group_graph: Group nodes and edges based on community structure

group_graphR Documentation

Group nodes and edges based on community structure


These functions are wrappers around the various clustering functions provided by igraph. As with the other wrappers they automatically use the graph that is being computed on, and otherwise passes on its arguments to the relevant clustering function. The return value is always a numeric vector of group memberships so that nodes or edges with the same number are part of the same group. Grouping is predominantly made on nodes and currently the only grouping of edges supported is biconnected components.


group_components(type = "weak")

group_edge_betweenness(weights = NULL, directed = TRUE, n_groups = NULL)

group_fast_greedy(weights = NULL, n_groups = NULL)

group_infomap(weights = NULL, node_weights = NULL, trials = 10)

group_label_prop(weights = NULL, label = NULL, fixed = NULL)

  weights = NULL,
  steps = -1,
  label = NULL,
  options = igraph::arpack_defaults,
  n_groups = NULL

group_louvain(weights = NULL)

group_optimal(weights = NULL)

group_spinglass(weights = NULL, ...)

group_walktrap(weights = NULL, steps = 4, n_groups = NULL)




The type of component to find. Either 'weak' or 'strong'


The weight of the edges to use for the calculation. Will be evaluated in the context of the edge data.


Should direction of edges be used for the calculations


Integer scalar, the desired number of communities. If too low or two high, then an error message is given.


The weight of the nodes to use for the calculation. Will be evaluated in the context of the node data.


Number of times partition of the network should be attempted


The initial groups of the nodes. Will be evaluated in the context of the node data.


A logical vector determining which nodes should keep their initial groups. Will be evaluated in the context of the node data.


The number of steps in the random walks


Settings passed on to igraph::arpack()


arguments passed on to igraph::cluster_spinglass()


a numeric vector with the membership for each node in the graph. The enumeration happens in order based on group size progressing from the largest to the smallest group


  • group_components(): Group by connected compenents using igraph::components()

  • group_edge_betweenness(): Group densely connected nodes using igraph::cluster_edge_betweenness()

  • group_fast_greedy(): Group nodes by optimising modularity using igraph::cluster_fast_greedy()

  • group_infomap(): Group nodes by minimizing description length using igraph::cluster_infomap()

  • group_label_prop(): Group nodes by propagating labels using igraph::cluster_label_prop()

  • group_leading_eigen(): Group nodes based on the leading eigenvector of the modularity matrix using igraph::cluster_leading_eigen()

  • group_louvain(): Group nodes by multilevel optimisation of modularity using igraph::cluster_louvain()

  • group_optimal(): Group nodes by optimising the moldularity score using igraph::cluster_optimal()

  • group_spinglass(): Group nodes using simulated annealing with igraph::cluster_spinglass()

  • group_walktrap(): Group nodes via short random walks using igraph::cluster_walktrap()

  • group_biconnected_component(): Group edges by their membership of the maximal binconnected components using igraph::biconnected_components()


create_notable('tutte') %>%
  activate(nodes) %>%
  mutate(group = group_infomap())

tidygraph documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:40 p.m.