# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
fit_margins_cpp <- function(data, nlevels, mult, xmin, xmax, bw, deg, weights, num_threads) {
.Call(`_vinereg_fit_margins_cpp`, data, nlevels, mult, xmin, xmax, bw, deg, weights, num_threads)
select_dvine_cpp <- function(data, family_set, par_method, nonpar_method, mult, selcrit, weights, psi0, preselect_families, cores, var_types) {
.Call(`_vinereg_select_dvine_cpp`, data, family_set, par_method, nonpar_method, mult, selcrit, weights, psi0, preselect_families, cores, var_types)
cond_quantile_cpp <- function(alpha, u, vinecop_r, num_threads) {
.Call(`_vinereg_cond_quantile_cpp`, alpha, u, vinecop_r, num_threads)
cond_dist_cpp <- function(u, vinecop_r, num_threads) {
.Call(`_vinereg_cond_dist_cpp`, u, vinecop_r, num_threads)
cond_dens_cpp <- function(u, vinecop_r, num_threads) {
.Call(`_vinereg_cond_dens_cpp`, u, vinecop_r, num_threads)
cond_loglik_cpp <- function(u, vinecop_r, num_threads) {
.Call(`_vinereg_cond_loglik_cpp`, u, vinecop_r, num_threads)
with_parameters_cop_cpp <- function(vinecop_r, parameters) {
.Call(`_vinereg_with_parameters_cop_cpp`, vinecop_r, parameters)
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