
### R code from vignette source 'using_tinytest.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: using_tinytest.Rnw:79-83
options(prompt="R>  ",
        continue = "    ",

### code chunk number 2: using_tinytest.Rnw:108-114
lbs2kg <- function(x){
  if ( x < 0 ){
    stop(sprintf("Expected nonnegative weight, got %g",x))

### code chunk number 3: using_tinytest.Rnw:117-120
expect_equal(lbs2kg(1), 1/2.2046)

### code chunk number 4: using_tinytest.Rnw:126-127
isTRUE( expect_true(2 == 1 + 1) )

### code chunk number 5: using_tinytest.Rnw:158-160
expect_error(lbs2kg(-3), pattern="nonnegative")
expect_error(lbs2kg(-3), pattern="foo")

### code chunk number 6: using_tinytest.Rnw:174-175
expect_false( 1 + 1 == 2, info="My personal message to the tester" )

### code chunk number 7: using_tinytest.Rnw:206-207
print(expect_equal(1+1, 3), type="short")

### code chunk number 8: eval
run_test_file("test_addOne.R", verbose=0)

### code chunk number 9: using_tinytest.Rnw:253-255
test_results <- run_test_file("test_addOne.R", verbose=0)
print(test_results, passes=TRUE)

### code chunk number 10: using_tinytest.Rnw:258-259 (eval = FALSE)
## options(

### code chunk number 11: using_tinytest.Rnw:265-266 (eval = FALSE)
## run_test_dir("/path/to/your/test/directory")

### code chunk number 12: using_tinytest.Rnw:273-275
out <- run_test_dir(system.file("tinytest", package="tinytest")
       , verbose=0)

### code chunk number 13: using_tinytest.Rnw:279-280
head(, 3)

### code chunk number 14: using_tinytest.Rnw:286-287

### code chunk number 15: using_tinytest.Rnw:297-300 (eval = FALSE)
## if ( expect_equal(1 + 1, 2) ){
##     expect_true( 2 > 0)
## }

### code chunk number 16: using_tinytest.Rnw:310-313
if ( ignore(expect_equal)(1+1, 2) ){

### code chunk number 17: using_tinytest.Rnw:321-324
if ([['sysname']] == "Windows"){
  exit_file("Cannot test this on Windows")

### code chunk number 18: using_tinytest.Rnw:336-338 (eval = FALSE)
## exit_if_not(requireNamespace("slartibartfast", quietly=TRUE)
##            , packageVersion("slartibartfast") >= "1.0.0")

### code chunk number 19: using_tinytest.Rnw:360-366 (eval = FALSE)
## run_test_dir("/path/to/my/testdir"
##            , remove_side_effects = FALSE)
## test_all("/path/to/my/testdir"
##            , remove_side_effects = FALSE)
## # Only in tests/tinytest.R:
## test_package("PACKAGENAME", remove_side_effects=FALSE)

### code chunk number 20: using_tinytest.Rnw:373-374 (eval = FALSE)
## options(tt.collate="C")

### code chunk number 21: using_tinytest.Rnw:390-391 (eval = FALSE)
## test_package("pkg", side_effects=TRUE)

### code chunk number 22: using_tinytest.Rnw:395-396 (eval = FALSE)
## test_package("pkg", side_effects=list(pwd=FALSE))

### code chunk number 23: using_tinytest.Rnw:425-426
run_test_file("test_se.R", verbose=1)

### code chunk number 24: using_tinytest.Rnw:472-473 (eval = FALSE)
## setup_tinytest("/path/to/your/package")

### code chunk number 25: using_tinytest.Rnw:486-487 (eval = FALSE)
## test_all("/path/to/your/package")

### code chunk number 26: using_tinytest.Rnw:498-499 (eval = FALSE)
##   build_install_test("/path/to/your/package")

### code chunk number 27: using_tinytest.Rnw:519-521 (eval = FALSE)
## output = pkg:::some_internal_function(1)
## expect_equal(output, 2)

### code chunk number 28: using_tinytest.Rnw:571-573 (eval = FALSE)
## dat <- read.csv("women.csv")
## expect_equal(dat, women)

### code chunk number 29: using_tinytest.Rnw:585-586
options(prompt="  ", continue="  ")

### code chunk number 30: using_tinytest.Rnw:588-593 (eval = FALSE)
## # contents of pkgdir/tests/tinytest.R
## if ( requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE) ){
##    home <- identical(["nodename"], "YOURHOSTNAME" )
##    tinytest::test_package("PKGNAME", at_home = home)
## }

### code chunk number 31: using_tinytest.Rnw:598-599
home <- identical( Sys.getenv("HONEYIMHOME"), "TRUE" )

### code chunk number 32: using_tinytest.Rnw:603-604 (eval = FALSE)
## home <- length(unclass(packageVersion("PKGNAME"))[[1]]) == 4

### code chunk number 33: using_tinytest.Rnw:608-609
options(prompt="R> ", continue="   ")

### code chunk number 34: using_tinytest.Rnw:616-618
run_test_file("test_hehe.R", verbose=0)
run_test_file("test_hehe.R", verbose=0, at_home=FALSE)

### code chunk number 35: using_tinytest.Rnw:642-643 (eval = FALSE)
## tinytest::test_package("hehe")

### code chunk number 36: using_tinytest.Rnw:685-692 (eval = FALSE)
## require(dittodb)
## with_mock_path(
##     system.file("<path-to-your-mocks>", package = "myPackage"),
##     with_mock_db({
##     # <unit tests which rely on database connections>
##     })
## )

### code chunk number 37: using_tinytest.Rnw:703-704 (eval = FALSE)
## test_package("tinytest", set_env = list(WA_BABALOOBA="BA_LA_BAMBOO"))

### code chunk number 38: using_tinytest.Rnw:734-735 (eval = FALSE)
## build_install_test("/path/to/your/package", ncpu=2)

### code chunk number 39: using_tinytest.Rnw:746-747 (eval = FALSE)
## test_package("PACKAGENAME", ncpu=2)

### code chunk number 40: using_tinytest.Rnw:769-772 (eval = FALSE)
## cl <- parallel::makeCluster(4, outfile="")
## parallel::clusterCall(cl, source, "R/myfunctions.R")
## run_test_dir("inst/tinytest", cluster=cl)

### code chunk number 41: using_tinytest.Rnw:779-782 (eval = FALSE)
## parallel::clusterCall(cl, source, "R/myfunctions.R")
## test_all(cluster=cl)
## stopCluster(cl)

### code chunk number 42: using_tinytest.Rnw:817-826
# exported, user-visible function
inch2cm <- function(x){
# not exported function, package-internal
conversion_factor <- function(unit){
  confac <- c(inch=2.54, pound=1/2.2056)

### code chunk number 43: using_tinytest.Rnw:869-877
pound2kg <- function(x){
  stopifnot( is.numeric(x) )
  if ( any(x < 0) ){
    warning("Found negative input, converting to positive")
    x <- abs(x)

### code chunk number 44: using_tinytest.Rnw:896-902 (eval = FALSE)
##     expect_equal(pound2kg(1), 1/2.2046  )
##     # test for expected warning, store output
##     expect_warning( out <- pound2kg(-1) )
##     # test the output
##     expect_equal( out, 1/2.2046)
##     expect_error(pound2kg("foo"))

### code chunk number 45: using_tinytest.Rnw:947-953
bad_function <- function(file){
  oldwd <- getwd()

### code chunk number 46: using_tinytest.Rnw:960-966
good_function <- function(file){
  oldwd <- getwd()

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tinytest documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:43 p.m.