
#' Issue a walkalytics isochrone query
#' \code{isochrone_png} calls the \code{walkalytics} isochrone API which calculates the walking isochrone for a source location
#'     and returns a repsonse object that contains a base64-encoded raster as PNG file with classified isochrones.
#' @importFrom httr POST add_headers
#' @param x x-coordinate of the source location (coordinate system is WGS/84 Pseudo Mercator).
#' @param y y-coordinate of the source location (coordinate system is WGS/84 Pseudo Mercator).
#' @param epsg EPSG code for coordinate system of the x- and y-coordinate.
#' @param max_min integer. Maximum number of minutes for the isochrone.
#' @param break_values a vector of break values (walking time in minutes) for the classification of the PNG result.
#' @param key your \code{walkalytics} subscription key which provides access to the API.
#' @details To get an API key, you need to register at \url{https://dev.walkalytics.com/signin}.
#'      With the free starter account, you can make up to 100 calls a week to the API.
#' @return The \link[httr]{response} object from the request. Use \link[walkalytics]{save_png} to save the base64-encoded
#'     PNG to file.
#' @references \href{https://dev.walkalytics.com/docs/services/}{Walkalytics API documentations}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' isochrone_png(x = 895815, y = 6004839, key = "abcd1234")
#' }
isochrone_png <- function(x, y, epsg = 3857, max_min = 1000, break_values = c(0, 3, 6, 9, 13),
                          key = "my_walkalytics_key") {

  # Walkalytics API call --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  response <- isochrone(x = x, y = y, epsg = epsg, max_min = max_min, raw_data = FALSE, pois = NULL, only_pois = FALSE,
                        break_values = break_values, key = key)



#' Save a base64-encoded PNG to file
#' \code{save_png} decodes a base64-encoded PNG of a response object from a \link[walkalytics]{isochrone_png} call and
#'     saves it to file.
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate str_detect
#' @importFrom base64enc base64decode
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @param isochrone_png a response object from a \link[walkalytics]{isochrone_png} call to the \code{walkalytics} isochrone API.
#' @param file character vector, containing file name or path
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' isochrone_png(x = 896488, y = 6006502, key = "abcd1234") %>%
#'     save_png(tempfile(pattern = "file", fileext = ".png"))
#' }

save_png <- function(isochrone_png, file = "isochrone.png") {

  # Check status code and API
  if (!isochrone_png$status_code == 200) stop("status code ", isochrone_png$status_code, call. = FALSE)
  if (!stringr::str_detect(isochrone_png$request$url, "isochrone")) stop("object is no response object from a walkalytics isochrone API call", call. = FALSE)

  # Check filename
  if (file == "") file = "isochrone.png"
  if (!stringr::str_detect(tolower(file), "\\.png")) file = paste0(file, ".png")

  # Extract content
  output <- httr::content(isochrone_png)
  output <- output$img

  # Check if raw data
  if (!stringr::str_detect(output, "")) stop("The input data is not in the correct format.", call. = FALSE)

  # Decode raw data
  start <- stringr::str_locate(output, "iVBORw0KGgo")
  output <- base64enc::base64decode(substr(output, start[1], nchar(output)))

  # Write to file
  writeBin(output, file)


Try the walkalytics package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

walkalytics documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:02 a.m.