
Defines functions app_into_parts build_tower build_server build_http_handler add_server_layer add_http_layer print.tower create_tower

Documented in add_http_layer add_server_layer app_into_parts build_tower create_tower print.tower

#' @keywords internal
compiler_options <- list(optimize = 3L)

#' @title Create a new tower
#' @description Create a new tower to build upon.
#' @param app A 'shiny' app object
#' @return A new tower object to add more layers to
#' @export
create_tower <- function(app) {
      app = app,
      server_layers = list(),
      http_layers = list()
    class = c("tower")

#' @title Print a tower
#' @description Print a tower
#' @param x A tower
#' @param ... Ignored arguments (for compatibility with print)
#' @return No return value, called for side effects
#' @export
print.tower <- function(x, ...) {
    "Tower:", length(x$server_layers), "server layers,",
    length(x$http_layers), "http layers\n"

#' @title Add an HTTP layer to a tower
#' @description Add an HTTP layer to a tower. This layer
#'   will be called before the 'shiny' app's httpHandler.
#' @param tower A tower
#' @param layer A function that takes a request and returns either
#'   a response. A layer can short circuit by returning a response
#'   directly or call the next layer will `req$NEXT(req)` which
#'   will call the next layer in the middleware.
#' @return The tower with the added layer
#' @export
add_http_layer <- function(tower, layer) {
  tower$http_layers <- c(
    compiler::cmpfun(layer, options = compiler_options)

#' @title Add a server layer to a tower
#' @description Add a server layer to a tower. This layer
#'   will run before the 'shiny' app's server function. This
#'   is useful for adding custom logic to the server function
#'  without modifying the original server function.
#' @param tower A tower
#' @param layer A function that takes input, output, and session
#'   and has no return value. This function will be called before
#'   the original server function. If you want to short-circuit
#'   the server use an exception.
#' @return The tower with the added layer
#' @export
add_server_layer <- function(tower, layer) {
  tower$server_layers <- c(
    compiler::cmpfun(layer, options = compiler_options)

#' @keywords internal
build_http_handler <- function(tower) {
  app_handler <- compiler::cmpfun(
    options = compiler_options


  # If only the app handler exists return it
  if (length(tower$http_layers) == 0) {
    return(compiler::cmpfun(app_handler, options = compiler_options))

  http_layers <- append(tower$http_layers, app_handler)
  n_layers <- length(http_layers)

  next_fn <- compiler::cmpfun(
    function(req) {
      count <- req$LAYER_COUNTER + 1
      if (count > n_layers) {
          "No more layers left, req$NEXT was probably called more than once"
      layer <- http_layers[[count]]
      req$LAYER_COUNTER <- count
    options = compiler_options

  handler <- function(request) {
    request$LAYER_COUNTER <- 0
    request$NEXT <- next_fn

  return(compiler::cmpfun(handler, options = compiler_options))

#' @keywords internal
build_server <- function(tower) {

  server <- compiler::cmpfun(tower$app$serverFuncSource())
  layers <- append(tower$server_layers, list(server))

  if (length(layers) > 1) {
    server <- compiler::cmpfun(
      function(input, output, session) {
        for (layer in layers) {
          layer(input, output, session)
      options = compiler_options

      function() server,
      options = compiler_options


#' @title Build a 'shiny' app from a tower
#' @description Build a 'shiny' app from a tower. This will create
#'   a new 'shiny' app with the specified layers added.
#' @param tower A tower
#' @return A 'shiny' app object that can be started
#' @export
build_tower <- function(tower) {
  app <- tower$app
  app$httpHandler <- build_http_handler(tower)
  app$serverFuncSource <- build_server(tower)

#' @title Into parts
#' @description Splits a shiny.appobj into its parts, the ui and server
#' @param app A shiny.appobj
#' @return A list with the ui and server handlers
#' @export
app_into_parts <- function(app) {
  ui <- app$httpHandler
  server <- app$serverFuncSource()
  list(ui = ui, server = server)

Try the tower package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tower documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:28 a.m.