mergeMriImages: Merging MriImage objects

mergeMriImagesR Documentation

Merging MriImage objects


This function concatenates the data from a series of MriImage objects, and then attempts to work out the final dimensions of the merged image and returns it.


mergeMriImages(..., bindDim = NULL, padTags = FALSE)



MriImage objects. They do not need to have the same dimensionality.


An integer specifying the dimension along which to bind the data, or NULL (the default). The latter case resolves to one number higher than the last dimension common to all images.


Logical value. If TRUE, NAs will be used to pad tags which appear to be partially missing in the merged dataset. If FALSE, incomplete tags will be dropped.


A merged image.


Tags are retained as-is if they are identical in each image. Otherwise they are concatenated if their lengths match the number of blocks in each image, or concatenated with NAs for missing values if padTags is TRUE.


Jon Clayden


Please cite the following reference when using TractoR in your work:

J.D. Clayden, S. Muñoz Maniega, A.J. Storkey, M.D. King, M.E. Bastin & C.A. Clark (2011). TractoR: Magnetic resonance imaging and tractography with R. Journal of Statistical Software 44(8):1-18. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v044.i08")}.

See Also


tractor.base documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:58 a.m.