
Defines functions .import_inops_expose .import_inops_expose_package .import_inops_expose_alias

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.import_inops_expose_alias <- function(
    expose, env, lst_opts, abortcall) {
  funs <- names(expose)[eapply(expose, is.function) |> unlist()]
  inops <- .internal_grep_inops(funs, 2)
  ns <- as.list(expose, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)
  .import_inops_expose(ns, inops, lst_opts, env, abortcall)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.import_inops_expose_package <- function(
    package, lib.loc, env, lst_opts, abortcall
) {
  # check package
    pkgs = package, lib.loc = lib.loc, pkgs_txt = "packages", abortcall = sys.call()
    pkgs = package, lib.loc = lib.loc, pkgs_txt = "packages", abortcall = sys.call()

  ns <- .internal_prep_Namespace(package, lib.loc, abortcall = sys.call())
  operators <- .internal_grep_inops(names(ns), type = 2)

  .import_inops_expose(ns, operators, lst_opts, env, abortcall)


#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.import_inops_expose <- function(
    ns, operators, lst_opts, env, abortcall
) {
  exclude <- lst_opts$exclude
  include.only <- lst_opts$include.only
  overwrite <- lst_opts$overwrite
  inherits <- lst_opts$inherits
  if(length(operators) == 0) {
    message("No infix operators present")
  operators <- .import_exclude_include(operators, exclude, include.only, abortcall = abortcall)
  if(length(operators) == 0) {
    message("No infix operators to expose")
    operators, overwrite, inherits, envir = env, abortcall = abortcall
    "Placing infix operators in current environment..."
  for(op in operators){
    check_existence <- .is.tinyLL(op, env = env)
    if(isTRUE(check_existence)) {
      rm(list = op, envir = env)
    assign(op, ns[[op]], envir = env)

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