
Defines functions get_wcde_single

Documented in get_wcde_single

#' Pull multiple vectors for a given indicator, scenarios and .Rdata file names
#' @description Requires a working internet connection. Intended for internal use.
#' @param indicator One character string based on the `name` column in the `wic_indicators` data frame, representing the variable to be interested.
#' @param scenario Vector with a numbers corresponding the scenarios. See details in `wcde` for more information.
#' @param country_code Vector of length one or more of country numeric codes based on ISO 3 digit numeric values.
#' @return A tibble with multiple columns.
get_wcde_single <- function(indicator = NULL, scenario = 2, country_code = NULL){
  # scenario = c(1, 3); indicator = "tfr"; country_code = c(40, 100)
  # scenario = 2; indicator = "e0"; country_code = "900"
  if(length(indicator) > 1){
    message("can only get data on one indicator at a time, taking first indicator given")
    indicator <- indicator[1]
  if(!wcde_location(country_code = country_code)){
    stop("data for one of the country codes not available")
  # if(length(scenario) > 1){
  #   message("can only get data on one scenario at a time, taking first scenario given")
  #   scenario <- scenario[1]
  # }
  if(!all(scenario %in% c(1:5, 21, 22))){
    message("scenario must be an integer in wic_scenarios$scenario")
  v0 <- wcde::wic_indicators %>%
    dplyr::filter(indicator == {{indicator}}) %>%
    dplyr::select(-past) %>%
    dplyr::select_if(is.logical) %>%
    tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = dplyr::everything(), names_to = "v", values_to = "avail") %>%
    dplyr::filter(avail == 1) %>%

  if(length(v0) == 0 & stringr::str_detect(string = indicator, pattern = "pop-")){
    v0 <- stringr::str_split(string = indicator, pattern = "-")[[1]]
    v0 <- v0[-1]
    v0 <- stringr::str_replace(string = v0, pattern = "edattain", replacement = "edu")
    v0 <- stringr::str_replace(string = v0, pattern = "total", replacement = "")
    v0 <- v0[!nchar(v0)==0]

  if(!any(v0 == "period"))
    v0 <- c(v0, "year")
  if(any(stringr::str_detect(string = v0, pattern = "bage")))
    v0 <- stringr::str_replace(string = v0, pattern = "bage", "age")
  if(any(stringr::str_detect(string = v0, pattern = "sage")))
    v0 <- stringr::str_replace(string = v0, pattern = "sage", "age")

  v1 <- c(v0, country_code)

  d0 <- tidyr::expand_grid(scenario, indicator, v1) %>%
    dplyr::rename(country_code = 3)

  read_with_progress <- function(f){
    # message(f)
    readr::read_csv(f, col_types = readr::cols(), guess_max = 1e5, progress = FALSE)
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = nrow(d0))
  d0 <- d0 %>%
    dplyr::mutate(u = paste0("http://dataexplorer.wittgensteincentre.org/wcde-data/data-single/",
                             scenario, "/", indicator, "/", country_code, ".csv"),
                  d = purrr::map(.x = u, .f = ~read_with_progress(f = .x))) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(scenario) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(dplyr::bind_cols(d), .groups = "drop_last") %>%

  cc <- which(names(d0) %in% country_code)
  d1 <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data = d0, cols = dplyr::all_of(cc),
                            names_to = "isono", values_to = {{indicator}})

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wcde documentation built on June 7, 2022, 1:11 a.m.