
# From http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/
test_that("'utf8_normalize' can reproduce Fig. 3", {
  src <- c("\u212b", "\u2126")
  nfd <- c("\u0041\u030a", "\u03a9")
  nfc <- c("\u00c5", "\u03a9")

  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(src), nfc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(nfd), nfc)

# From http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/
test_that("'utf8_normalize' can reproduce Fig. 4", {
  src <- c("\u00c5", "\u00f4")
  nfd <- c("\u0041\u030a", "\u006f\u0302")
  nfc <- c("\u00c5", "\u00f4")

  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(src), nfc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(nfd), nfc)

# From http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/
test_that("'utf8_normalize' can reproduce Fig. 5", {
  src <- c("\u1e69", "\u1e0b\u0323", "\u0071\u0307\u0323")
  nfd <- c("\u0073\u0323\u0307", "\u0064\u0323\u0307", "\u0071\u0323\u0307")
  nfc <- c("\u1e69", "\u1e0d\u0307", "\u0071\u0323\u0307")

  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(src), nfc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(nfd), nfc)

# From http://unicode.org/reports/tr15/
test_that("'utf8_normalize' can reproduce Fig. 6", {
  src <- c("\ufb01", "\u0032\u2075", "\u1e9b\u0323")
  nfd <- c("\ufb01", "\u0032\u2075", "\u017f\u0323\u0307")
  nfc <- c("\ufb01", "\u0032\u2075", "\u1e9b\u0323")
  nfkd <- c("\u0066\u0069", "\u0032\u0035", "\u0073\u0323\u0307")
  nfkc <- c("\u0066\u0069", "\u0032\u0035", "\u1e69")

  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(src), nfc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(nfd), nfc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(src, map_compat = TRUE), nfkc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(nfd, map_compat = TRUE), nfkc)
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(nfkd), nfkc)

test_that("'utf8_normalize' can normalize, case fold, and remove ignorables", {
  src <- c("A", "\u00df", "\u1e9e", "\u1fc3", "\u200b")
  nfkc_casefold <- c("a", "ss", "ss", "\u03b7\u03b9", "")
    utf8_normalize(src, map_case = TRUE, remove_ignorable = TRUE),

test_that("'utf8_normalize' can map quotes", {
  src <- c("\"", "'", "\u2018", "\u2019", "\u201c", "\u201d")
  quotefold <- c("\"", "'", "'", "'", "\u201c", "\u201d")
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(src, map_quote = TRUE), quotefold)

test_that("'utf8_normalize' accepts NULL", {
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(NULL), NULL)

test_that("'utf8_normalize' accepts NA", {
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize(NA_character_), NA_character_)

test_that("'utf8_normalize' can handle backslash", {
  expect_equal(utf8_normalize("\\m"), "\\m")

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utf8 documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 1:06 a.m.