
Defines functions find_path_peak find_best_dir search_geodesic

Documented in find_best_dir find_path_peak search_geodesic

#' A pseudo-derivative, line search algorithm.
#' This is a novel method for finding more interesting projections for the
#' guided tour.  It works by first taking a small step in \code{n} random
#' directions, and then picking the direction that looks most promising
#' (based on the height of the index function), which is effectively a gradient search.
#' Then it performs a linear search along the geodesic in that direction,
#' traveling up to half way around the sphere.
#' You should not to have call this function directly, but should supply it
#' to the \code{\link{guided_tour}} as a search strategy.
#' @param current starting projection
#' @param alpha maximum distance to travel (currently ignored)
#' @param index interestingness index function
#' @param tries the counter of the outer loop of the opotimiser
#' @param max.tries maximum number of failed attempts before giving up
#' @param n number of random steps to take to find best direction
#' @param delta step size for evaluation of best direction
#' @param cur_index index value for starting projection, set NA if it needs to
#'   be calculated
#' @param ... other arguments being passed into the \code{search_geodesic()}
#' @keywords optimize
#' @export
#' @examples
#' animate_xy(flea[, 1:6], guided_tour(holes(), search_f = search_geodesic))
search_geodesic <- function(current, alpha = 1, index, tries, max.tries = 5, ...,  n = 5,
                            delta = 0.01, cur_index = NA) {
  if (is.na(cur_index)) cur_index <- index(current)

  try <- 1
  while (try < max.tries) {
    # Try 5 random directions and pick the one that has the highest
    # index after a small step in either direction
    direction <- find_best_dir(current, index, counter = n, dist = delta)
    best_dir <- direction$basis[[which.max(direction$index_val)]]
    direction_search <- dplyr::mutate(direction, tries = tries, loop = try)

    # Travel halfway round (pi / 4 radians) the sphere in that direction
    # looking for the best projection
    peak <- dplyr::mutate(find_path_peak(current, best_dir, index), tries = tries, loop = try)
    new_index <- tail(peak$index_val, 1)
    new_basis <- tail(peak$basis, 1)

    rcd_env <- parent.frame(n = 4)
    if (is.null(rcd_env[["record"]])) rcd_env <- parent.frame(n = 1)
    rcd_env[["record"]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(
    rcd_env[["record"]] <- dplyr::mutate(
      id = dplyr::row_number()

    if (cur_index == 0 | new_index == 0) {
      warning("either the cur_index or the new_index is zero!")
    } else {
      pdiff <- (new_index - cur_index) / cur_index

      dig3 <- function(x) sprintf("%.3f", x)

        "Value ", dig3(new_index), " ",
        sprintf("%.1f", pdiff * 100), "% better "
      if (pdiff > 0.001 & proj_dist(current, new_basis[[1]]) > 1e-2) { # FIXME: pdiff should pbly be a changeable parameter
        cat(" - NEW BASIS\n")

        current <- new_basis
        cur_index <- new_index

        return(list(target = new_basis[[1]]))

    try <- try + 1
  cat("No better bases found after ", max.tries, " tries.  Giving up.\n",
    sep = ""
  cat("Final projection: \n")
  if (ncol(current) == 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(current)) {
      cat(sprintf("%.3f", current[i]), " ")
  else {
    for (i in 1:nrow(current)) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(current)) {
        cat(sprintf("%.3f", current[i, j]), " ")


#' Find the most promising direction to travel in.
#' Starting from the current projection, pick \code{counter} random location
#' and take a small step towards and away from each location.  The most
#' promising direction has the highest value of the \code{index} function.
#' @keywords optimize internal
#' @param old current projection
#' @param index interestingness index function
#' @param dist step size in radians, should be small
#' @param counter of random steps to take
find_best_dir <- function(old, index, dist = 0.01, counter = 5, ...) {

  # change the original parameter tries to counter since it conflicts with the tries in geodesic-path.r

  bases <- replicate(counter, basis_random(nrow(old), ncol(old)),
    simplify = FALSE

  score <- function(new) {
    interpolator <- geodesic_info(old, new)
    forward <- step_angle(interpolator, dist)
    backward <- step_angle(interpolator, -dist)

    larger <- max(index(forward), index(backward))

      basis = c(list(forward), list(backward)),
      index_val = c(index(forward), index(backward)),
      info = "direction_search",
      method = "search_geodesic"

  ans <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(bases, score))
  ans[which.max(ans$index_val), "info"] <- "best_direction_search"

#' Find the most interesting projection along a geodesic.
#' Use \code{\link{optimize}} to find the most interesting projection amongst
#' all projections on a geodesic.  This method assumes that the function is
#' continuous with a single maximum, but seems to do ok even if there are
#' multiple maxima.
#' @param old currention project
#' @param new projection that gives direction to travel in
#' @param index interestingness index function
#' @param max_dist maximum distance to travel along in radians
#' @keywords optimize internal
find_path_peak <- function(old, new, index, max_dist = pi / 4, ...) {
  interpolator <- geodesic_info(old, new)

  index_pos <- function(alpha) index(step_angle(interpolator, alpha))

  alpha <- stats::optimize(index_pos, c(-max_dist, max_dist), maximum = TRUE, tol = 0.01)

  best <- tibble::tibble(
    basis = list(step_angle(interpolator, alpha$maximum)),
    index_val = alpha$objective,
    info = "best_line_search",
    method = "search_geodesic"

# globalVariables("tries")

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tourr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:22 a.m.