
Defines functions trem_get

Documented in trem_get

#' Perform a GET request to Tremendous API
#' @description This function provides lower-level access to perform GET
#'   requests via Tremendous API. Available endpoints can be found on the
#'   official [Tremendous API
#'   documentation](https://developers.tremendous.com/).
#' @inheritParams trem_send_reward
#' @inheritParams trem_post
#' @return If `parse = TRUE` (default), a list containing the
#'   response from the API request. Otherwise, the R6 HttpResponse object
#'   containing API request data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a new Tremendous API Client
#' test_client <- trem_client_new(api_key = "TEST_YOUR-API-KEY-HERE",
#' sandbox = TRUE) # Sandbox environment so no actual money is sent
#' # Perform a GET request to list funding sources available in your Tremendous
#' # Account. Documentation:
#' # https://developers.tremendous.com/reference/core-funding-source-index
#' trem_get(trem_client, "funding_sources")
#' # Perform a GET request to list all invoices on your Tremendous Account.
#' # Documentation:
#' # https://developers.tremendous.com/reference/core-invoices-index
#' trem_get(trem_client, "invoices")
#' # Perform a GET request to list all orders (payment history) on your Tremendous
#' # Account. Documentation:
#' # https://developers.tremendous.com/reference/core-orders-index
#' trem_get(trem_client, "orders")
#' # Perform a GET request to list a specific order's information (payment history)
#' # from your Tremendous Account. Documentation:
#' # https://developers.tremendous.com/reference/core-orders-show
#' trem_get(trem_client, "orders/YOUR-ORDER-ID")
#'   }

trem_get <- function(client, path,
                     query = list(), disk = NULL, stream = NULL,
                     parse = TRUE) {

  if (missing(client)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Tremendous API Client required.
                     Please create one with {.fn trem_client_new} .")
  } else if (!missing(client)) {

  res <- client$httpClient$get(path = file.path("api/v2", path),
                               query = query,
                               disk = disk,
                               stream = stream)


  if (!parse) {
  } else if (parse) {

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tremendousr documentation built on Sept. 30, 2021, 5:09 p.m.