#' Summarize an indicator into finer details by the specified variable
#' Counts the number of occurrence of an outcome based on the category of
#' interest. It also provides "Totals" at the end of the columns or rows (or both)
#' where appropriate.
#' @param data Data containing the indicator to be disaggregated.
#' @param by The variable of interest to be used for the disaggregation. The
#' options are any of: \code{"sex"}, \code{"current_age"}, \code{"pregnancy_status"}, \code{"art_duration"},
#' \code{"months_dispensed"} (of ARV), and \code{"age_sex"}.
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed based on the \code{by} supplied. These are: 1) the \code{`level`} of disaggregation,
#' ("ip" or "country", "state", "lga" and "facility"). 2) \code{`pivot_wide`} TRUE or FALSE, used to determine how the tabular data should be presented.
#' The default options are "state" for \code{by} and TRUE for \code{pivot_wide}.
#' value is "state".
#' @return disaggregated data
#' @export disaggregate
#' @examples
#' ### Disaggregate "TX_NEW" clients into age categories for each state
#' new_clients <- tx_new(ndr_example, from = "2021-01-01")
#' disaggregate(new_clients, by = "current_age") # default value of level is "state"
#' ### Disaggregate "TX_CURR" by gender for each facility
#' curr_clients <- tx_curr(ndr_example)
#' disaggregate(curr_clients, by = "sex", level = "facility")
disaggregate <- function(data, by, ...) {
df <- structure(data, "class" = c(class(data), by))
disagg_ndr(df, ...)
disagg_ndr <- function(df, ...) {
### sex disaggregation <- function(df, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE, ...) {
gender <- forcats::fct_collapse(df$sex,
"Male" = "M",
"Female" = "F",
other_level = "unknown"
get_disagg(df, by = "sex", by_value = gender, pivot_wide = pivot_wide, level = level)
### pregnancy status
disagg_ndr.pregnancy_status <- function(df, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE, ...) {
preg_status <- forcats::fct_collapse(df$pregnancy_status,
pregnant = "P",
breastfeeding = "BF",
not_pregnant = "NP",
other_level = "missing_or_unknown"
get_disagg(df, by = "pregnancy_status", by_value = preg_status, pivot_wide = pivot_wide, level = level)
### current_age
disagg_ndr.current_age <- function(df, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE, ...) {
age <- dplyr::case_when(
df$current_age < 1 ~ "<1",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 1, 4) ~ "1-4",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 5, 9) ~ "5-9",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 10, 14) ~ "10-14",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 15, 19) ~ "15-19",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 20, 24) ~ "20-24",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 25, 29) ~ "25-29",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 30, 34) ~ "30-34",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 35, 39) ~ "35-39",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 40, 44) ~ "40-44",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 45, 49) ~ "45-49",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 50, 54) ~ "50-54",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 55, 59) ~ "55-59",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 60, 64) ~ "60-64",
df$current_age >= 65 ~ "65+", df$current_age <
0 ~ "neg_age",$current_age) ~
age <- factor(
levels = c("<1", "1-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65+", "missing"),
ordered = TRUE
get_disagg(df, by = "current_age", by_value = age, pivot_wide = pivot_wide, level = level)
### duration
disagg_ndr.art_duration <- function(df, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE, ...) {
df$art_duration <- as.integer(df$appointment_date - df$art_start_date)
art_duration <- dplyr::case_when(
df$art_duration < 90 ~ "<3 months",
dplyr::between(df$art_duration, 90, 179) ~ "3-5 months",
df$art_duration >= 180 ~ "6 months+",$art_duration) ~ "missing"
art_duration <- factor(art_duration, levels = c("missing", "<3 months", "3-5 months", "6 months+"), ordered = TRUE)
get_disagg(df, by = "art_duration", by_value = art_duration, pivot_wide = pivot_wide, level = level)
### duration of ARV Dispensed
disagg_ndr.months_dispensed <- function(df, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE, ...) {
if (!any(names(df) %in% "months_dispensed")) {
df$months_dispensed <- floor(df$days_of_arv_refill / 28)
mmd <- dplyr::case_when(
df$months_dispensed < 3 ~ "<3 months",
dplyr::between(df$months_dispensed, 3, 5) ~ "3-5 months",
df$months_dispensed >= 6 ~ "6 months+",
TRUE ~ "missing"
mmd <- factor(mmd, levels = c("missing", "<3 months", "3-5 months", "6 months+"), ordered = TRUE)
get_disagg(df, by = "months_dispensed", by_value = mmd, pivot_wide = pivot_wide, level = level)
### disaggregate by age and sex
disagg_ndr.age_sex <- function(df, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE) {
age <- dplyr::case_when(
df$current_age < 1 ~ "<1",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 1, 4) ~ "1-4",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 5, 9) ~ "5-9",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 10, 14) ~ "10-14",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 15, 19) ~ "15-19",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 20, 24) ~ "20-24",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 25, 29) ~ "25-29",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 30, 34) ~ "30-34",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 35, 39) ~ "35-39",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 40, 44) ~ "40-44",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 45, 49) ~ "45-49",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 50, 54) ~ "50-54",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 55, 59) ~ "55-59",
dplyr::between(df$current_age, 60, 64) ~ "60-64",
df$current_age >= 65 ~ "65+", df$current_age <
0 ~ "neg_age",$current_age) ~
age <- factor(
levels = c("<1", "1-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44", "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65+", "missing"),
ordered = TRUE
gender <- forcats::fct_collapse(df$sex,
"Male" = "M",
"Female" = "F",
other_level = "unknown"
get_disagg_(df, by = c("sex", "current_age"), by_value = list(gender, age), pivot_wide = pivot_wide, level = level)
# for disaggregation by one variable
get_disagg <- function(df, by, by_value, level = "state", pivot_wide = TRUE, ...) {
df[by] <- by_value
by_c <- rlang::sym(by)
dt <- switch(level,
"ip" = dplyr::count(df, ip, !!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"country" = dplyr::count(df, ip, !!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"state" = dplyr::count(df, ip, state, !!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"lga" = dplyr::count(df, ip, state, lga, !!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"facility" = dplyr::count(df, ip, state, lga, facility, !!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number")
dt <- structure(dt, "class" = c("spec_tbl_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
if (pivot_wide) {
dt <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
names_from = tidyselect::all_of(by),
values_from = "number"
dt[] <- 0 ## replace NAs with Zero
## for disaggregation by two variables
get_disagg_ <- function(df, by, by_value, level = level, pivot_wide = pivot_wide) {
df[by[1]] <- by_value[[1]]
df[by[2]] <- by_value[[2]]
by_c <- rlang::syms(by)
dt <- switch(level,
"ip" = dplyr::count(df, ip, !!!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"country" = dplyr::count(df, ip, !!!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"state" = dplyr::count(df, ip, state, !!!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"lga" = dplyr::count(df, ip, state, lga, !!!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number"),
"facility" = dplyr::count(df, ip, state, lga, facility, !!!by_c, .drop = FALSE, name = "number")
dt <- structure(dt, "class" = c("spec_tbl_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
if (pivot_wide) {
dt <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
names_from = by[2],
values_from = "number"
dt[] <- 0 ## replace NAs with Zero
c("lga", "pregnancy_status", "sex")
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