

 test_that("generic meaningless activation works", {
   l <- list(a = 1, b = 2)
   expect_warning(l <- activate(l, "b"))
   expect_warning(active(l) <- "b")
   f <- "S20080012008031.L3m_MO_CHL_chlor_a_9km.nc"
   l3file <- system.file("extdata/oceandata", f, package= "tidync")
   tnc <- tidync(l3file)
   expect_identical(tnc, activate(tnc))
 test_that("various access and activation works", {

   ufile <- system.file("extdata", "unidata", "madis-hydro.nc", 
                        package = "tidync", mustWork = TRUE)
   tnc <- tidync(ufile)

   expect_silent(activate(tnc, select_var = "precip24hrQCD")) %>% 
  ## changed with nesting of variables in nc_grids 
  ## https://github.com/hypertidy/ncmeta/issues/26
  #expect_equal(active(tidync(ufile)) , "D0,D12")
  expect_equal(active(tidync(ufile)) , "D5,D12")
  ## use variable to find grid
  tnc1 <-  tnc %>% activate(handbook5Id)
  expect_equal(active(tnc1),  "D1,D12")
  ## use number to find grid, is defunct
  expect_error(tnc %>% activate(3))
  expect_error(activate(tnc, 0))

  expect_error(activate(tnc, snarfleglobber), "not found")
  snarfleglobber <-   "snarfleglobber "
  expect_error(activate(tnc, snarfleglobber), "Activate grids by name")
  expect_warning(activate(1, "a"))
  expect_true(sum(activate(tnc, "D11")$variable$active) == 2L) 
  expect_true(sum(activate(tnc, "D11", 
                           select_var = "firstInBin")$variable$active) == 1L) 

  expect_true(sum(activate(tnc, firstInBin)$variable$active) == 1L) 
  expect_true(sum(activate(tnc, firstInBin, 
                           select_var = "firstInBin")$variable$active) == 1L) 
  expect_warning(active("a"), "determining active status of object not recognized")

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tidync documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:38 p.m.