woodmiceTrees | R Documentation |
These trees were created using the neighbour-joining and bootstrapping example from the ape documentation.
A multiPhylo object containing 201 trees, each with 15 tips
Michelle Kendall michelle.louise.kendall@gmail.com
A set of 15 sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b of the woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) which is a subset of the data analysed by Michaux et al. (2003). The full data set is available through GenBank (accession numbers AJ511877 to AJ511987)
Michaux, J. R., Magnanou, E., Paradis, E., Nieberding, C. and Libois, R. (2003) Mitochondrial phylogeography of the Woodmouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Western Palearctic region. Molecular Ecology, 12, 685-697
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