element of the var list (say, just "B" vars)
# and get the data and geometry. then, we'll get the just the data without
# geometry for the remaining var list elements and do a non-spatial
# left join to the sf object from the first result
vars_first <- vars_by_type[[1]]
vars_rest <- vars_by_type[-1]
# return acs data with geometry for first element of list
result_geo <- suppressMessages(
geography = geography,
variables = vars_first,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call,
# return acs data without geometry for remaining elements and join
result_no_geo <- map(vars_rest, ~
geography = geography,
variables = .x,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = FALSE,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call
) %>%
reduce(left_join, by = c("GEOID", "NAME"))
# NAME.x and NAME.y columns exist when keep_geo_vars = TRUE
if(keep_geo_vars) {
join_cols <- c("GEOID", "NAME.y" = "NAME")
} else {
join_cols <- c("GEOID", "NAME")
# join non geo result to first result sf object
result <- result_geo %>%
left_join(result_no_geo, by = join_cols) %>%
select(-geometry, geometry) # move geometry to last column
} else {
# if output is tidy, we don't need to worry about this as results can
# be combined using rbind
result <- map(vars_by_type, function(v, ...) {
geography = geography,
variables = v,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call,
}, ...
) %>%
geoms <- unique(st_geometry_type(result))
if (length(geoms) > 1) {
result <- st_cast(result, "MULTIPOLYGON")
result <- result %>%
as_tibble() %>%
} else {
if (output == "wide") {
# when output is wide and geometry = FALSE make one call per list element
# and then left join results into one df
result <- map(vars_by_type, ~
geography = geography,
variables = .x,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call
) %>%
reduce(left_join, by = c("GEOID", "NAME"))
} else {
result <- map_df(vars_by_type, ~
geography = geography,
variables = .x,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call
return(arrange(result, GEOID)) # sort so all vars for each GEOID is together
# If more than one state specified for tracts/block groups take care of
# this under the hood by having the function
# call itself and return the result
if ((geography == "tract" || geography == "block group") && length(state) > 1) {
message(sprintf("Fetching %s data by state and combining the result.", geography))
# mc <- = TRUE)
if (geometry) {
result <- map(state, function(s, ...) {
insist_get_acs(geography = geography,
variables = variables,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = s,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call,
...)) %>%
}, ...) %>%
geoms <- unique(st_geometry_type(result))
if (length(geoms) > 1) {
result <- st_cast(result, "MULTIPOLYGON")
result <- result %>%
as_tibble() %>%
} else {
result <- map_df(state, ~{
insist_get_acs(geography = geography,
variables = variables,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = .x,
county = county,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call))
# This should be cleaned up and combined with some of the code earlier up
# but we still need to iterate through counties for block groups earlier than 2013
if (year < 2013) {
if ((geography == "block group" && length(county) > 1)) {
if (geometry) {
message("Fetching block group data by county and combining the result.")
result <- map(county, function(co, ...) {
insist_get_acs(geography = geography,
variables = variables,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = co,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call,
...)) %>%
}, ...) %>%
geoms <- unique(st_geometry_type(result))
if (length(geoms) > 1) {
result <- st_cast(result, "MULTIPOLYGON")
result <- result %>%
as_tibble() %>%
} else {
message("Fetching block group data by county and combining the result.")
result <- map_df(county, ~{
insist_get_acs(geography = geography,
variables = variables,
table = table,
cache_table = cache_table,
year = year,
output = output,
state = state,
county = .x,
zcta = zcta,
summary_var = summary_var,
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = keep_geo_vars,
shift_geo = FALSE,
key = key,
moe_level = moe_level,
survey = survey,
show_call = show_call))
if (moe_level == 90) {
moe_factor <- 1
} else if (moe_level == 95) {
moe_factor <- (1.96 / 1.645)
} else if (moe_level == 99) {
moe_factor <- (2.576 / 1.645)
} else {
stop("`moe_level` must be one of 90, 95, or 99.", call. = FALSE)
# Logic for fetching data tables
if (!is.null(table)) {
if (grepl("^S[0-9].", table)) {
survey2 <- paste0(survey, "/subject")
} else if (grepl("^DP[0-9].", table)) {
survey2 <- paste0(survey, "/profile")
} else if (grepl("^K[0-9].", table)) {
survey2 <- "acsse"
} else if (grepl("^CP[0-9].", table)) {
survey2 <- paste0(survey, "/cprofile")
} else {
survey2 <- survey
variables <- variables_from_table_acs(table, year, survey2, cache_table)
# Allow for as many variables in a call as desired
if (length(variables) > 24) {
l <- split(variables, ceiling(seq_along(variables) / 24))
dat <- map(l, function(x) {
vars <- format_variables_acs(x)
suppressWarnings(load_data_acs(geography, vars, key, year, state, county,
zcta, survey, show_call = show_call))
}) %>%
Reduce(function(x, y) full_join(x, y, by = "GEOID", suffix = c("", ".y")), .)
} else {
vars <- format_variables_acs(variables)
dat <- suppressWarnings(load_data_acs(geography, vars, key, year, state, county,
zcta, survey, show_call = show_call))
vars2 <- format_variables_acs(variables)
var_vector <- unlist(strsplit(vars2, split = ","))
if (output == "tidy") {
sub <- dat[c("GEOID", "NAME", var_vector)]
if (packageVersion("tidyr") > "0.7.2") {
dat2 <- sub %>%
gather(key = variable, value = value, -GEOID, -NAME) %>%
separate(variable, into = c("variable", "type"), sep = -1) %>%
mutate(type = ifelse(type == "E", "estimate", "moe")) %>%
spread(type, value)
} else {
dat2 <- sub %>%
gather(key = variable, value = value, -GEOID, -NAME) %>%
separate(variable, into = c("variable", "type"), sep = -2) %>%
mutate(type = ifelse(type == "E", "estimate", "moe")) %>%
spread(type, value)
# Convert missing values to NA
dat2[dat2 == -111111111] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -222222222] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -333333333] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -444444444] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -555555555] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -666666666] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -777777777] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -888888888] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -999999999] <- NA
if ("moe" %in% names(dat2)) {
dat2 <- mutate(dat2, moe = moe * moe_factor)
# Change names if supplied
if (!is.null(names(variables))) {
for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
dat2[dat2 == variables[i]] <- names(variables)[i]
} else if (output == "wide") {
# Remove duplicated columns
dat <- dat[!duplicated(names(dat), fromLast = TRUE)]
dat <- dat[c("GEOID", "NAME", var_vector)]
# Convert missing values to NA
dat[dat == -111111111] <- NA
dat[dat == -222222222] <- NA
dat[dat == -333333333] <- NA
dat[dat == -444444444] <- NA
dat[dat == -555555555] <- NA
dat[dat == -666666666] <- NA
dat[dat == -777777777] <- NA
dat[dat == -888888888] <- NA
dat[dat == -999999999] <- NA
# Find MOE vars
# moe_vars <- grep("*M", names(dat))
# dat[[moe_vars]] <- apply(dat[[moe_vars]], 2, function(x) round(x * moe_factor, 0))
dat2 <- dat %>%
mutate_if(grepl("*M$", names(.)), list(~(. * moe_factor)))
if (!is.null(names(variables))) {
for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
names(dat2) <- str_replace(names(dat2), variables[i], names(variables)[i])
dat2 <- dat2 %>%
select(GEOID, NAME, everything())
# For ZCTAs, strip the state code from GEOID (issue #338 and #358)
# Should only happen if the GEOID is 7 characters
if (geography == "zip code tabulation area" && year > 2012 && unique(nchar(dat2$GEOID)) == 7) {
dat2 <- dat2 %>%
GEOID = stringr::str_sub(GEOID, start = 3L)
if (!is.null(summary_var)) {
if (length(summary_var) > 1) {
stop(paste0("Only one summary variable may be used per pull. ",
"Alternatively, place all variables in `variables` and ",
"use `output='wide'`"))
sumvar <- format_variables_acs(summary_var)
sumdat <- suppressMessages(load_data_acs(geography, sumvar, key, year, state, county, zcta, survey))
sumest <- paste0(summary_var, "E")
summoe <- paste0(summary_var, "M")
if (geography == "zip code tabulation area" && year > 2012 && unique(nchar(sumdat$GEOID)) == 7) {
sumdat <- sumdat %>%
GEOID = stringr::str_sub(GEOID, start = 3L)
dat2 <- dat2 %>%
inner_join(sumdat, by = "GEOID") %>%
rename(summary_est = !! sumest,
summary_moe = !! summoe,
NAME = "NAME.x") %>%
select(-NAME.y) %>%
mutate(summary_moe = round(summary_moe * moe_factor, 0))
# Convert missing values to NA
dat2[dat2 == -111111111] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -222222222] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -333333333] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -444444444] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -555555555] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -666666666] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -777777777] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -888888888] <- NA
dat2[dat2 == -999999999] <- NA
# If multiple ZCTAs are requested for multiple states, handle the filtering here
if (!is.null(zips_to_get)) {
dat2 <- dat2 %>%
dplyr::filter(GEOID %in% zips_to_get)
if (geometry) {
if (shift_geo) {
if (!is.null(state)) {
stop("`shift_geo` is only available when requesting geometry for the entire US", call. = FALSE)
message("Please note: Alaska and Hawaii are being shifted and are not to scale.")
if (geography == "state") {
geom <- tidycensus::state_laea
} else if (geography == "county") {
geom <- tidycensus::county_laea
if (year > 2014) {
# Account for change from Shannon County, SD to Oglala Lakota County
# and the new Kusilvak Census Area in AK
geom$GEOID[geom$GEOID == "46113"] <- "46102"
geom$GEOID[geom$GEOID == "02270"] <- "02158"
} else {
stop("`shift_geo` is only available for states and counties", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# state and county need to be NULL for ZCTAs as these args aren't available in tigris
# for `zctas()`
if (geography == "zip code tabulation area") {
geom <- try(suppressMessages(use_tigris(geography = geography, year = year,
state = NULL, county = NULL, ...)))
} else {
geom <- try(suppressMessages(use_tigris(geography = geography, year = year,
state = state, county = county, ...)))
if ("try-error" %in% class(geom)) {
stop("Your geometry data download failed. Please try again later or check the status of the Census Bureau website at", call. = FALSE)
if (! keep_geo_vars) {
geom <- select(geom, GEOID, geometry)
args <- list(...)
if (shift_geo || geography == "zip code tabulation area" || "filter_by" %in% names(args)) {
out <- inner_join(geom, dat2, by = "GEOID") %>%
} else {
out <- right_join(geom, dat2, by = "GEOID") %>%
} else {
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