
## 0_all_pals.R | 2022 10 15
## Inventory of all color palettes
## -------------------------------

# Goal: Provide an inventory / record / registry of color palettes
#       (and corresponding institutions, labels, and URLs).

# A. Meta-information on all exported color palettes: ------ 

uni_pals <- c("eth_1", "eth_2", "eth_3",
              "fu_0", "fu_1", "fu_2", "fu_3",
              "hu_1", "hu_1_digital", "hu_2", "hu_3_accent", "hu_1_2022", "hu_2_2022", 
              "lmu_1", "lmu_2", "lmu_3",
              "uni_bonn_1", "uni_bonn_2",
              "uni_freiburg_0", "uni_freiburg_1", "uni_freiburg_2",
              "uni_freiburg_br", "uni_freiburg_blue", "uni_freiburg_grey", "uni_freiburg_info",
              "uni_hamburg_1", "uni_hamburg_2",
              "uni_jena_1", "uni_jena_2",
              "uni_kiel_1", "uni_kiel_2",
              "uni_koeln_1", "uni_koeln_2",
              "uni_konstanz_1", "uni_konstanz_2",
              "uni_mannheim_1", "uni_mannheim_2",
              "princeton_0", "princeton_1", "princeton_2",
              "uni_regensburg_1", "uni_regensburg_2", "uni_regensburg_3",
              "uni_ulm_1", "uni_ulm_2",
              "rpi_1", "rpi_2", "rpi_3",
              "asu_1 <-", "asu_2 <-", "asu_3 <-", 
              "berkeley_1 <-", "berkeley_2 <-", 
              "birmingham <-", 
              "ubc <-", 
              "brown_1 <-", "brown_2 <-", 
              "bu <-", 
              "caltech_1 <-", "caltech_2 <-", "caltech_3 <-", 
              "carleton <-", 
              "uchicago_1 <-", "uchicago_2 <-", 
              "cmu_1 <-", "cmu_2 <-", "cmu_3 <-", 
              "columbia_1 <-", "columbia_2 <-", "columbia_3 <-",   
              "concordia_1 <-", "concordia_2 <-", "concordia_3 <-", "concordia_4 <-", 
              "cornell_1 <-", "cornell_2 <-", "cornell_3_accent <-", 
              "dartmouth_1 <-", "dartmouth_2 <-", "dartmouth_3 <-", 
              "trinity_1 <-", "trinity_2 <-", 
              "duke_1 <-", "duke_2 <-", 
              "dundee_core <-", "dundee_highlight <-", "dundee_block <-", "dundee_background <-", 
              "edinburgh <-", 
              "uflorida_1 <-", "uflorida_2 <-", "uflorida_3 <-", 
              "galway_1 <-", "galway_2 <-", 
              "glasgow_1 <-", "glasgow_2 <-", 
              "guelph <-", 
              "harvard_1 <-", "harvard_2 <-", "harvard_3 <-", 
              "uci_1 <-", "uci_2 <-", "uci_3 <-", "uci_4 <-", 
              "jhu_0 <-", "jhu_1 <-", "jhu_2 <-", "jhu_3_accent <-", "jhu_4_gray <-", 
              "uni_kassel <-", 
              "lancaster_1 <-", "lancaster_2 <-", 
              "laval <-", 
              "limerick_1 <-", "limerick_2 <-", 
              "manchester_uni_1 <-", "manchester_uni_2 <-", 
              "manitoba_1 <-", "manitoba_2 <-", 
              "mcgill_red <-", "mcgill_pastels <-", "mcgill_brights <-", "mcgill_muted <-", "mcgill_darks <-", "mcgill_grey <-", 
              "mcmaster_heritage <-", "mcmaster_brighterworld <-", 
              "michigan_1 <-", "michigan_2 <-", 
              "msu <-", 
              "minnesotatwin_1 <-", "minnesotatwin_2 <-", 
              "mit <-", 
              "monash_1 <-", "monash_2 <-", 
              "mun_1 <-", "mun_2 <-", 
              "northwestern_1 <-", "northwestern_2 <-", 
              "notredame_1 <-", "notredame_2 <-", 
              "nyu_1 <-", "nyu_2 <-", "nyu_neutral <-", "nyu_accent <-", 
              "uottawa <-", 
              "oxford_brand <-", "oxford_general <-", "oxford_link <-", "oxford_shades <-", "oxford_blog <-", "oxford_graduate <-", "oxford_error <-", "oxford_socialmedia <-", 
              "pitt_1 <-", "pitt_2 <-", 
              "uni_potsdam <-", 
              "queensu_1 <-", "queensu_2 <-", 
              "sfu_brand <-", 
              "stanford_1 <-", "stanford_2 <-", "stanford_3 <-", 
              "standrews_1 <-", "standrews_2 <-", 
              "utoronto <-", 
              "ucalgary_1 <-", "ucalgary_2 <-", "ucalgary_warmgreys <-", "ucalgary_accent <-", 
              "ucla_1 <-", "ucla_2 <-", "ucla_3 <-", "ucla_4 <-", 
              "ucsd_1 <-", "ucsd_2 <-", "ucsd_3 <-", 
              "umass_1 <-", "umass_2 <-", "umass_neutrals <-", 
              "uni_goettingen_1 <-", "uni_goettingen_2 <-", "uni_goettingen_3 <-", 
              "uni_heidelberg <-", 
              "uni_manchester <-", 
              "uni_stuttgart_1 <-", "uni_stuttgart_print <-", 
              "upenn_1 <-", "upenn_2 <-", 
              "uvic_1 <-", "uvic_2 <-", 
              "uwaterloo_main <-", "uwaterloo_arts <-", "uwaterloo_engineering <-", "uwaterloo_environment <-", "uwaterloo_health <-", "uwaterloo_math <-", "uwaterloo_science <-", 
              "vanderbilt_1 <-", "vanderbilt_2 <-", "vanderbilt_3 <-", 
              "waikato <-", 
              "western_uni <-", 
              "yale <-", 
              "yeshiva <-", 
              "yorku_1 <-", "yorku_2 <-",
              # NEW in v0.2.0: 
              "groningen_1", "groningen_2",
              "ohio_uni_1", "ohio_uni_2", 
              "wm_1", "wm_2", "wm_3",
              "nottingham_1", "nottingham_2", "nottingham_3",
              "anu_1", "anu_2",
              "mq_1", "mq_2",
              "wollongong_1", "wollongong_2",
              "auckland_1", "auckland_2",
              "ucc_1", "ucc_2",
              "cardiff_1", "cardiff_2", 
              "aberystwyth_1", "aberystwyth_2",
              # NEW after v0.2.0:
              "stirling_1", "stirling_2", "stirling_3", 
              "uni_magdeburg_1", "uni_magdeburg_2", "uni_magdeburg_3",
              "bangor_1", "bangor_2", "bangor_3", "bangor_4",
              "bergen_1", "bergen_2", "bergen_3", "bergen_4",
              "stockholm_1", "stockholm_2",
              "lund_1", "lund_2", "lund_3",
              "ku_1", "ku_2",
              "helsinki_1", "helsinki_2", "helsinki_3", 
              "aalto_1", "aalto_2"

# Bug fix: Replace all instances of " <-" by "" (empty string) in uni_pals:

uni_pals <- gsub(pattern = " <-", replacement = "", x = uni_pals)
# uni_pals

inst <- c(rep("ETH Zurich", 3),
          rep("Free University Berlin", 4),
          rep("Humboldt University Berlin", 6),
          rep("LMU Munich", 3),
          "Max Planck Society",
          rep("University of Bonn", 2),
          rep("University of Freiburg", 7),
          rep("University of Hamburg", 2),
          rep("University of Jena", 2),
          rep("Kiel University", 2),
          rep("University of Koeln", 2),
          rep("University of Konstanz", 2),
          rep("University of Mannheim", 2),
          rep("Princeton University", 3),
          rep("University of Regensburg", 3),
          rep("University of Ulm", 2),
          rep("Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)", 3), 
          "RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau",
          rep("Arizona State University", 3),
          rep("University of California, Berkeley", 2),
          rep("University of Birmingham", 1),
          rep("University of British Columbia", 1),
          rep("Brown University", 2),
          rep("Boston University", 1),
          rep("California Institute of Technology", 3), 
          rep("University of Carleton", 1),
          rep("University of Chicago", 2),
          rep("Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)", 3),
          rep("Columbia University", 3),
          rep("Concordia University", 4),
          rep("Cornell University", 3),
          rep("Dartmouth College", 3),
          rep("Trinity College Dublin", 2),
          rep("Duke University", 2),
          rep("University of Dundee", 4),
          rep("University of Edinburgh", 1),
          rep("University of Florida", 3),
          rep("University of Galway", 2),
          rep("University of Glasgow", 2),
          rep("University of Guelph", 1),
          rep("Harvard University", 3),
          rep("University of California, Irvine", 4),
          rep("Johns Hopkins University", 5),
          rep("University of Kassel", 1),
          rep("Lancaster University", 2),
          rep("Laval University", 1),
          rep("University of Limerick", 2),
          rep("Manchester University", 2),
          rep("University of Manitoba", 2),
          rep("McGill University", 6),
          rep("McMaster University", 2),
          rep("University of Michigan", 2),
          rep("Michigan State University", 1),
          rep("University of Minnesota Twin Cities", 2),
          rep("Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)", 1),
          rep("Monash University", 2),
          rep("Memorial University of Newfoundland", 2),
          rep("Northwestern University", 2),
          rep("University of Notre Dame", 2),
          rep("NYU, New York University", 4),
          rep("University of Ottawa", 1),
          rep("Oxford University", 8),
          rep("University of Pittsburgh", 2),
          rep("University of Potsdam", 1),
          rep("Queen\u0027s University", 2),
          rep("Simon Fraser University", 1),
          rep("Stanford University", 3),
          rep("University of St Andrews", 2),
          rep("University of Toronto", 1),
          rep("University of Calgary", 4),
          rep("University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)", 4),
          rep("University of California, San Diego (UCSD)", 3),
          rep("University of Massachusetts Amherst", 3),
          rep("University of Goettingen", 3),
          rep("University of Heidelberg", 1),
          rep("University of Manchester", 1),
          rep("University of Stuttgart", 2),
          rep("University of Pennsylvania", 2),
          rep("University of Victoria", 2),
          rep("University of Waterloo", 7),
          rep("Vanderbilt University", 3),
          rep("University of Waikato", 1),
          rep("Western University", 1),
          rep("Yale University", 1),
          rep("Yeshiva University", 1),
          rep("York University", 2), 
          # NEW in v0.2.0: 
          rep("University of Groningen", 2),
          "University of Lisbon",
          "Willamette University",
          rep("Ohio University", 2),
          rep("William & Mary", 3),
          rep("University of Nottingham", 3),
          rep("Australian National University", 2),
          rep("Macquarie University", 2),
          rep("University of Wollongong", 2),
          rep("University of Auckland", 2),
          "University of Otago",
          "National University of Ireland Maynooth",
          rep("University College Cork", 2),
          rep("Cardiff University", 2),
          rep("Aberystwyth University", 2),
          "University College Dublin", 
          # NEW after v0.2.0: 
          rep("University of Stirling", 3),
          rep("University of Magdeburg", 3),
          "Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg",
          rep("University of Bangor", 4),
          "University of Oslo",
          rep("University of Bergen", 4),
          rep("University of Stockholm", 2),
          "Uppsala University",
          "University of Gothenburg",
          rep("Lund University", 3),
          rep("University of Copenhagen", 2),
          "Aarhus University",
          rep("University of Helsinki", 3),
          rep("Aalto University", 2)
) # inst.

# Alternative name (e.g. in source language), abbreviation (e.g., in URL): 

inst_alt <- c(rep("Eidgen\u00F6ssische Technische Hochschule, Z\u00FCrich", 3),
              rep("Freie Universit\u00E4t Berlin", 4),
              rep("Humboldt Universit\u00E4t zu Berlin", 6),
              rep("Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00E4t M\u00FCnchen", 3),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Bonn", 2),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Freiburg", 7),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Hamburg", 2),
              rep("Friedrich-Schiller-Universit\u00E4t Jena", 2),
              rep("Christian-Albrechts-Universit\u00E4t (CAU) zu Kiel", 2),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t zu K\u00F6ln", 2),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Konstanz", 2),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Mannheim", 2),
              rep("Princeton University", 3),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Regensburg", 3),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Ulm", 2),
              rep("RPI, Rensselaer", 3),
              "Rheinland-Pf\u00E4lzische Technische Universit\u00E4t Kaiserslautern-Landau",
              rep("Arizona State University / ASU", 3),
              rep("UC Berkeley / UCBerkeley", 2),
              rep("Birmingham University / UBirmingham", 1),
              rep("University of British Columbia / UBC", 1),
              rep("Brown University", 2),
              rep("Boston University / BU", 1),
              rep("Caltech", 3),
              rep("University of Carleton", 1),
              rep("Chicago University / UChicago", 2),
              rep("Carnegie Mellon / CMU", 3),
              rep("Columbia", 3),
              rep("Concordia", 4),
              rep("Cornell", 3),
              rep("Dartmouth", 3),
              rep("Trinity Dublin / TCD", 2),
              rep("Duke", 2),
              rep("Dundee University", 4),
              rep("Edinburgh University", 1),
              rep("Florida University", 3),
              rep("Galway University", 2),
              rep("Glasgow University", 2),
              rep("Guelph University / U o Guelph", 1),
              rep("Harvard", 3),
              rep("UCIrvine / UCI Health / UCI", 4),
              rep("Johns Hopkins / JHU", 5),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Kassel", 1),
              rep("Lancaster University", 2),
              rep("Universit\u00E9 Laval", 1),
              rep("Ollscoil Luimnigh / UL", 2),
              rep("Manchester University", 2),
              rep("University of Manitoba", 2),
              rep("McGill", 6),
              rep("McMaster", 2),
              rep("University of Michigan", 2),
              rep("Michigan State University", 1),
              rep("University of Minnesota Twin Cities", 2),
              rep("Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT", 1),
              rep("Monash University", 2),
              rep("Memorial University of Newfoundland", 2),
              rep("Northwestern University", 2),
              rep("University of Notre Dame", 2),
              rep("New York University, NYU", 4),
              rep("University of Ottawa", 1),
              rep("University of Oxford", 8),
              rep("Pittsburgh", 2),
              rep("University of Potsdam", 1),
              rep("Queen\u0027s University", 2),
              rep("Simon Fraser University", 1),
              rep("Stanford Uni / Uni Stanford", 3),
              rep("St-Andrews / StAndrews", 2),
              rep("Toronto University", 1),
              rep("UCalgary, Calgary University", 4),
              rep("UC Los Angeles, Los Angeles University", 4),
              rep("UC San Diego, San Diego University", 3),
              rep("Amherst University, U of Massachusetts Amherst", 3),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t G\u00F6ttingen", 3),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Heidelberg", 1),
              rep("University of Manchester", 1),
              rep("Universit\u00E4t Stuttgart", 2),
              rep("UPenn, U of Pennsylvania", 2),
              rep("Victoria / UVic", 2),
              rep("UWaterloo", 7),
              rep("Vanderbilt", 3),
              rep("Waikato", 1),
              rep("Western / UWO", 1),
              rep("Yale", 1),
              rep("YU", 1),
              rep("YorkU, York", 2),
              # NEW in v0.2.0: 
              rep("Rijksuniversiteit Groningen", 2),
              "Universidade de Lisboa",
              rep("Ohio University", 2),
              rep("W&M", 3),
              rep("Nottingham University", 3),
              rep("ANU", 2), 
              rep("Macquarie, MQ", 2),
              rep("Wollongong, UOW", 2),
              rep("Waipapa Taumata Rau / UOA", 2),
              "Te Whare Wananga o Otakou",
              "Ollscoil Mha Nuad / Maynooth University / MU",
              rep("Colaiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh / UCC", 2),
              rep("Prifysgol Caerdydd", 2),
              rep("Prifysgol Aberystwyth", 2),
              "An Colaiste Ollscoile, Baile Atha Cliath / UCD",
              # NEW after v0.2.0: 
              rep("Stirling University / UStirling", 3),
              rep("Otto-von-Guericke-Universit\u00E4t Magdeburg / OVGU", 3),
              "Martin-Luther-Universit\u00E4t Halle-Wittenberg / MLU Halle Wittenberg",
              rep("Prifysgol Bangor / Bangor University", 4),
              "Universitetet i Oslo / UiO",
              rep("Universitetet i Bergen / UiB", 4),
              rep("Stockholms universitet / SU", 2),
              "Uppsala Universitet / UU",
              "G\u00F6teborgs Universitet / GU",
              rep("Lunds Universitet / LU", 3),
              rep("Kobenhavns Universitet / KU", 2),
              "Aarhus Universitet / AU",
              rep("Helsingin Yliopisto / UH", 3),
              rep("Aalto Yliopisto / AU", 2)
) # inst_alt. 

# Valid URL: 

url <- c(rep("https://ethz.ch/de.html", 3),
         rep("https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/index.html", 4),
         rep("https://www.hu-berlin.de/en", 6),
         rep("https://www.lmu.de/en/index.html", 3),
         rep("https://www.uni-bonn.de/en", 2),
         rep("https://uni-freiburg.de", 7),
         rep("https://www.uni-hamburg.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.uni-jena.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.uni-koeln.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.uni-kiel.de/en", 2),
         rep("https://www.uni-konstanz.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.uni-mannheim.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.princeton.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.uni-regensburg.de", 3),
         rep("https://www.uni-ulm.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.rpi.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.asu.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.berkeley.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/", 1),
         rep("https://www.ubc.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.brown.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.bu.edu", 1),
         rep("https://www.caltech.edu", 3),
         rep("https://carleton.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.uchicago.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.cmu.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.columbia.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.concordia.ca", 4),
         rep("https://www.cornell.edu", 3),
         rep("https://home.dartmouth.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.tcd.ie", 2),
         rep("https://duke.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.dundee.ac.uk", 4),
         rep("https://www.ed.ac.uk", 1),
         rep("https://www.ufl.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.universityofgalway.ie", 2),
         rep("https://www.gla.ac.uk", 2),
         rep("https://www.uoguelph.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.harvard.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.uci.edu", 4),
         rep("https://www.jhu.edu", 5),
         rep("https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/", 1),
         rep("https://www.lancaster.ac.uk", 2),
         rep("https://www.ulaval.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.ul.ie", 2),
         rep("https://www.manchester.edu", 2),
         rep("https://umanitoba.ca", 2),
         rep("https://www.mcgill.ca", 6),
         rep("https://www.mcmaster.ca", 2),
         rep("https://umich.edu", 2),
         rep("https://msu.edu", 1),
         rep("https://twin-cities.umn.edu", 2),
         rep("https://web.mit.edu", 1),
         rep("https://www.monash.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.mun.ca", 2),
         rep("https://www.northwestern.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.nd.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.nyu.edu", 4),
         rep("https://www.uottawa.ca/en", 1),
         rep("https://www.ox.ac.uk", 8),
         rep("https://www.pitt.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de", 1),
         rep("https://www.queensu.ca", 2),
         rep("https://www.sfu.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.stanford.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk", 2),
         rep("https://www.utoronto.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.ucalgary.ca", 4),
         rep("https://www.ucla.edu", 4),
         rep("https://www.ucsd.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.umass.edu", 3),
         rep("https://uni-goettingen.de", 3),
         rep("https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/de", 1),
         rep("https://www.manchester.ac.uk", 1),
         rep("https://www.uni-stuttgart.de", 2),
         rep("https://www.upenn.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.uvic.ca", 2),
         rep("https://uwaterloo.ca", 7),
         rep("https://www.vanderbilt.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.waikato.ac.nz", 1),
         rep("https://www.uwo.ca", 1),
         rep("https://www.yale.edu", 1),
         rep("https://www.yu.edu", 1),
         rep("https://www.yorku.ca", 2),
         # NEW in v0.2.0: 
         rep("https://www.rug.nl", 2),
         rep("https://www.ohio.edu", 2),
         rep("https://www.wm.edu", 3),
         rep("https://www.nottingham.ac.uk", 3),
         rep("https://www.anu.edu.au", 2),
         rep("https://www.mq.edu.au", 2),
         rep("https://www.uow.edu.au", 2),
         rep("https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en.html", 2),
         rep("https://www.ucc.ie", 2),
         rep("https://www.cardiff.ac.uk", 2),
         rep("https://aber.ac.uk/en/", 2),
         # NEW after v0.2.0: 
         rep("https://www.stir.ac.uk", 3),
         rep("https://www.ovgu.de", 3),
         rep("https://www.bangor.ac.uk", 4),
         rep("https://www.uib.no", 4),
         rep("https://www.su.se", 2),
         rep("https://www.lu.se", 3),
         rep("https://www.ku.dk", 2),
         rep("https://www.helsinki.fi", 3),
         rep("https://www.aalto.fi/fi", 2)
) # url.

# B. Collect all_data (as data frame): ------ 

all_data <- data.frame(inst = inst, inst_alt = inst_alt, url = url, pal = uni_pals)
# dim(all_data)  # 202 4  2023-08-16
# dim(all_data)  # 269 4  2023-10-14

# Sort df by inst & pal: 
all_data <- all_data[order(all_data$inst, all_data$pal), ]

# Re-set rownames:
row.names(all_data) <- 1:nrow(all_data)

# - Getting pal from pal names: ---- 

# eval(str2expression(all_data$pal[1]))
# eval(str2lang(all_data$pal[1]))
# # 3 ways of evaluating an object by its name:
# pal_name <- all_pals[1]
# length(eval(parse(text = pal_name)))
# length(eval(str2expression(pal_name)))
# length(eval(str2lang(pal_name)))

# - Descriptive stats: ----

# # IFF pals are loaded:
# all_pals <- all_data$pal
# # Number of colors (from pal names):
# # Number of pals and colors:
# n_pals <- length(all_pals)
# n_cols <- rep(NA, n_pals)
# # my_space <- loadNamespace("unicol")
# for (i in 1:n_pals){
#   n_cols[i] <- length(eval(str2expression(all_pals[i])))
#   # n_cols[i] <- length(eval(str2expression(all_pals[i]), envir = my_space))
# }
# n_cols
# all_data$pal[duplicated(all_data$pal)]  # duplicates?
# # On 2023-10-14:
# length(all_data$pal)           #  269 color palettes
# length(unique(all_data$inst))  #  116 institutions
# sum(n_cols)                    # 1850 colors

# +++ here now +++

# C. Export as unicol_data (as data frame): ------ 

#' The color palettes of the \strong{unicol} package
#' \code{unicol_data} summarizes the color palettes 
#' included in the \strong{unicol} package 
#' (as a data frame). 
#' @return 
#' A data frame summarizing the \strong{unicol} color palettes. 
#' @examples 
#' dim(unicol_data)
#' head(unicol_data)
#' # Descriptives: 
#' length(unique(unicol_data$pal))   # number of color palettes
#' length(unique(unicol_data$inst))  # number of institutions
#' @family internal
#' @seealso 
#' \code{\link{seecol}} for viewing and comparing color palettes;
#' \code{\link{usecol}} for using color palettes;
#' \code{\link{simcol}} for finding similar colors;
#' \code{\link{newpal}} for defining new color palettes;
#' \code{\link{grepal}} for finding named colors.
#' @export

unicol_data <- all_data

# # Check:
# unicol_data
# names(unicol_data)

## ToDo: --------

# Process unicol_data further, e.g., 
# - add a country field (or get/read from URL)?
# - add a variable for number of colors (length)

## eof. ----------

Try the unicol package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

unicol documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:17 a.m.