
# Internals for c- methods

# Adding as ingle element
setMethod("c2", signature=c("XArray", "ANY"), 
	definition=function(x, y){
		callStack <- sys.calls()
		# check the type - should be the same as the rest of XArray
		targetClass <- class(x@stack[[1]])[1]
		naCase <- FALSE
		# if the type is not the same as the rest
		if(!inherits(y, targetClass)){
			# if it has more than one values -> halt
				stop("Incompatible class.")
			# if it is only one value it might still be good
				# if that is not missing - > halt
					stop("Incompatible class.")
					naCase <- TRUE

		# The new index
			ind <- c(x@index, nlayers(x)+1)
			callSymb <- sys.call(which=-3)
			endObj <- XArray(c(x@stack, list(y)), index=ind)

				names(endObj@stack)[nlayers(endObj)] <- deparse(callSymb[[3]])

			ind <- c(x@index, NA)

			endObj <- XArray(x@stack, index=ind)


# VirtualArray with itself
setMethod("c2", signature=c("XArray", "XArray"), 
	definition=function(x, y){
		# shift indices of the second argument
		indexPlus<- y@index+nlayers(x)

		# combine the indices
		ind <- c(x@index, indexPlus)

		# the final object
		endObj <- XArray(c(x@stack, y@stack), index=ind)


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via documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:31 p.m.