knifeorgunblock: Knife or Gun?

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What will make you yell louder: being killed with a knife or being killed with a gun? Results of an entirely imaginary experiment performed on very strange volunteers. Members of the Knife group are killed by a knife, and members of the Gun group are killed by a gun. The volume of the screams of each subject during slaying is recorded. In order to ensure that the two groups are similar with respect to how loud they can yell in the first place, subjects are blocked by whether or not they have participated in hog-hollering contests. After blocking, subjects are randomly assigned to groups.


A data frame with 20 observations on the following 3 variables.


a factor with levels no yes whether or not the subject competes in hog-hollering contests


a factor with levels gun knife means by which subject is slain


volume of expiring subject's cries.


A morbid imagination.

tigerstats documentation built on July 2, 2020, 2:32 a.m.