
readEuropresseHTML2 <- FunctionGenerator(function(elem, language, id) {
    function(elem, language, id) {
        # Remove annoying line breaks, as <p> is already here to separate paragraphs
        elem$content <- gsub("\r|&#13;|\n", "", elem$content)
        # In HTML any repetition of spaces must be handled like one space
        # (used by Internet Explorer for identation)
        elem$content <- gsub("  +", " ", elem$content)
        # These markups are used by some sources and create line breaks in the middle
        # of sentences, e.g. with quotations in italics
        elem$content <- gsub("</?(font|b|i).*?>", "", elem$content)
        # This markup is used to mark searches in red and creates the same result
        # Warning: </span> can also close a <span class="DocPublicationName"> tag,
        # within which a <span style=...> tag is sometimes nested:
        # this is why we need such a convoluted regexp
        elem$content <- gsub("<span (style=[^>]*|class=\"occurr?ence\")>(.*?)</span>", "\\2", elem$content)

        encoding <- if(Encoding(elem$content) == "unknown") character(0)
                    else Encoding(elem$content)
        tree <- htmlParse(elem$content, asText=TRUE, encoding=encoding)

        origin <- gsub("^ | $", "",
                       xmlValue(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'DocPublicationName']")[[1]]))
        # Issue number is sometimes included in the publication name
        origin <- gsub(", no\\..*$", "", origin)

        dat <- strsplit(sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'DocHeader']"), xmlValue), ", ")[[1]]

        # We do not know what is the order of the fields, so try to find the date first
        # Fall back to the third field in case of failure
        # Remove week day name at the start
        strdate <- gsub("^[[:alpha:]]+ ", "", dat)
        date <- strptime(strdate, "%d %B %Y")
        datepos <- which(!is.na(date))[1]

        if(is.na(datepos)) {
            # Try C locale: the English case requires a special date format
            old.locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
            Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
            date <- strptime(strdate, "%B %d, %Y")
            Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", old.locale)

            # A bug in Mac OS gives NA when start of month name matches an abbreviated name:
            # http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=141939
            # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2012-June/009296.html
            # Add a workaround for French
            if(is.na(datepos) && Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
                date <- strptime(sub("[jJ]uillet", "07", strdate), "%d %m %Y")
                datepos <- which(!is.na(date))[1]

                warning(sprintf("Could not parse document date from \"%s\". You may need to change the system locale to match that of the corpus. See LC_TIME in ?Sys.setlocale.", paste(dat, collapse='", "')))

        if(is.na(datepos)) datepos <- 3
        date <- date[datepos]

        if(datepos >= 2)
            section <- dat[1]
            section <- character(0)

        # Pages are not always present, and sometimes time replaces this field
        pages <- if(is.na(dat[datepos + 1]) || grepl("UTC", dat[datepos + 1])) character(0) else gsub("p. ", "", dat[datepos + 1])

        heading <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(tree, "//p[@class = 'titreArticleVisu']")[[1]])

        author <- sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "//p[@class = 'titreArticleVisu']/following-sibling::div[1]"), xmlValue)
        if(length(author) == 0) author <- character(0)

        footer <- sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "/html/body/article/footer/*"), xmlValue)
        copyright <- gsub("^ | $", "", footer[[2]])
        id <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]|Num\ue9ro de document : news", "", footer[[3]])

        # If extraction failed for some reason, make sure we return a unique identifier
            id <- paste(if(!is.na(date)) strftime(date, format="%Y%m%d") else "",
                        paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse=""), sep="")

        content <- gsub("^ | $", "",
                        sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "//div[@class = 'docOcurrContainer']/p"), xmlValue))


        # XMLSource uses character(0) rather than NA, do the same
        doc <- PlainTextDocument(x = content,
                                 author = author,
                                 datetimestamp = date,
                                 heading = heading,
                                 id = id,
                                 origin = origin,
                                 language = language)
        meta(doc, "section") <- section
        meta(doc, "pages") <- pages
        meta(doc, "rights") <- copyright

readEuropresseHTML1 <- FunctionGenerator(function(elem, language, id) {
    function(elem, language, id) {
        # Remove annoying line breaks, as <p> is already here to separate paragraphs
        elem$content <- gsub("\r|&#13;|\n", "", elem$content)
        # In HTML any repetition of spaces must be handled like one space
        # (used by Internet Explorer for identation)
        elem$content <- gsub("  +", " ", elem$content)
        # These markups are used by some sources and create line breaks in the middle
        # of sentences, e.g. with quotations in italics
        elem$content <- gsub("</?(font|b|i).*?>", "", elem$content)
        # This markup is used to mark searches in red and creates the same result
        # Warning: </span> can also close a <span class="DocPublicationName"> tag,
        # within which a <span style=...> tag is sometimes nested:
        # this is why we need such a convoluted regexp
        elem$content <- gsub("<span (style=[^>]*|class=\"occurr?ence\")>(.*?)</span>", "\\2", elem$content)

        encoding <- if(Encoding(elem$content) == "unknown") character(0)
                    else Encoding(elem$content)
        tree <- htmlParse(elem$content, asText=TRUE, encoding=encoding)

        origin <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'DocPublicationName']")[[1]])
        # Issue number is sometimes included in the publication name
        origin <- gsub(", no\\..*$", "", origin)

        dat <- sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'DocHeader']"), xmlValue)
        dat <- gsub("^, p. |, $|", "", dat)

        # We do not know what is the order of the fields, so try to find the date first
        # Fall back to the third field in case of failure
        date <- strptime(dat, "%d %B %Y")
        datepos <- which(!is.na(date))[1]

        if(is.na(datepos)) {
            # Try C locale: the English case requires a special date format
            old.locale <- Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")
            Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
            date <- strptime(dat, "%B %d, %Y")
            datepos <- which(!is.na(date))[1]
            Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", old.locale)

            # A bug in Mac OS gives NA when start of month name matches an abbreviated name:
            # http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=141939
            # https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mac/2012-June/009296.html
            # Add a workaround for French
            if(is.na(datepos) && Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
                date <- strptime(sub("[jJ]uillet", "07", dat), "%d %m %Y")
                datepos <- which(!is.na(date))[1]

                warning(sprintf("Could not parse document date from \"%s\". You may need to change the system locale to match that of the corpus. See LC_TIME in ?Sys.setlocale.", paste(dat, collapse='", "')))

        if(is.na(datepos)) datepos <- 3
        date <- date[datepos]

        if(datepos > 2)
            section <- dat[1]
            section <- character(0)

        # Not needed
        # weekday <- dat[datepos - 1]
        # Pages are not always present, and sometimes time replaces this field
        pages <- if(is.na(dat[datepos + 1]) || grepl("UTC", dat[datepos + 1])) character(0) else dat[datepos + 1]

        heading <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'TitreArticleVisu']")[[1]])

        author <- xmlValue(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'TitreArticleVisu']/following::text()[1]")[[1]])
        # Sometimes author is missing or moved to the end of the article:
        # consider that above ten words, we are not dealing with the author name
        if(length(gregexpr(" ", author)[[1]]) > 10)
            author <- character(0)

        # If author is present, skip the corresponding line
        if(length(author) > 0)
            content <- sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'TitreArticleVisu']/following-sibling::text()[position() > 1]"),
            content <- sapply(getNodeSet(tree, "//span[@class = 'TitreArticleVisu']/following-sibling::text()"),

        copyright.lines <- which(grepl("^([Cc]opyright \uA9|[Cc]opyright|\uA9) [[:digit:]]{4}", content))
        # To prevent false detections, only keep matches in the last 4 paragraphs...
        copyright.lines <- copyright.lines[copyright.lines >= length(content) - 4]
        copyright <- content[copyright.lines]
        # ... and short enough to be a good candidate
        copyright <- copyright[nchar(copyright) < 200]

        if(length(copyright) > 0)
            content <- content[-copyright.lines]

        content <- head(content[nchar(gsub(" ", "", content, fixed=TRUE)) > 0], -1)

        id <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]|news", "",
                   xmlValue(getNodeSet(tree, "//tr/td[@align = 'center']/text()")[[1]]))
        # If extraction failed for some reason, make sure we return a unique identifier
            id <- paste(if(!is.na(date)) strftime(date, format="%Y%m%d") else "",
                        paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse=""), sep="")


        # XMLSource uses character(0) rather than NA, do the same
        doc <- PlainTextDocument(x = content,
                                 author = author,
                                 datetimestamp = date,
                                 heading = heading,
                                 id = id,
                                 origin = origin,
                                 language = language)
        meta(doc, "section") <- section
        meta(doc, "pages") <- pages
        meta(doc, "rights") <- copyright

Try the tm.plugin.europresse package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tm.plugin.europresse documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:18 p.m.