speciate: Speciation of emissions

View source: R/speciate.R

speciateR Documentation

Speciation of emissions


speciate separates emissions in different compounds. It covers black carbon and organic matter from particulate matter. Soon it will be added more speciations


  x = 1,
  spec = "bcom",
  list = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



Emissions estimation


The speciations are:

  • "bcom": Splits PM2.5 in black carbon and organic matter.

  • "tyre" or "tire": Splits PM in PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and PM0.1.

  • "brake": Splits PM in PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and PM0.1.

  • "road": Splits PM in PM10 and PM2.5.

  • "nox": Splits NOx in NO and NO2.

  • "nmhc": Splits NMHC in compounds, see ef_ldv_speed.

  • "voc": Splits NMHC in voc groups according EDGAR.

  • "pmiag", "pmneu", "pmneu2", "pm2023": Splits PM in groups, see note below.


Type of vehicle:

  • "bcom": veh can be "PC", "LCV", HDV" or "Motorcycle".

  • "tyre" or "tire": not necessary.

  • "brake": not necessary.

  • "road": not necessary.

  • "nox": veh can be "PC", "LCV", HDV" or "Motorcycle".

  • "nmhc":see below

  • ""pmiag", "pmneu", "pmneu2", "pm2023": not necessary.



  • "bcom": "G" or "D".

  • "tyre" or "tire": not necessary.

  • "brake": not necessary.

  • "road": not necessary.

  • "nox": "G", "D", "LPG", "E85" or "CNG".

  • "nmhc":see below

  • "pmiag", "pmneu", "pmneu2", "pm2023": not necessary.


Emission standard

  • "bcom": "G" or "D".

  • "tyre" or "tire": not necessary.

  • "brake": not necessary.

  • "road": not necessary.

  • "nox": "G", "D", "LPG", "E85" or "CNG".

  • "nmhc":see below

  • "pmiag", "pmneu", "pmneu2", "pm2023": not necessary.


when TRUE returns a list with number of elements of the list as the number species of pollutants


Numeric vector for PM speciation eg: c(e_so4i = 0.0077, e_so4j = 0.0623, e_no3i = 0.00247, e_no3j = 0.01053, e_pm25i = 0.1, e_pm25j = 0.3, e_orgi = 0.0304, e_orgj = 0.1296, e_eci = 0.056, e_ecj = 0.024, h2o = 0.277) These are default values. however, when this argument is present, new values are used.


Logical to show more information


dataframe of speciation in grams or mols


options for spec "nmhc":

veh fuel eu
LDV D all
HDV D all
LDV G Evaporative
LDV E25 Evaporative
LDV E100 Evaporative
LDV E25 Exhaust
LDV E100 Exhaust
HDV B5 Exhaust
LDV E85 Exhaust
LDV E85 Evaporative
LDV CNG Exhaust
ALL E100 Liquid
ALL G Liquid
ALL E25 Liquid
LDV G OM-001
LDV D OM-002
HDV D OM-003
MC G OM-004
LDV G OM-001-001
LDV G OM-001-002
LDV G OM-001-003
LDV G OM-001-004
LDV G OM-001-005
LDV G OM-001-006
LDV G OM-001-007
LDV D OM-002-001
LDV D OM-002-002
LDV D OM-002-003
LDV D OM-002-004
LDV D OM-002-005
LDV D OM-002-006
HDV D OM-003-001
HDV D OM-003-002
HDV D OM-003-003
HDV D OM-003-004
HDV D OM-003-005
HDV D OM-003-006
MC G OM-004-001
MC G OM-004-002
MC G OM-004-003
ALL ALL urban
ALL ALL highway

after eu = OM, all profiles are Chinese # the following specs will be removed soon

  • "iag_racm": ethanol emissions added in hc3.

  • "iag" or "iag_cb05": Splits NMHC by CB05 (WRF exb05_opt1) group .

  • "petroiag_cb05": Splits NMHC by CB05 (WRF exb05_opt1) group .

  • "iag_cb05v2": Splits NMHC by CB05 (WRF exb05_opt2) group .

  • "neu_cb05": Splits NMHC by CB05 (WRF exb05_opt2) group alternative.

  • "petroiag_cb05v2": Splits NMHC by CB05 (WRF exb05_opt2) group alternative.

spec "pmiag" speciate pm2.5 into e_so4i, e_so4j, e_no3i, e_no3j, e_mp2.5i, e_mp2.5j, e_orgi, e_orgj, e_eci, e_ecj and h2o. Reference: Rafee, S.: Estudo numerico do impacto das emissoes veiculares e fixas da cidade de Manaus nas concentracoes de poluentes atmosfericos da regiao amazonica, Master thesis, Londrina: Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana, 2015.

specs: "neu_cb05", "pmneu" and "pmneu2" provided by Daniel Schuch, from Northeastern University. "pm2023" provided by Iara da Silva; Leila D. Martins

Speciation with fuels "E25", "E100" and "B5" made by Prof. Leila Martins (UTFPR), represents BRAZILIAN fuel

pmiag2 pass the mass only on j fraction

spec "voc" splits nmhc into the 25 VOC groups according: Huang et al 2019, "Speciation of anthropogenic emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds: a global gridded data set for 1970-2012" ACP. Speciation In development.


"bcom": Ntziachristos and Zamaras. 2016. Passenger cars, light commercial trucks, heavy-duty vehicles including buses and motorcycles. In: EEA, EMEP. EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook-2009. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2016

"tyre", "brake" and "road": Ntziachristos and Boulter 2016. Automobile tyre and brake wear and road abrasion. In: EEA, EMEP. EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook-2009. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2016

"iag": Ibarra-Espinosa S. Air pollution modeling in Sao Paulo using bottom-up vehicular emissions inventories. 2017. PhD thesis. Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisica e Ciencias Atmosfericas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, page 88. Speciate EPA: https://cfpub.epa.gov/speciate/. : K. Sexton, H. Westberg, "Ambient hydrocarbon and ozone measurements downwind of a large automotive painting plant" Environ. Sci. Tchnol. 14:329 (1980).P.A. Scheff, R.A. Schauer, James J., Kleeman, Mike J., Cass, Glen R., Characterization and Control of Organic Compounds Emitted from Air Pollution Sources, Final Report, Contract 93-329, prepared for California Air Resources Board Research Division, Sacramento, CA, April 1998. 2004 NPRI National Databases as of April 25, 2006, http://www.ec.gc.ca/pdb/npri/npri_dat_rep_e.cfm. Memorandum Proposed procedures for preparing composite speciation profiles using Environment Canada s National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) for stationary sources, prepared by Ying Hsu and Randy Strait of E.H. Pechan Associates, Inc. for David Niemi, Marc Deslauriers, and Lisa Graham of Environment Canada, September 26, 2006.


## Not run: 
# Do not run
pm <- rnorm(n = 100, mean = 400, sd = 2)
(df <- speciate(pm, veh = "PC", fuel = "G", eu = "I"))
(df <- speciate(pm, spec = "brake", veh = "PC", fuel = "G", eu = "I"))
(dfa <- speciate(pm, spec = "iag", veh = "veh", fuel = "G", eu = "Exhaust"))
(dfb <- speciate(pm, spec = "iag_cb05v2", veh = "veh", fuel = "G", eu = "Exhaust"))
(dfb <- speciate(pm, spec = "neu_cb05", veh = "veh", fuel = "G", eu = "Exhaust"))
pm <- units::set_units(pm, "g/km^2/h")
#(dfb <- speciate(as.data.frame(pm), spec = "pmiag", veh = "veh", fuel = "G", eu = "Exhaust"))
#(dfb <- speciate(as.data.frame(pm), spec = "pmneu", veh = "veh", fuel = "G", eu = "Exhaust"))
#(dfb <- speciate(as.data.frame(pm), spec = "pmneu2", veh = "veh", fuel = "G", eu = "Exhaust"))
# new
(pah <- speciate(spec = "pah", veh = "LDV", fuel = "G", eu = "I"))
(xs <- speciate(spec = "pcdd", veh = "LDV", fuel = "G", eu = "I"))
(xs <- speciate(spec = "pmchar", veh = "LDV", fuel = "G", eu = "I"))
(xs <- speciate(spec = "metals", veh = "LDV", fuel = "G", eu = "all"))

## End(Not run)

vein documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:20 a.m.