tribal_subdivisions_national: Download an American Indian Tribal Subdivision National...

View source: R/native.R

tribal_subdivisions_nationalR Documentation

Download an American Indian Tribal Subdivision National shapefile into R.


Definition from the US Census Bureau: "American Indian Tribal Subdivisions (AITS) are legally defined administrative subdivisions of federally recognized American Indian reservations and/or off-reservation trust lands or Oklahoma tribal statistical areas (OTSAs)." For more information, please see the link provided.


tribal_subdivisions_national(cb = FALSE, year = NULL, ...)



If cb is set to TRUE, download a generalized (1:500k) file. Defaults to FALSE (the most detailed TIGER/Line file)


the data year; defaults to 2022


arguments to be passed to internal function load_tiger, which is not exported. See Additional Arguments.

Additional Arguments

Additional arguments that can be passed in ... are:

  • class Desired class of return object: "sf" (the default) or "sp". sp classes should be considered deprecated as of tigris version 2.0, but legacy support is still available.

  • progress_bar If set to FALSE, do not display download progress bar (helpful for R Markdown documents). Defaults to TRUE.

  • keep_zipped_shapefile If set to TRUE, do not delete zipped shapefile (stored in temporary directory or TIGRIS_CACHE_DIR depending on the configuration of global option "tigris_use_cache"). Defaults to FALSE.

  • refresh Whether to re-download cached shapefiles (TRUE or FALSE) . The default is either FALSE or the value of global option "tigris_refresh" if it is set. Specifying this argument will override the behavior set in "tigris_refresh" global option.

  • filter_by Geometry used to filter the output returned by the function. Can be an sf object, an object of class bbox, or a length-4 vector of format c(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) that can be converted to a bbox. Geometries that intersect the input to filter_by will be returned.

See Also

Other native/tribal geometries functions: alaska_native_regional_corporations(), native_areas(), tribal_block_groups(), tribal_census_tracts()


## Not run: 

trib <- tribal_subdivisions_national()
leaflet(trib) %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
  addPolygons(fillColor = "white",
              color = "black",
              weight = 0.5)

## End(Not run)

tigris documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.