Man pages for ungeneanno
Collate Gene Annotation Data from Uniprot and NIH Gene Databases

geneanno-classAn S4 class to represent the base information used by the...
gene-classAn S4 class to represent a gene.
genematrixInput Matrix of Drug/Gene Data
getGeneSummaryCreate gene specific objects containing data from online...
getGroupGeneListCreate unique list of group,gene combinations from input list
getNihQuerycreate initial NIH Query
getNihSummaryGather NIH Gene Data
getPublicationListGather NIH Pubmed Data
getUniprotSummaryGather Uniprot Data
getUniqueGeneListCreate unique list of genes from input list
inputlistInput Vector of Drug/Gene Data
parseInputFileParse files of gene names and group identifiers to create...
produceOutputFilesSave Gene Information to group Specific Output Files
pubmed-classAn S4 class to represent a query to the Pubmed database,...
query-classAn S4 class to represent an initial query to the NCBI...
searchPublicationsCarry out Pubmed search for a mtrix
ungeneanno-packageCollate Gene Annotation Data from Uniprot and NIH Gene...
ungeneanno documentation built on May 29, 2017, 2:01 p.m.