Results of a survey given at beginning of semester, to all students in MAT 111.
A data frame with 89 observations on the following 14 variables.
Your height in inches.
How tall you would LIKE to be, in inches.
How much sleep you got last night, in hours.
What is the highest speed at which you have ever driven a car (in mph)?
a factor with levels 1_underweight
How do you feel about your weight?
a factor with levels no
Do you
believe in love at first sight?
a factor with levels
Do you believe in life on other planets?
a factor with levels 1_front
When you have a choice, where do you prefer to
sit in a classroom?
What is your current GPA?
a factor with levels no
Do you think you get enough sleep?
a factor
with levels female
What sex are you?
a factor with levels australia
(Anchor for the next question.) For the next question,
either Australia or the US, along with its population, was given in the
leadup information to the question. The "anchor" variable records which version of the question you were
"The population of country XXX is YYY million. About what is the population of Canada, in millions?" XXX was either the U.S. or Australia.
Your ideal height minus your actual height.
MAT 111 at Georgetown College
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