
#' @rdname get_units
#' @export
getUnits <- get_units

#' @rdname change_units
#' @export
changeUnits <- change_units

#' @rdname get_resting_periods
#' @export
restingPeriods <- get_resting_periods

#' @rdname impute_speeds
#' @export
imputeSpeeds <- impute_speeds

#' @rdname read_container
#' @export
readContainer <- read_container

#' @rdname read_directory
#' @export
readDirectory <- read_directory

generateVariableNames <- generate_variable_names

#' @rdname generate_units
#' @export
generateBaseUnits <- generate_units

#' @rdname generate_thresholds
#' @export
generateDefaultThresholds <- generate_thresholds

#' @rdname get_operations
#' @export
getOperations <- get_operations

#' @rdname smoother_control.trackeRdata
#' @export
smootherControl.trackeRdata <- smoother_control.trackeRdata

#' @rdname plot_route
#' @export
plotRoute <- plot_route

#' @rdname leaflet_route
#' @export
leafletRoute <- leaflet_route

#' @rdname concentration_profile
#' @export
concentrationProfile <- concentration_profile

#' @rdname distribution_profile
#' @export
distributionProfile <- distribution_profile

#' @rdname decreasing_smoother
#' @export
decreasingSmoother <- decreasing_smoother

#' @rdname smoother_control.distrProfile
#' @export
smootherControl.distrProfile <- smoother_control.distrProfile

#' @rdname fortify.trackeRdata
#' @export
fortify_trackeRdata <- fortify.trackeRdata

#' @rdname fortify.trackeRdataSummary
#' @export
fortify_trackeRdataSummary <- fortify.trackeRdataSummary

#' @rdname fortify.conProfile
#' @export
fortify_conProfile <- fortify.conProfile

#' @rdname fortify.distrProfile
#' @export
fortify_distrProfile <- fortify.distrProfile

#' @rdname fortify.trackeRWprime
#' @export
fortify_trackeRWprime <- fortify.trackeRWprime

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trackeR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:04 a.m.