umxLav2RAM: Convert lavaan string to a umxRAM model

View source: R/lavanify2ram.R

umxLav2RAMR Documentation

Convert lavaan string to a umxRAM model


Takes a lavaan syntax string and creates the matching one or more umxRAM() models.

If data are provided, a umxRAM() model is returned.

If more than one group is found, a umxSuperModel() is returned.

This function is at the alpha quality stage, and should be expected to have bugs. Several features are not yet supported. Let me know if you would like them.


  model = NA,
  data = "auto",
  group = NULL,
  group.equal = NULL,
  name = NA,
  lavaanMode = c("sem", "lavaan"), = FALSE,
  suffix = "",
  comparison = TRUE,
  type = c("Auto", "FIML", "cov", "cor", "WLS", "DWLS", "ULS"),
  allContinuousMethod = c("cumulants", "marginals"),
  autoRun = getOption("umx_auto_run"),
  tryHard = c("no", "yes", "ordinal", "search"),
  verbose = FALSE,
  optimizer = NULL,
  std = FALSE,
  printTab = TRUE



A lavaan syntax string, e.g. "A~~B"


Data to add to model (defaults to auto, which is just sketch mode)


= Column to use for multi-group (default = NULL)


= what to equate across groups. Default (NULL) means no equates. See details for what we might implement in future.


Model name (can also add name in # commented first line)


Auto-magical path settings for cfa/sem (default) or no-defaults ("lavaan")

= FALSE Whether to set var of latents to 1 (default FALSE). nb. Toggles fix first.


String to append to each label (useful if model will be used in a multi-group model)


Compare the new model to the old (if updating an existing model: default = TRUE)


One of "Auto", "FIML", "cov", "cor", "WLS", "DWLS", "ULS"


"cumulants" or "marginals". Used in all-continuous WLS data to determine if a means model needed.


Whether to run the model (default), or just to create it and return without running.


Default ('no') uses normal mxRun. "yes" uses mxTryHard. Other options: "ordinal", "search"


Whether to tell the user what latents and manifests were created etc. (Default = FALSE)


optionally set the optimizer (default NULL does nothing)


Whether to print estimates. Defaults to FALSE ("raw"), TRUE = "std", for no parameter table use NULL.


= TRUE (more for debugging)


Uses the defaults of lavaan::sem

  • = TRUE

  • = FALSE

  • auto.fix.first = TRUE (unless = TRUE)

  • auto.fix.single = TRUE

  • auto.var = TRUE

  • = TRUE

  • = TRUE

  • = TRUE

  • auto.cov.y = TRUE

  • fixed.x = FALSE (not standard in lavaan::sem, but needed for RAM)

Lavaan is well documented. For quick reference, some common symbols in lavaan strings are:

lav Mplus sem Action
A =~ B A by B A (Latent) is measured by B
A ~ B A on B A<- B A "is regressed on" (<- ) B
A ~~ B A with B A<->B A covaries with B
A ~ 1 [A] A has mean
A := B A is defined by B (see OpenMx::mxAlgebra())
A == B A is constrained == to B (see OpenMx::mxConstraint() )
⁠=~⁠ lhs (Latent) is manifested by rhs
~ lhs "is regressed on" (<- ) rhs
⁠~~⁠ lhs covaries with rhs
~ 1 lhs has mean
⁠:=⁠ lhs is defined by rhs (see OpenMx::mxAlgebra())
== lhs is constrained == to rhs (see OpenMx::mxConstraint() )

Naming of multiple groups

When multiple groups are found the groups are named name_grouplevel White space is replaced with "_" and illegal characters are replaced with "x"

note: Options for group.equal. In future, we might implement (but have not as yet):

  1. c("loadings"

  2. "intercepts"

  3. "means"

  4. "regressions"

  5. "residuals"

  6. "covariances"


  • list of umxPath()s

See Also

umxRAM2Lav(), umxRAM()

Other Miscellaneous Utility Functions: install.OpenMx(), libs(), qm(), umxModelNames(), umxRAM2Lav(), umxVersion(), umx_array_shift(), umx_find_object(), umx_lower.tri(), umx_msg(), umx_open_CRAN_page(), umx_pad(), umx_print(), umx


## Not run: 

# auto-data, print table, return umxRAM model
m1 = umxLav2RAM("y ~ x", printTab= TRUE)

lav = "y ~ x1 + 2.4*x2 + x3"
tmp = umxLav2RAM(lav, data = "auto", printTab= FALSE)

# Add labels to parameters, e.g. "x3_loading" as a loading for x3->x1
tmp = umxLav2RAM("x1 ~ x3_loading*x3")
# |   |x1       |x3         |
# |:--|:--------|:----------|
# |x1 |x1_to_x1 |x3_loading |
# |x3 |x1_to_x3 |x3_to_x3   |

# Fix values, e.g. x2 -> y fixed at 2.4
tmp = umxLav2RAM("y ~ x1 + 2.4*x2; s =~ 0*y11 + 1*y12 + 2*y13 + 3*y14")

tmp = umxLav2RAM("L =~ X1 + X2; L ~ Y")
plot(tmp, min=c("L", "Y"))

# Factor model showing auto-addition of correlations among exogenous latents
# and auto-residuals on manifests
data("", package = "OpenMx")

cov([, c("visual"  , "cubes"   , "flags")])
cov([, c("paragrap", "sentence", "wordm")])
cov([, c("addition", "counting", "straight")])

HS = "spatial =~ visual   + cubes    + flags
      verbal  =~ paragrap + sentence + wordm
      speed   =~ addition + counting + straight"

m1 = umxRAM(HS, data = umx_scale(

# Multiple groups
m1 = umxRAM(HS, data = umx_scale(, group = "school")

# More examples

lav = " # Moderated mediation
gnt ~ a*cb
INT ~ b1*gnt + b2*cn + b3*cngn + c*cb

indirect := a*b1
direct := c

ab3 := a * b3
loCN := a * b1 + ab3 * -0.5
hiCN := a * b1 + ab3 * 0.5
tmp = umxRAM(lav)
# plot showing ability to influence layout with max min same groupings
plot(tmp, max = c("cb", "cn", "cngn"), same = "gnt", min= "INT")

# Algebra: e.g. b1^2
m1 = umxRAM("x1~b1*x2; B1_sq := b1^2", data = demoOneFactor)
m1$B1_sq$result # = 0.47

# Model with constraints and labeled parameters
lav = "
y ~ b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x3
# constraints
b1 == (b2 + b3)^2
b1 > exp(b2 + b3)"

tmp = umxLav2RAM(lav)

namedModel = " 	# my name
	y ~x"
m1 = umxRAM(namedModel) 

# Formative factor
# lavaanify("f5 <~ z1 + z2 + z3 + z4")

## End(Not run)

umx documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:40 a.m.