

ctx <- tiledb_ctx(limitTileDBCores())

#test_that("tiledb_config default constructor", {
cfg <- tiledb_config()
expect_true(is(cfg, "tiledb_config"))

#test_that("tiledb_config named vector constructor", {
cfg <- tiledb_config(config = c(foo = "bar"))
expect_true(is(cfg, "tiledb_config"))

#test_that("tiledb_config errors upon invalid vector argument", {
## all values must have a non-empty name
expect_error(tiledb_config(foo = "foo", "bar"))
expect_error(tiledb_config(c(foo = 1)))

## handle cases with NAs
expect_silent(cfg <- tiledb_config(c(a = "1")))
expect_equal(cfg["a"], c(a = "1"))
expect_silent(cfg <- tiledb_config(c(a = "1", b = "2")))
expect_equal(cfg["b"], c(b = "2"))
expect_equal(head(names(as.vector(cfg)), 2L), c("a", "b"))
expect_silent(cfg <- tiledb_config(c(a = "1", c = NA_character_, b = "2")))
expect_equal(head(names(as.vector(cfg)), 2L), c("a", "b"))

#test_that("tiledb_config indexing works", {
cfg <- tiledb_config()
cfg["foo"] <- "bar"
expect_equal(cfg["foo"], c("foo" = "bar"))

# can stringify basic types
cfg["int"] <- 1L
expect_equal(cfg["int"], c(int = "1"))

cfg["bool"] <- FALSE
expect_equal(cfg["bool"], c(bool = "false"))

cfg["float"] <- 2.3
expect_equal(cfg["float"], c(float = "2.3"))

res <- cfg[c("int", "bool", "float")]
expect_equal(res, c(int = "1", bool = "false", float = 2.3))

# can only stringify basic types int / float / bools
expect_error(cfg["error"] <- c(1, 2, 3))

#test_that("tiledb_config can convert to R named vector", {
cfg <- tiledb_config()
v <- as.vector(cfg)
expect_true(is(v, "character"))
keys <- names(v)
values <- unname(v)

#test_that("tiledb_config set, get and unset", {
cfg <- tiledb_config()

param <- "vfs.s3.region"
origval <- cfg[param][[1]]
newval <- "not.kansas"
tiledb:::libtiledb_config_set(cfg@ptr, param, newval)
expect_equal(tiledb:::libtiledb_config_get(cfg@ptr, param)[[1]], newval)

tiledb:::libtiledb_config_unset(cfg@ptr, param) # resets, not unsets
expect_equal(tiledb:::libtiledb_config_get(cfg@ptr, param)[[1]], origval)

if (tiledb_version(TRUE) < "2.17.0") exit_file("Remainder needs 2.17.* or later")
expect_true(nzchar(tiledb_config_as_built_json()))  # only test for non-zero instead of parsing

Try the tiledb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tiledb documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 9:06 a.m.