smoother.distrProfile: Smoother for distribution profiles.

View source: R/distributionProfile.R

smoother.distrProfileR Documentation

Smoother for distribution profiles.


The distribution profiles are smoothed using a shape constrained additive model with Poisson responses to ensure that the smoothed distribution profile is positive and monotone decreasing.


## S3 method for class 'distrProfile'
smoother(object, session = NULL, what = NULL, control = list(...), ...)



An object of class distrProfile as returned by distribution_profile.


A numeric vector of the sessions to be selected and smoothed. Defaults to all sessions.


A character version of the variables to be selected and smoothed. Defaults to all variables in object (what = NULL).


A list of parameters for controlling the smoothing process. This is passed to smoother_control.distrProfile.


Arguments to be used to form the default control argument if it is not supplied directly.


Kosmidis, I., and Passfield, L. (2015). Linking the Performance of Endurance Runners to Training and Physiological Effects via Multi-Resolution Elastic Net. ArXiv e-print arXiv:1506.01388.

Pya, N. and Wood S. (2015). Shape Constrained Additive Models. Statistics and Computing, 25(3), 543–559. Frick, H.,

Kosmidis, I. (2017). trackeR: Infrastructure for Running and Cycling Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 82(7), 1–29. doi:10.18637/jss.v082.i07

See Also


trackeR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:04 a.m.