df_netKmax6: An example of a row-dependent dataset with known network of...

Description Usage Format


Simulated dataset containing 3 measured i.i.d. baseline covariates (W1, W2, W3), dependent binary exposure (A) and dependent binary binary outcome (Y), along with a known network of friends encoded by strings on space separated friend IDs in Net_str. The baseline covariates (W1,W2,W3) were sampled as i.i.d., while the exposure value of A for each observation i was sampled conditionally on the values of i's baseline covariates (W1[i] W2[i], W3[i]), as well as the baseline covariate values of i's friends in Net_str. Similarly, the binary outcome Y for each observation was generated conditionally on i's exposure and baseline covariates values in (W1[i],W2[i],W3[i],A[i]), as well as the values of exposures and baseline covariates of i's friends in Net_str. Individual variables are described below.




A data frame with 1,000 dependent observations (rows) and 6 variables:


unique observation identifier


categorical baseline covariate (independent), range 0-5


binary baseline covariate (independent)


binary baseline covariate (independent)


binary exposure that depends on unit's baseline covariate values, as well as the baseline covariate values of observations in the friend network Net_str


binary outcome that depends on unit's baseline covariate value and exposure, as well as the baseline covariate values and exposures of observations in the friend network Net_str


number of friends for each observation (row), range 0-6


a vector of strings, where for each observation its a string of space separated friend IDs (this can be either observation IDs or just space separated friend row numbers)

tmlenet documentation built on May 29, 2017, 2:22 p.m.