threshold.trackeRdata: Thresholding for variables in 'trackeRdata' objects

View source: R/thresholds.R

threshold.trackeRdataR Documentation

Thresholding for variables in trackeRdata objects


Thresholding for variables in trackeRdata objects


## S3 method for class 'trackeRdata'
threshold(object, variable, lower, upper, sport, trace = FALSE, ...)

threshold(object, ...)



An object of class trackeRdata.


A vector containing the names of the variables to which thresholding is applied. See Details.


A vector containing the corresponding lower thresholds. See Details.


A vector containing the corresponding upper thresholds. See Details.


A vector of sports (amongst 'cycling', 'running', 'swimming') with each element corresponding to variable, lower and upper


Should a progress report be printed? Default is FALSE


Currently not used.


lower and upper are always understood as referring to the units of the object.

If the arguments variable, lower, and upper are all unspecified, the following default thresholds are employed

  • latitude [-90, 90] degrees

  • longitude [-180, 180] degrees

  • altitude [-500, 9000] m

  • distance [0, Inf] meters

  • cadence_running [0, Inf] steps per min

  • cadence_cycling [0, Inf] revolutions per min

  • speed [0, Inf] meters

  • heart rate [0, 250] bpm

  • power [0, Inf] W

  • pace [0, Inf] min per km

  • duration [0, Inf] seconds

  • temperature [-20, 60] C

after they have been transformed to the units of the object

The thresholds for speed differ across sports: for running they are [0, 12.5] meters per second, for cycling [0, 100] meters per second and for swimming [0, 5] meters per second.


## Not run: 
data('runs', package = 'trackeR')
plot(runs, session = 4, what = 'speed', threshold = FALSE)
runsT <- threshold(runs, variable = 'speed', lower = 0, upper = 12.5, sport = "running")
plot(runsT, session = 4, what = 'speed', threshold = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

trackeR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:04 a.m.