
# if(getRversion() < "3.3.0")
# {
#   stop("Your version of R is too old. This package requires R-3.3.0 or newer on Windows.")
# }
# if (Sys.getenv("LIB_FFTW") == "")
# {
#   if (!file.exists("../windows/include/fftw3.h") ||
#       !file.exists(paste0("../windows/lib/", .Platform$r_arch, "/fftw3.a")))
#   {
#     download.file("", "", quiet = TRUE)
#     dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
#     unzip("", exdir = "../windows", files = c("include/fftw3.h",  paste0("lib/", .Platform$r_arch, "/libfftw3.a")))
#     unlink("")
#   }
# }
# if (!file.exists("../windows/include/soxr-lsr.h") ||
#     !file.exists(paste0("../windows/lib/", .Platform$r_arch, "/libsoxr-lsr.a")))
# {
#   download.file("", "", quiet = TRUE)
#   dir.create("../windows", showWarnings = FALSE)
#   unzip(
#     "",
#     exdir = "../windows",
#     files = c("include/soxr.h", "include/soxr-lsr.h",
#               paste0("lib/", .Platform$r_arch, c("/libsoxr.a", "/libsoxr-lsr.a"))
#     )
#   )
#   unlink("")
# }

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warbleR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:49 a.m.