search_graph: Search a graph with depth first and breath first

search_graphR Documentation

Search a graph with depth first and breath first


These functions wraps the igraph::bfs() and igraph::dfs() functions to provide a consistent return value that can be used in dplyr::mutate() calls. Each function returns an integer vector with values matching the order of the nodes in the graph.


bfs_rank(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

bfs_parent(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

bfs_before(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

bfs_after(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

bfs_dist(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

dfs_rank(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

dfs_rank_out(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

dfs_parent(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)

dfs_dist(root, mode = "out", unreachable = FALSE)



The node to start the search from


How edges are followed in the search if the graph is directed. "out" only follows outbound edges, "in" only follows inbound edges, and "all" or "total" follows all edges. This is ignored for undirected graphs.


Should the search jump to a new component if the search is terminated without all nodes being visited? Default to FALSE (only reach connected nodes).


An integer vector, the nature of which is determined by the function.


  • bfs_rank(): Get the succession in which the nodes are visited in a breath first search

  • bfs_parent(): Get the nodes from which each node is visited in a breath first search

  • bfs_before(): Get the node that was visited before each node in a breath first search

  • bfs_after(): Get the node that was visited after each node in a breath first search

  • bfs_dist(): Get the number of nodes between the root and each node in a breath first search

  • dfs_rank(): Get the succession in which the nodes are visited in a depth first search

  • dfs_rank_out(): Get the succession in which each nodes subtree is completed in a depth first search

  • dfs_parent(): Get the nodes from which each node is visited in a depth first search

  • dfs_dist(): Get the number of nodes between the root and each node in a depth first search


# Get the depth of each node in a tree
create_tree(10, 2) %>%
  activate(nodes) %>%
  mutate(depth = bfs_dist(root = 1))

# Reorder nodes based on a depth first search from node 3
create_notable('franklin') %>%
  activate(nodes) %>%
  mutate(order = dfs_rank(root = 3)) %>%

tidygraph documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:32 a.m.