
Defines functions ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn buildTkReportFn buildWinReportFn buildTxtReportFn .formatProgressMsg durationToS

Documented in ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn

durationToS <- function(duration) {
  if (is.na(duration))
  if (duration >= 3600) {
    duration <- duration / 3600
    units <- "hours"
  } else if (duration >= 60) {
    duration <- duration / 60
    units <- "mins"
  } else {
    duration <- ceiling(duration)
    units <- "secs"
  sprintf("%g %s", signif(duration, 2), units)

.formatProgressMsg <- function(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished) {
  # If it's not going to finish for a long time...
  if (secsRemaining > 45 * 60) {
    # Report finish time
    fmt <- if (julian(Sys.Date()) != julian(Sys.time() + secsRemaining))
      "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    sprintf("Est. finish at %s", format(Sys.time() + secsRemaining, fmt))
  } else {
    sprintf("Est. time remaining %s", durationToS(secsRemaining))

buildTxtReportFn <- function(title, newline = "\r") {
  if (!missing(title) && !is.null(title))
    cat(paste0(title, "\n"))

  function(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished) {
    if (finished)
    else {
      cat(paste0(.formatProgressMsg(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished),
             "                                    ", newline))

buildWinReportFn <- function(title) {
  pb <- utils::winProgressBar(title, "Estimated completion time", min = 0, max = 100)
  function(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished) {
    if (!missing(finished) && finished)
    else {
      label <- .formatProgressMsg(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished)
      utils::setWinProgressBar(pb, 100 * secsElapsed / (secsElapsed + secsRemaining), label = label)

buildTkReportFn <- function(title) {
  pb <- tcltk::tkProgressBar(title, "Estimated completion time", min = 0, max = 100)
  function(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished) {
    if (!missing(finished) && finished)
    else {
      label <- .formatProgressMsg(n, total, secsElapsed, secsRemaining, sd, finished)
      tcltk::setTkProgressBar(pb, 100 * secsElapsed / (secsElapsed + secsRemaining), label = label)

#' A general purpose progress bar that reports elapsed time rather than number of items
#' @param numItems Number of items to be processed
#' @param reportFn A function used to report changing progress
#' @return A function which should be called for each item as it is processed.
ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn <- function(numItems, reportFn) {
  # Function state
  durations <- numeric(numItems)
  index <- 1
  startTime <- proc.time()
  itemStartTime <- proc.time()
  ignoreShortFirstTime <- TRUE
  closed <- FALSE

  function(itemNumber, newNumItems, close) {
    # Already closed?
    if (closed)
      # Do nothing

    # Force close?
    if (!missing(close) && close) {
      reportFn(finished = TRUE)
      closed <<- TRUE

    # Allow caller to override current item index or total number of items
    if (!missing(itemNumber)) {
      index <<- as.numeric(itemNumber)
    if (!missing(newNumItems)) {
      numItems <<- as.numeric(newNumItems)

    # Calculate elapsed time from last item to this
    now <- proc.time()
    duration <- (now - itemStartTime)[3]
    # Save this duration
    durations[index] <<- duration
    # Time remaining
    nRemaining <- numItems - index
    secsRemaining <- nRemaining * (now - startTime)[3] / index

    closed <<- nRemaining == 0
    # To get sd, sum the variances (= sd ^ 2) and take square root
    reportFn(index, numItems, (now - startTime)[3], secsRemaining, sqrt(stats::sd(durations) ^ 2 * nRemaining), finished = closed)

    # Move on - ignore very quick first entry, assume function was called before
    # the work was performed
    if (ignoreShortFirstTime && index == 1 && duration < .03) {
      ignoreShortFirstTime <<- FALSE
    } else {
      index <<- index + 1
      itemStartTime <<- now

# n <- 20
# #pb <- ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn(n, buildTxtReportFn("Progress"))
# pb <- ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn(n, buildWinReportFn("Test progress bar"))
# #pb <- ElapsedTimeProgressBarFn(n, buildTkReportFn("Test progress bar"))
# for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
#   pb()
#   Sys.sleep(runif(1, max = 1))
# }
# pb(close = TRUE)
# pb()
# print(Sys.time())

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trajr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:52 a.m.