Extending Autograd

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  eval = identical(Sys.getenv("TORCH_TEST", unset = "0"), "1"),
  purl = FALSE

Adding operations to autograd requires implementing a new autograd_function for each operation. Recall that autograd_functionss are what autograd uses to compute the results and gradients, and encode the operation history. Every new function requires you to implement 2 methods:


It's the user's responsibility to use the special functions in the forward's ctx properly in order to ensure that the new autograd_function works properly with the autograd engine.


Below you can find code for a linear function:

linear <- autograd_function(
  forward = function(ctx, input, weight, bias = NULL) {
    ctx$save_for_backward(input = input, weight = weight, bias = bias)
    output <- input$mm(weight$t())
    if (!is.null(bias))
      output <- output + bias$unsqueeze(0)$expand_as(output)

  backward = function(ctx, grad_output) {

    s <- ctx$saved_variables

    grads <- list(
      input = NULL,
      weight = NULL,
      bias = NULL

    if (ctx$needs_input_grad$input)
      grads$input <- grad_output$mm(s$weight)

    if (ctx$needs_input_grad$weight)
      grads$weight <- grad_output$t()$mm(s$input)

    if (!is.null(s$bias) && ctx$needs_input_grad$bias)
      grads$bias <- grad_output$sum(dim = 0)


Here, we give an additional example of a function that is parametrized by non-Tensor arguments:

mul_constant <- autograd_function(
  forward = function(ctx, tensor, constant) {
    ctx$save_for_backward(constant = constant)
    tensor * constant
  backward = function(ctx, grad_output) {
    v <- ctx$saved_variables
      tensor = grad_output * v$constant
x <- torch_tensor(1, requires_grad = TRUE)
o <- mul_constant(x, 2)

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torch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:54 a.m.