
Defines functions generate_state_plot_layer generate_numeric_plot_layer create_state_plots get_numeric_plot_function create_numeric_plots add_legend_to_plots check_colors_mapping add_colors_to_state_plots get_plot_limits add_titles_to_the_plot add_ylabels_to_the_plot scale_grob_plots combine_the_grobs rbind_grob_plots adjust_legend_position align_the_plots draw_the_plots add_pretty_breaks_and_labels_to_one_oplot get_pretty_breaks_labels add_pretty_breaks_and_xlabel add_grob_to_pos check_overlap_plottability create_all_overlapping_plots create_overlapping_plot generate_color_mapping

Documented in generate_color_mapping

generate_state_plot_layer <- function(data_to_plot) {
  names(data_to_plot)[2] = "value"
  data_to_plot_reduced = mtconnectR::clean_reduntant_rows(data_to_plot)
  data_to_plot_reduced = data_to_plot_reduced %>% rbind(data_to_plot[nrow(data_to_plot),]) %>% unique()
  start_values = data_to_plot_reduced[1:(nrow(data_to_plot_reduced) - 1), 1]
  end_values = data_to_plot_reduced[2:nrow(data_to_plot_reduced), 1]
  value = NULL # cran check 
  ggplot() + geom_rect(data = data_to_plot_reduced[-nrow(data_to_plot_reduced),],
                       aes(xmin = start_values, xmax = end_values,
                       ymin = 0L, ymax = 1L, fill = value)) 

generate_numeric_plot_layer <- function(data_to_plot, current_ylimit, plot_fun, line_width=0.3) {
  names(data_to_plot)[2] = "value"
  ggplot() + 
    plot_fun(data=data_to_plot, aes_string(x = names(data_to_plot)[1], y = "value", group = 1), size = line_width) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = current_ylimit)

create_state_plots <- function(timeline_cleaned, ts_col, state_cols){
  flog.info("creating state plot layers")
  state_plots <- sapply(state_cols, function(x) generate_state_plot_layer(timeline_cleaned[, c(ts_col, x)]),
                        simplify = F, USE.NAMES = T)
  #state_plots <- state_plots[!vapply(X = event_plots, FUN = is.null, FUN.VALUE = FALSE,USE.NAMES = FALSE)]

get_numeric_plot_function <- function(numeric_plot_type){
  if(numeric_plot_type == "line" ) return(geom_line)
  if(numeric_plot_type == "step" ) return(geom_step)
  if(numeric_plot_type == "point" ) return(geom_point)
  stop("Unsupported plot type for numeric data type")

create_numeric_plots <- function(timeline_cleaned, ts_col, numeric_cols, actual_ylimits, numeric_plot_type){
  flog.info("creating sample plot layers")
  plot_fun = get_numeric_plot_function(numeric_plot_type)
  numeric_plots <- mapply(current_plot = numeric_cols, current_ylimit = actual_ylimits,
                          FUN = function(current_plot, current_ylimit)
                            generate_numeric_plot_layer(timeline_cleaned[, c(ts_col, current_plot)], current_ylimit, plot_fun),
                          SIMPLIFY = F, USE.NAMES = T)

#  We now have all_plots which is a list of ggplots with automatic legend scales
#  Options for adding legend location details and specifying the colors in case of event plots
#  plot_type is used here which is just the titles as a named list
# Check what color is given to those variables which does not exist in the scales
# Use scale_manual as a layer for ggplot
add_legend_to_plots <- function(all_plots, add_legend){
  all_plots <- lapply(all_plots, function(basic_plot) {
    basic_plot <- basic_plot + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill="#EEEEEE", colour="black"),
                                     legend.justification=c(1,1),legend.direction = "horizontal",
    if(add_legend) {
      basic_plot <- basic_plot + theme(legend.position=c(1,1))
    } else {
      basic_plot <- basic_plot + theme(legend.position="none")

check_colors_mapping <- function(state_factors, user_defined_mapping){
  if(length(names(user_defined_mapping)) == length(state_factors)){
    if(length(setdiff(names(user_defined_mapping), state_factors)) == 0){

add_colors_to_state_plots <- function(all_plots, color_mapping, unique_state_factors){
  names_all_plots <- names(all_plots)
  all_plots <- lapply(1:length(all_plots), function(i) {
    basic_plot <- all_plots[[i]]
    basic_plot <- basic_plot + scale_y_continuous(breaks = NULL)
    name_plot <- names_all_plots[[i]]
    user_defined_mapping <- color_mapping[[name_plot]]
    state_factors <- unique_state_factors[[name_plot]]
      if(check_colors_mapping(state_factors, user_defined_mapping)){
        basic_plot <- basic_plot + scale_fill_manual(values = user_defined_mapping)
        stop("Expected same number of colors as the number of factors")
  names(all_plots) <- names_all_plots

get_plot_limits <- function(timeline_cleaned, numeric_plots, ylimits){
  numeric_cols = names(timeline_cleaned)[timeline_cleaned %>% sapply(is.numeric)]
  default_ylimits <- rep(list(NULL), length(numeric_plots))
  names(default_ylimits) <- numeric_cols
  default_ylimits[names(ylimits)] = ylimits

# The titles list has all the info including the ones for overlapping plots
# so we add a filter to keep only the names in the plots
add_titles_to_the_plot <- function(all_plots, titles){
  default_titles <- names(all_plots)
  names(default_titles) <- names(all_plots)
  if(!is.null(titles)) {
    flog.info("Adding new plot titles")
    default_titles[names(titles)] <- titles
  default_titles = default_titles[names(default_titles) %in% names(all_plots)]
  all_plots <- mapply(FUN = function(x,y) x + ggtitle(y), x=all_plots, y=default_titles, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,USE.NAMES = TRUE)

add_ylabels_to_the_plot <- function(all_plots, ylabels, state_cols){
  default_ylabs <- sapply(names(all_plots), function(x){
    if(x %in% state_cols) return("State") else return("Numeric")
  names(default_ylabs) <- names(all_plots)
  if(!is.null(ylabels)) {
    flog.info("Adding new y-labels")
    default_ylabs[names(ylabels)] <- ylabels
  default_ylabs <- default_ylabs[names(all_plots)]
  all_plots <- mapply(FUN = function(x,y) x + ylab(y), x = all_plots, y = default_ylabs, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

scale_grob_plots <- function(all_plots_grob, plot_size_ratios){
  # browser()
  plot_size_ratios_all = structure(rep(1, length(all_plots_grob)), names=names(all_plots_grob))
  if(!is.null(plot_size_ratios)) plot_size_ratios_all[names(plot_size_ratios)] = plot_size_ratios
  mapply(x = all_plots_grob, y = plot_size_ratios_all, FUN = function(x,y) {
    which_panel <- which(x$layout$name == "panel")
    x$heights[which_panel] =  x$heights[which_panel] * y

combine_the_grobs <- function(all_plots_grob_scaled){
  num_rows <- unname(vapply(all_plots_grob_scaled, FUN = nrow, FUN.VALUE = 0L))
  num_rows <- c(0,num_rows[-length(num_rows)]) %>% cumsum
  mapply(x = all_plots_grob_scaled, y = num_rows, function(x,y) {
    x$layout$t <- x$layout$t + y
    x$layout$b <- x$layout$b + y

rbind_grob_plots <- function(all_plots_grob_scaled){

  num_cols <- vapply(all_plots_grob_scaled, FUN = ncol, FUN.VALUE = 0L)
  if(length(unique(num_cols))!=1) stop("number of cols are not the same for all the ggplots!")
  max_widths <- Reduce(f = grid::unit.pmax,x = lapply(all_plots_grob_scaled, function(x) x$widths))
  all_grobs <- Reduce(f = append,x = lapply(all_plots_grob_scaled,function(x) x$grobs))
  all_heights <- Reduce(f = grid::unit.c,x = lapply(all_plots_grob_scaled,function(x) x$heights))
  all_rownames <- Reduce(f = c,x = lapply(all_plots_grob_scaled,function(x) x$rownames))

  single_plot_scaled <- combine_the_grobs(all_plots_grob_scaled)

  all_layout <- Reduce(f = rbind, x = lapply(single_plot_scaled,function(x) x$layout))

  final_plot <- single_plot_scaled[[1]]
  final_plot$layout <- all_layout
  final_plot$heights <- all_heights
  final_plot$rownames <- all_rownames
  final_plot$widths <- max_widths
  final_plot$grobs <- all_grobs


adjust_legend_position <- function(all_plots_grob){
  # This function relocated the legend and adjusts the size for a state plot
  # We first find the location of the legend - 'guide-box' and then if it exists (state plot)
  # We move the legend to the x-lab row and then adjust the height of the row to the height
  # that we are getting from the height of the entire guide box(which is a grob in itself)
  mapply(x = all_plots_grob, FUN = function(x) {
    # browser()
    which_guide <- which(x$layout$name == "guide-box")
    if(length(which_guide) == 0) return(x)
    which_caption <- which(x$layout$name == "xlab-b")
    x$layout[which_guide, c('t', 'b')] =  x$layout[which_caption, c('t', 'b')] 
    x$heights[x$layout[which_guide, c('t')]] = x$grobs[[which_guide]]$heights %>% max()

align_the_plots <- function(all_plots, overlap_plots_grob, plot_size_ratios, order_plots){
  message("Aligning plots")
  all_plots_grob <- lapply(all_plots, ggplotGrob)
  all_plots_grob = c(all_plots_grob, overlap_plots_grob)
  all_plots_grob = adjust_legend_position(all_plots_grob)
  all_plots_grob_scaled <- scale_grob_plots(all_plots_grob, plot_size_ratios)
  if(!is.null(order_plots)) all_plots_grob_scaled <- all_plots_grob_scaled[order_plots]
  all_plots_rbind <- rbind_grob_plots(all_plots_grob_scaled)

draw_the_plots <- function(grob_output, save_path, plot_output = T, output_width, output_height){
  if(!is.null(save_path)) {
    flog.info("Writing image to file as PNG in: ",  save_path)
    png(save_path, width = output_width, height = output_height)
  if(plot_output) {

# If need arises to add xlabel, they can be added as prefix by passing to this function
add_pretty_breaks_and_labels_to_one_oplot <- function(ggobject, labels_list){
  ggobject + xlab(labels_list$xlabel) + 
    scale_x_datetime(breaks = labels_list$prt_brks, labels = labels_list$brk_labels)

get_pretty_breaks_labels <- function(time_limits){
  prt_brks <- base::pretty(n = 10, x = time_limits)
  xlabels <- attr(prt_brks, "labels")
  break_patterns = list(
    "Time (HH:MM:SS)"   = "^[[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+$",
    "Time (HH:MM)"      = "^[[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+$",
    "Time (s)"          = "^[[:digit:]]+$",
    "Time (Date HH:MM)" = "^[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]+ [[:digit:]]+:[[:digit:]]+$",
    "Time (Date)"       = "^[[:alpha:]]+ [[:digit:]]+$",
    "Time (Date-Month)" = "^[[:alpha:]]+"
  which_pattern = which(sapply(break_patterns, function(x) str_detect(xlabels[2], x)))
  if(length(which_pattern) == 0)  stop("Coudn't find break pattern!")
  xlabels[1] <- as.character(prt_brks[1])
  list(prt_brks = prt_brks, brk_labels = xlabels, xlabel = names(which_pattern)[1])

add_pretty_breaks_and_xlabel <- function(all_plots, time_limits) {
  labels_list <- get_pretty_breaks_labels(time_limits)

  sapply(X = all_plots, FUN = add_pretty_breaks_and_labels_to_one_oplot,
         labels_list, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = F)

add_grob_to_pos <- function(input_grob, add_grob_table, layout_name){
  add_pos <- subset(add_grob_table$layout, add_grob_table$layout$name == layout_name)[, c("t", "l", "b", "r")]
  add_grob <- add_grob_table$grobs[[which(add_grob_table$layout$name == layout_name)]]
  combined_grob <- gtable_add_grob(input_grob, add_grob, 
                                   add_pos$t, add_pos$l, add_pos$b, add_pos$r)

check_overlap_plottability <- function(overlap_plots, state_cols, numeric_cols){
  all(sapply(overlap_plots, function(x) x[1] %in% state_cols &
           x[2] %in% numeric_cols))

create_all_overlapping_plots <- function(all_plots, state_cols, numeric_cols, overlap_plots, titles){
  if(!check_overlap_plottability(overlap_plots, state_cols, numeric_cols)) 
    stop("Incorrect combination of state and numeric plots")
  sapply(names(overlap_plots), function(name_plot) {
      x = overlap_plots[[name_plot]]
      if(name_plot %in% names(titles)){
        create_overlapping_plot(all_plots[[x[1]]], all_plots[[x[2]]], titles[[name_plot]])
        create_overlapping_plot(all_plots[[x[1]]], all_plots[[x[2]]], name_plot)
    USE.NAMES = T, simplify = F)

create_overlapping_plot <- function(state_plot, numeric_plot, title_name){
  state_plot <- state_plot + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                                   panel.grid.major = element_blank()) + ylab("") + ggtitle(title_name)
  numeric_plot <- numeric_plot + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                                       panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                                       panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA), 
                                       plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA))
  state_grob_table <- ggplot_build(state_plot) %>% ggplot_gtable()
  numeric_grob_table <- ggplot_build(numeric_plot) %>% ggplot_gtable()
  combined_grob <- add_grob_to_pos(state_grob_table, numeric_grob_table, "panel")
  combined_grob <- add_grob_to_pos(combined_grob, numeric_grob_table, "ylab-l")
  combined_grob <- add_grob_to_pos(combined_grob, numeric_grob_table, "axis-l")
  combined_grob$widths[3] = numeric_grob_table$widths[3]

#' @title Generate color mapping for all plots
#' @description When all the plots have the same set of values, instead of typing the color mapping for all plots, default color to value mapping can be given which will generate the color mapping for all the plots based on the unique values present in each column
#' @param df Data frame to be plotted using plot_timeline
#' @param default_color_mapping Value to color mapping for all the plots in the data frame. ex: default_color_mapping <- c("0" = "#BCBEC0", "1" = "#1279C6")
#' @usage 
#' generate_color_mapping(df, default_color_mapping)
#' @export

generate_color_mapping <- function(df, default_color_mapping) {
  timestamp = NULL
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-timestamp)
  cols_name <- colnames(df)
  color_mapping <- lapply(cols_name, function(l) {
    unique_values_cols <- unique(df[[l]])
    req_mapping <- default_color_mapping[names(default_color_mapping) %in% unique_values_cols]
  names(color_mapping) <- cols_name

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timelineR documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 9:11 a.m.