
Defines functions autotriples.rgl

Documented in autotriples.rgl

#Author: Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo. Last Modified $Date: 2006-03-04 22:04:02 +0100 (sab, 04 mar 2006) $

#'Interactive trivariate time series plots
#'Interactive trivariate time series plots
#'This function displays interactive trivariate time series plots
#'\code{x[t-lags[1]], x[t-lags[2]]} against \code{x[t]} using the interactive
#'\code{\link[rgl]{rgl}} device.
#'@param x time series
#'@param lags vector of regressors lags
#'@param type type of plot: contour levels, perspective plots, image
#'@return None. A plot is produced on the current \code{rgl} device.
#'@author Wrapper to 'sm' and GUI by Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
#'@seealso \code{\link{autotriples}} for 3d visualization via
#'\pkg{scatterplot3d} package and for kernel post-processing of the cloud for
#'nonparametric autoregression functions estimates.
#'@keywords ts
#' autotriples.rgl(log(lynx))
autotriples.rgl <- function(x, lags=1:2, type=c("lines","points")) {
	type <- match.arg(type)
	X <- embedd(x, lags=c(-lags,0))
	else if (type=="points")

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