Man pages for trelliscopejs
Create Interactive Trelliscope Displays

as_cognosticsCast a data frame as a cognostics data frame
cogCast Column as a Cognostic
cog_disp_filterHelper function for creating a cognostic for a link to...
cog_hrefHref Cognostic
cogsCogs Wrapper Function
facet_trelliscopeFacet Trelliscope
img_panelCast a vector of URLs pointing to images as an image panel...
img_panel_localCast a vector of URLs pointing to local images as an image...
map2_cogMap over multiple inputs simultaneously and return a vector...
map2_plotMap over multiple inputs simultaneously and return a vector...
map_cogApply a function to each element of a vector and return a...
map_plotApply a function to each element of a vector and return a...
mpg_labelsLabels for ggplot2 "mpg" data
panelsPanels Wrapper Function
prepare_displaySet up all auxiliary files needed for a Trelliscope app
print.facet_trelliscopePrint facet trelliscope object
set_labelsSet labels for a data frame
sort_specSpecify how a display should be sorted
trelliscopeCreate a Trelliscope Display
Trelliscope-shinyShiny bindings for Trelliscope
update_display_listUpdate Trelliscope app display list file
write_cognosticsWrite cognostics data for a display in a Trelliscope app
write_configWrite Trelliscope app configuration file
write_display_objWrite a "display object" file for a Trelliscope app
write_panelWrite a plot object as a panel in a Trelliscope display
write_panelsWrite a list of plot objects as panels in a Trelliscope...
trelliscopejs documentation built on Feb. 1, 2021, 9:05 a.m.