
#' Calculate relative humidity.
#' \code{dewpoint.to.humidity} creates a numeric vector of relative humidity
#'   from numerical vectors of air temperature and dew point temperature.
#' @param dp Numeric vector of dew point temperatures.
#' @param t Numeric vector of air temperatures.
#' @param temperature.metric Character string indicating the temperature
#'    metric of air temperature and dew point temperature. Possible values
#'    are \code{fahrenheit} or \code{celsius}.
#' @details Dew point temperature and temperature must be in the same
#'    metric (i.e., either both in Celsius or both in Fahrenheit). If
#'    necessary, use \code{\link{convert_temperature}} to convert before
#'    using this function.
#' @return A numeric vector of relative humidity (in \%)
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the US National Weather
#'     Service's
#'     \href{http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml}{online heat index calculator}.
#' @author
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu},
#' Roger Peng \email{rdpeng@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' National Weather Service Hydrometeorological Prediction
#'    Center Web Team. Heat Index Calculator. 30 Jan 2015.
#'    \url{http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml}.
#'    Accessed 18 Dec 2015.
#' @seealso \code{\link{humidity.to.dewpoint},
#'    \link{fahrenheit.to.celsius},
#'    \link{celsius.to.fahrenheit}},
#'    \link{convert_temperature}
#' @examples # Calculate relative humidity from air temperature and
#' # dew point temperature.
#' data(lyon)
#' lyon$RH <- dewpoint.to.humidity(t = lyon$TemperatureC,
#'                                 dp = lyon$DewpointC,
#'                                 temperature.metric = 'celsius')
#' lyon
#' @export
dewpoint.to.humidity <-
        function (dp = NA, t = NA,
                  temperature.metric = "fahrenheit")
                if (!(temperature.metric %in% c("celsius", "fahrenheit"))) {
                        stop("The 'temperature.metric' option can onnly by 'celsius' or 'fahrenheit'.")
                if (length(dp) != length(t)) {
                        stop("The vectors for temperature('t') and dewpoint temperature ('dp') must have the same length.")
                if (length(dp[dp > t & !is.na(dp) & !is.na(t)]) > 0) {
                        dp[dp > t] <- NA
                        warning("For some observations, dew point temperature was higher than temperature. Since dew point temperature cannot be higher than air temperature, relative humidty for these observations was set to 'NA'.")
                if (temperature.metric == "fahrenheit") {
                        t <- fahrenheit.to.celsius(t)
                        dp <- fahrenheit.to.celsius(dp)
                beta <- (112 - (0.1 * t) + dp)/(112 + (0.9 * t))
                relative.humidity <- 100 * beta^8

#' Calculate dew point temperature.
#' \code{humidity.to.dewpoint} creates a numeric vector of dew point
#'    temperature from numeric vectors of air temperature and relative
#'    humidity.
#' @param rh Numeric vector of relative humidity (in \%).
#' @param t Numeric vector of air temperatures.
#' @param temperature.metric Character string indicating the temperature
#'    metric of air temperature. Possible values are \code{fahrenheit} or
#'    \code{celsius}.
#' @details Dew point temperature will be calculated in the same metric as
#'    the temperature vector (as specified by the \code{temperature.metric}
#'    option). If you'd like dew point temperature in a different metric,
#'     use the function \code{\link{celsius.to.fahrenheit}} or
#'     \code{\link{fahrenheit.to.celsius}} on the output from this function.
#' @return A numeric vector of dew point temperature, in the same metric
#'    as the temperature vector (as specified by the \code{temperature.metric}
#'    option).
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the US National Weather
#'     Service's
#'     \href{http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml}{online heat index calculator}.
#' @author
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu},
#' Roger Peng \email{rdpeng@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' National Weather Service Hydrometeorological Prediction
#'    Center Web Team. Heat Index Calculator. 30 Jan 2015.
#'    \url{http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml}.
#'    Accessed 18 Dec 2015.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dewpoint.to.humidity},
#'    \link{fahrenheit.to.celsius},
#'    \link{celsius.to.fahrenheit}}
#' @examples # Calculate dew point temperature from relative humidity and
#' # air temperature.
#' data(newhaven)
#' newhaven$DP <- humidity.to.dewpoint(t = newhaven$TemperatureF,
#'                                     rh = newhaven$Relative.Humidity,
#'                                     temperature.metric = 'fahrenheit')
#' newhaven
#' @export
humidity.to.dewpoint <-
        function (rh = NA, t = NA, temperature.metric = "fahrenheit")
                if (!(temperature.metric %in% c("celsius", "fahrenheit"))) {
                        stop("The 'temperature.metric' option can onnly by 'celsius' or 'fahrenheit'.")
                if (length(rh) != length(t)) {
                        stop("The vectors for temperature('t') and relative humidity ('rh') must have the same length.")
                if (length(rh[!is.na(rh) & (rh < 0 | rh > 100)]) > 0) {
                        rh[!is.na(rh) & (rh < 0 | rh > 100)] <- NA
                        warning("For some observations, relative humidity was below 0% or above 100%. Since these values are impossible for relative humidity, dew point temperature for these observations was set to 'NA'.")
                if (temperature.metric == "fahrenheit") {
                        t <- fahrenheit.to.celsius(t)
                dewpoint <- (rh/100)^(1/8) * (112 + (0.9 * t)) - 112 + (0.1 * t)
                if (temperature.metric == "fahrenheit") {
                        dewpoint <- celsius.to.fahrenheit(dewpoint)

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